Check out this drivel by Lea Lane on Huffington Post: Eat Crow? Hell Yes, to Win This Election. The theme: Obots must do what it takes to win over disffected Hillary voters. (The term PUMA is no longer heard in Obotland now that the movement has proven its muscle.) Specifically, Lea instructs her readers that the bots must affect a contrition they do not actually feel.
The writer offers these suggestions to her fellow bots:
Praise HRC. Never mention her flaws. Be gracious and do not bring up her vote for the war, or her "dirty campaign." Do not allude to Bill. Instead, try to find something you can praise with some convictionHer flaws? In politics, as Martin Anderson liked to say, the question is always "Compared to what?" Compared to Obama -- a crooked pol from Chicago who lies incessantly (note contest announcement to your right) -- Hillary is as pure as Athena Parthenos.

I consider Kos and HuffPo to be arms of the Obama campaign. Obama used those conduits to fill the net with the most disgusting lies in recent American campaign history: The "darkened video" smear, the "Bill's a racist" smear, the RFK smear, the outrageous NAFTA smear. Obama said nothing when Keith Olbermann called for Hillary's murder -- and Obama's silence on that score equals approval. The Obots incessantly told all Hillary supporters to get out of the party. Obama rigged the caucus votes and denied revotes in Michigan and Florida. And his vile supporters continue to spew death threats at anyone who won't vote as they command.
"Do not allude to Bill." These Obot fools still act as though Bill Clinton -- the man who gave us eight years of peace and prosperity, the man who turned a sea of red ink black -- is some sort of liability. In their sick alternative reality, they consider Bill Clinton the crazy uncle in the attic who must never be mentioned.
And the Psych-Obots still pretend that Hillary Clinton started the war. Remind me: How did Joe Biden vote on the authorization of military force? Remind me: Did Obama denounce the war during his 2004 DNC speech? (Nope. Look up his speech on You Tube.) Remind me: Did he say anything against the war in any public forum while running for Senate? (No, not in any noticeable way. I've checked.) Remind me: Did Obama support Russ Feingold's pullout measure? (God, I wish that Fiengold had run.)
Lea Lane reminds me of those evangelical Christians who think they can score a conversion by pretending to start a conversation on some other topic. Sorry, Lea. No sale.
Don't try to hide what you are. You're an Obot. Don't think you can sneak up on anyone -- your stench gives away your position. Like all other Obots, you reek of condescension. You swill the stuff, you get high from it, you're addicted to it, you'd get the shakes if you tried to give it up for ten consecutive minutes -- and believe me, we can smell it on your breath.
Oh, and check out this response to Lea's garbage:
I have yet to see a PUMA denounce racism.Every PUMA known to me denounces racism -- real racism, as the term was defined up until a year ago. The Obots have redefined "racism" to mean all opposition to the Lightbringer. When will these fools learn? Whenever they tell Americans "Vote as I tell you to vote or I'll call you a racist," the bots simply create more McCain voters. Emotional blackmail has a way of backfiring.
The Obots want to blame racism for their candidate's unimpressive poll numbers, even though Colin Powell, as I have said repeatedly, could have walked into the Oval Office back in 2000. The bots have a Bush-ian inability to view themselves critically. If they weren't so egomanical, they could see that the problem lies not with bigotry, but with their own psychological issues. They repulsed and insulted the very people they should have wooed. They fell in love with a fantasy Obama who bears no relation to the actual man -- and they react with hatred and fury at anyone who will not share their delusions.
I used to drop by Obot sites to post things they didn't want to hear (I was "trolling")
But as Joe Walsh said, "You can't argue with a sick mind"
All one needs to know about Obots and the Unity Democrats is in Anglachel's Where Shadows Lie.
From the Desk of Ms. Vandal (AKA Bulge Girl and the Student on the Sofa)
I've said once, I'll say it again...
Obama ran a zero-sum game for the Primaries. He has little left other than dirty politics left in his bag 'o tricks. Clinton did not run her campaign as a zero-sum scenario. Which is the sign of a mature politician?
It is quite possible that we were not privy to the dirt politicking that Obama was capable of because of his sheer luck of sliding into his Senatorial seat because of an infamous sex scandal.
I was one of those people, who watched Obama addressed the DNC in 2004. I was amazed - almost hypnotized. He was well-spoken and eloquent. I knew he was someone to watch and that he would attempt a run for the big prize at a future date (for some reason, my mind couldn't wrap around the notion that it would be 2008... was thinking more of 2016).
The man is simply not ready to lead. And if his minions are any indication, the country is not ready to have him lead. I am not opposed to voting for someone who is not a white male (being female myself), just give us someone with the necessary qualifications!
I think the O'bots are simply engaging in mudslinging, name-calling, and character assassination because they KNOW their candidate does not have cohesive (or even rational) stances on any of the issues. And an election should stand on the merits of the issues. Then again, I suppose I live in Fantasyland.
So instead of having the truth or facts to support their positions or candidate, they have the ugliest politics ever devised in a campaign. I pity the person who disallows any other opposing point of view but their own. It is a distortion of what the founding Fathers had in mind when they devised this style of government. It is through the debate that common ground can hopefully be found. The O'bots simply disallow this to happen. Imagine if Obama were to win the election... this would become status quo and then we would have to call the experiment of democracy as over.
For what it's worth, Joe, you have helped me decide not to vote for Obama this November, even though, like yourself, I voted for him in the primary (and like yourself, I wished I had the chance to vote for Edwards at the time, as I did in 2004, his poor judgment re: acknowledging his marital infidelities not withstanding). The central reason I appreciate your point of view on the subject is your history of support for the democratic party, and my history of reading your blog prior to your taking your present anti-Obama stance, and my recognition of your knowledge and perspective which you demonstrated through the years. I agree on your point on Joe Biden and his being for the war before he was against it, to cop a phrase. I also wish that Feingold ran - I think the biggest failure of Democrats in recent years, partly as a result of the Clinton legacy (not placing blame), is a failure to take strong "progressive" stances and to do so un-apologetically, which Feingold does on a regular basis (I have twice had the pleasure of voting for Feingold, whom I consider the best Senator in Congress, and by the way, did you know that in 2004 he had a campaign shirt which simply had "Feingold for Senate 2004" on the front and an image of a human backbone on the rear? Picture & 1000 words indeed).
BUT, I cannot condone your reactionary support of the McCain-Palin ticket as a response to your disenchantment with the Democratic alternative. As a two-time Nader voter who plans to make it three, I have voted purely for what I believe in rather than make a 'tactical' vote for the less-evil option of the moment. While both presidential candidates appear to countenance the essential evils which I oppose, I still feel that Obama is the less of the two evils, and your desire to see McCain/Palin win as a method of teaching the Democratic party a lesson on how to campaign during a primary a bit selfish. If we work from the assumption that Democrats are even SLIGHTLY less militaristic, tax-regressive, antagonistic to universal health-care, Milton Freidmanite economic ideologues (some of which you may dispute), the pure human misery which is the probable result of a McCain/Palin presidency, to me, should invalidate it's potential for support. I know Obama will be largely the same on these matters as McCain, but even a slight abatement of them in the end saves thousands or possibly millions of lives an untold suffering. I am not making an argument for support of Obama - I don't plan to vote for him either - but I am making an argument for NOT supporting McCain as a knee-jerk reaction to your dis-satisfaction with Obama. The enemy of your enemy is not always your friend, in particular once your primary enemy has been vanquished. My philosophy is not to fight for lesser-evils - I prefer to fight for what I believe is right; Fighting for evils, whether lesser or greater, never accomplishes good - it only mitigates or delays the bad.
Apparently they do think we're too dim-witted to find and read plans for deception which they set forth in a public forum like the Puffington Host.
It's far too late for this. Even if they crawled to us and begged forgiveness -- after everything they've done, what PUMA would believe they meant it? All this scheme will accomplish is to buttress our skepticism.
The kind of mania represented by the Obama cult doesn't break all by itself -- it needs something to break it. I hope that after November 5th many of the cultists, having passed through the cleansing fire of electoral defeat, will start to come to their senses and join with us to rebuild the party. Until then, events will continue to run along the fixed track which they, of their own free will, have laid down.
We've got to defeat them- they have no belief in democracy.
Democracy is a use it or lose it proposition. Join the action at:
Judging by most of the comments on Lane's posting, there's not much chance that Obamatardia at large will ever attempt to implement Operation Pretend-We-Get-It.
Several of them even accused Lane of being a closet Clintonite.
These people will never awaken from this frenzied fever dream until after they've lost the election.
Do you know what this reminds me of?
The guy who comes up to you at the party saying, "Hey baby," but you can see -- you can just see -- that if you so much as think about turning him down, "Hey baby" will turn into "Die bitch" faster than you can blink.
You can't fake sincerity, Lea -- and we aging old dried-up biddies who voted Clinton have been around the block enough times that we're just not going to fall for it. We've seen too many players coming up to us going "Hey baby" when we can see the "Die bitch" waiting in their eyes.
FembotsForObama here...
The Obots will never get it. And this quote from Lea just reminds me of how stupid their strategy has been all along "Do not allude to Bill. Instead, try to find something you can praise with some conviction"
Are you bloody kidding me, Lea? If you can't find anything worth praising about Bill Clinton's two terms of office while trying to win over disaffected Dems, then you Obots have proved that you and the Lightbringer just don't deserve to win. Because you aren't really Dems. It's that simple.
Many Liberals don't like Clinton, since he supported GAT which led to NAFTA, the expansion of deregulation, and the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy, but he was able to bring down the deficit into a surplus and created policies that really helped the American people. The Republican Revolution is what caused the rest of the problems -- like the Bankruptcy Reform Bill of 1998 (yes, I know Biden supported/copsonsored it). I wrote to my congresspeople and Biden and Dodd and got responses that they knew what was best for me.
Her comment is akin to what Michelle Obama said about not being able to be proud of her country until now. Like the national response to 9/11 which brought the country (and the world for that matter) into a brief moment of alignment wasn't a good thing. And yes, I do realize that it was Bush who began calling everyone terrorist supporters who didn't support his expansive govtmental powers. But for a time, I felt proud of my country.
The Obots keep showing that they just can't disguise their true colors (whatever they might be, yellow I guess), and reveal a nastiness that has completely turned me off from the Dem Party after 20 years of being a member and working on every bloody campaign. Yes, hoarseface, living in Milwaukee, I remember those hilarious shirts for Feingold. Remember the "Vote for Doyle" akin to "Vote for Pedro" tshirts? I worked on those campaigns.
And hoarseface -- I understand where you are coming from. And want to add that I am voting for principle and the integrity of the Dem Party, which is why sadly I am voting for McCain. The Dem Party has to be taught a lesson. It simply cannot claim to be democratic and representative of the votes of its members if it doesn't allow for real voting. The sham that constituted this year's convention just makes me want to throw up! PUMA and many other Dems had to fight just to get Hillary on the ballot. The first time in Dem party history that this occurred. They skillfully reminded us that in 1932 it took FDR 4 votes to get the nomination. They had to get donations to retire Hillary's debt just so she (and her supporters) could have some voice in the process of the development of the party plaform -- the main reason you go to a convention. I wasn't a big HIllary supporter to begin with, but this forcing the platform to favor Obama supporters is just wrong! Why the hell did we Dems, work our asses off for candidates in the primaries, if the DNC leadership along with heavy pressure on delegates to vote for Obama were determined to select our candidate anyway? And that faux Olympia made me sick. Here we are in a frickin recession atleast and the Dems choose to create a monolith to showcase the selected candidate (do you really think that this helps poor people?) And what was worse, is the complicity of the media (the non-4th estate) to get a particular candidate nominated for a Party (not just the GE)! What the Dems all along should have been focused on was impeachment and ensuring election integrity with paper ballots! Not a frickin show
The Dem Party was set up with Rovian tactics from the get-go and its due to their own stupidity and hubris that they couldn't read the writing on the wall. Once the primaries were posed as "White woman vs. Black man" it was over! The longest social/political war in history (since Blacks were given the right to vote first before Women) was gleefully being thrown into the faces of vulnerable Dems (worn out after 8 years of Bush) and the chance for real policy discussion (badly needed discussion about real issues) was over!!!!
The only people the Dem Party leaders have to blame is themselves!
This is a party that claims to be for the people. Yet, when the financial crisis loomed 3 years ago, only McCain addressed the dangers. When current Dems learned of it, they said they didn't know what to do about it, let's go on vacation. Dems have received more donations as a whole from Fannie and Freddie, with Obama (being the FRESHMAN senator) has received the 2nd most donations. Obama's campaign finance manager, Penny Pritzker, was in charge of a failed Chicago bank, and her family (along with Ernst&Young) was integral in mass marketing subprime lending as a form of securities.
Yes, indeed the Dems need to be shown that give us a real bad candidate like this again, and your reign is over.
I think it is the Dem Party leadership, and Obama (a self-admitted unsuitable for POTUS status) that is being selfish.
And on top of it, those ELITISTS want to call me racist? I live in an integrated neighborhood in a poor area of town. I live with minorities. My family is made of minorities. I'm part Cree Indian. My spouse is solidly blue collar background. And they have the audacity to try to make us feel guilty, and insult us, and lay blame at our feet when it is so clearly their fault.
So what the Dems have shown is that clearly they are NOT the party of blaming everyone else but themselves.
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