Here's a reminder of why so many Democrats have turned against Barack Obama and his filthy mob of "progressives." This interview also reminds me of why I respect Jesse Jackson a lot more than I will ever care for Barack Obama: Only one of those two men stood with poor people, while the other prefers the latte-and-biscotti crowd.
I will never -- EVER -- get over the primary battles of 2008. Although I did not begin as a Hillary supporter, I became one after doing daily battle with the crazed anti-Clinton conspiratorialists. RedDragon62 -- who directed my attention to the above radio interview -- displays other videos which relive the horrors of those days. You really should visit his site.
Ever try to convince a Jew-hater that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is a hoax? There is nothing more frustrating than trying to talk reason into a hard-core conspiracy addict who ascribes illimitable powers to the object of his paranoia. Zealots committed to a position will presume that any counter-evidence is doctored and that any counter-argument originated in a pay-off.
To this day, Kossacks and Ariann-droids still believe that Hillary controls the mainstream media and the tabloids. They still believe that Hillary sent out "racist dogwhistles." They still believe that Hillary, not Obama, is the one who should apologize. Check it out:
If Obama were to lose because of the democrats not beeing united behind his candidacy , many die-hard Obama supporters( and there are many of them right now in the democratic party) won't ever forgive these "so called" Hillary-supporters and I can't see them rooting for Hill ever.
Why doesn't Hillary ever openly chastise these supporters when they advocate for McCain?
Her silence speaks volumes to me.
Those few dead-enders who say they are voting for McCain (sorry to call your friends dead-enders, but there it is) aren't Democrats and were never voting Democrat this November anyway.On Lynn Forester de Rothschild:
Obama is black? That’s just not acceptable at the cuntry club.Note the spelling. Not an accident.
I am sure it is just "uppity" black people that she does not care for.
She seems to like Appalachian racistsThis is actually a dig at Hillary, if you think back to the campaign. It's also an elitist dig at everyone who can't afford to shop at Whole Foods.
A Major Reason I Never Trust Clintons.....Too many of their major backers are anti-worker, corporatist types.Unlike, say, that staunch "man of the people," Tony Rezko. And unlike, say, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and all the other investment bankers who supported Obama -- and yes, they tossed much more money at the Lightbringer than at McCain.
This woman is a freaking corporatist. (which was how she was able to support Hillary)
It's that your racist you ignorant fuck, and there's nothing more "elitist" than thinking you are better than someone based on the color of your skin.These idiotic Kossacks automatically presume that anyone who votes against the Lightbringer must be a racist.This form of "racist baiting" is precisely what has alienated so many potential supporters of the current democratic ticket.
Like a Sneeze Out of a Flu Patient Or maybe more like tapeworm out of a body politic that's finally swallowed an outsider remedy, these infestations of Republicans all the way inside the brain of the Democratic Party will be forced to flee as the Party recovers from the Clintonism that traded a few electoral victories for conversion into Republican Lite.Once again: the prog-monsters consider "Clintonism" the main foe. They don't really care about McCain.
I smell a KO WPITW.Someone decided not to vote for the Lightbringer? Oh my God! Get this to Keith!
Yes, I'll never forget the primary battle. As the saying goes: The past isn't dead -- it isn't even past.
Although Markos Moulitsas removed the Daily Kos diary about Bristol Palin's child being fathered by a black guy, he still keeps this piece of lying filth about Hillary in the public eye, even though it was utterly debunked a long time ago. Try this experiment: Go to Google Images and type in "Hillary" and "" What do you see?
Speaking of the "darkened video" smear, let me show you an image which I just now obtained from Talking Points Memo's front page:

you are right. The racist smears was the tipping point for me also.
Let the Kos Krew Klowns keep it up. As word about their sexist bashing of Palin spreads it will drive the voters to take a good look at Obama and his supporters. And, as the old mot goes, "Familiarity breeds contempt" Another McCain/Palin vote.
Hah! I like that-- Josh the Twinkie is a racist!
I can not believe the stupidity and ignorance that permeates the genetic make up of these crazed Bots!
I once referred to them as "Animals" but I quickly saw the error in that comparison. An animal has more sense then these Troglodytes!
They will never acknowledge the damage they done. They do not realize the "Beast" they unleashed on society.
They saw a way to ruin a legacy.To destroy at all cost. Just as a child pulls the legs off an ant for nothing more than to watch it suffer. this is what they did to the Clinton's!
The irony of it all is that their parents benefitted from most of Clinton's policies! They chewed the hand that fed them.
Do they actually believe that the Democratic Party can ever truly trust "Them"? I doubt it!
Just as the Neo-Cons fell out of favor so will these ""Bots"! Their demise is just around the corner.
Thanks for the Shout Out brother!
What have you got against Whole Foods??? I mean sure they have expensive stuff there, but it's not so bad if you stick to the veggies and fruit-- the actual "whole foods" ...Same with their grains and beans.. the dry bulk stuff that you can take home and sprout for yourself.... if you buy $10 worth sproutables (and some jars the time to rinse them) you can have fresh organic food every day for at least 6 weeks. sure its no farmers market, but really do we have to hate wholepaycheck now too? Just because they have expensive food and chi chi shoppers? do i have to now hate Bill Mckibben? Bucky Fuller? Stuart Brand? Judi Bari?
...can i still buy organic food at Trader Joes? Can I be antibama and vote cynthia mckinney? Or does it have to be offshore drilling, SUVs and baked alaskans now....
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