Friday, August 29, 2008


Gary Kamiya in Salon:
Ironically, McCain may have credulously swallowed the media's over-hyped story about how angry, hysterical PUMAS were so irrationally bitter at Obama that they were prepared to vote for McCain.
Irrational? Obama is a serial liar (NAFTA, FISA, Iraq, campaign finance, Rezko) and a crook. If the PUMA factor is irrelevant, if the PUMAs number in the mere dozens, then why do the progressives keep talking about them? They don't talk about LaRouchies or Greens this obsessively.

The fact is, McCain had (until recently) pulled ahead of Obama -- in a year that has everything going for the Democrats, a year of war and recession and high gas prices. McCain's unlikely level of support has one reason and one reason only: The Obots cared more about kicking the Clintons and their followers out of the party than they cared about winning the general election.

Keep telling yourself that the PUMA factor doesn't matter, Gary. You're whistling in the dark.
But Hillary and Bill Clinton's strong speeches successfully united their party in Denver...
And how does Gary know this? Does he cite poll evidence? How does he know that even one person has switched from PUMA-dom to the Obama cult as a result of Hillary's words?

Gary's approach to political science is akin to Dubya's approach to ecological science: "What I want to be so, is so."
...and few Democratic women seem likely to be drawn away by a pro-life hard-line Christian rightist who wants to drill every inch of her home state for oil.
Who, aside from a severe masochist, would be drawn to a group of abusers? How many times was Hillary called a cunt, a bitch, a Nazi, a killer, a conspirator, a racist? How many "liberals" applauded when Obama gave her the "fuck you" finger -- on two separate occasions? How many times were her supporters told to get out of the party?

Let me repeat: I've never been called a racist in my life until the rise of the Obots. That accusation still floods my inbox every damned day. Do you think that I will ever be so lacking in self-respect as to reward those insult-spewing monsters with my vote? After the shit I've had flung at my face, this life-long Dem will support anyone whose name is not Barack Obama, and I don't care if that person is a Jesusmaniac from Juneau, an atheist from Anchorage, a Satanist from Sitka or a Gnostic from Nome.

Clueless, part 2: Although I can't give you a link (because the link embedded in the emailed announcement sent to me didn't work), it appears that Michael Moore has decided to go after John McCain's claim to be a war hero. I swear, sometimes I think that all the leading lefties must be taking pay-offs from the RNC...

Day-later update: I'm told that there really is a Gnostic society in Nome, Alaska. They hope to change the city's name to Gnome.


The Audio Guild said...

What's the "crook" part about?

Sorry for the question, but the certificate issue was the only thing I'd had any interest in. Just curious.


The Other Elizabeff said...

"Hysterical" and "irrational" PUMAs. Keep it up, so-called liberal media. That's how the Dems are going to lose the election.

John said...

Joe, the finger incident happened at only one event, not two...contrary to claims made by TexasDarlin, Carolyn, and others.

I can prove this beyond any doubt if you like. I provided that proof to Carolyn, but she didn't care about the truth...instead she continued to publish the bogus contention.

Please correct.


Seth Warren said...

I don't know if we are referring to the same thing, but this is why I am currently pissed off at Michael Moore.

Anonymous said...

If the PUMA factor is irrelevant, if the PUMAs number in the mere dozens, then why do the progressives keep talking about them?

Because that's their job.

On the other hand, if the PUMAs don't number in the mere dozens, why is this the only level of visible support that they can muster ?

CognitiveDissonance said...

Personally, I'm going for the Satanist from Schenectady. [snark]

Isn't it amazing how so many of these brainless talking head lice (as another commenter so humorously calls them) are so sure that us PUMA's won't go for Palin - and yet, they've never even bothered to ask us? They've never bothered to visit our blogs to check out what we're saying? And yet, they know exactly what we're thinking. They just know that we're now all unified and voting for their plastic messiah.

If they were to look around the same blogosphere I inhabit, they would find some very delighted people who are cheering at McCain's pick. Whether they vote for him or not, they are certainly considering it. And as close as this election is, it won't take a huge number of defections to win it.

I, for one, am going to relish the absolutely stunned faces of Tweety, Obamaman, et al on November 5th. And the implosion in the Cheeto toilet bowl will be even funnier.

Anonymous said...

Seth: Didn't Michael Moore also say on Countdown, that in a perfect world Hurricaine Gustav would destroy the RNC convention center and everyone in it?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have any idea how sexist it is to reduce the issue of abortion to a question of "life" vs. "choice"? Abortion is an agonizing, individual, life-or-death decision that exacts a toll on every woman forced to even consider it as an option. That a woman can be "pro-life" and "pro-choice" is something that, it seems, only women understand. That's what makes the "lose Roe v. Wade" argument, coming from men, so silly.

Anonymous said...

Calling them "clueless" is an insult to Alicia Silverstone.

Perry Logan said...

The Obots and the mainstream media seem confused about PUMA.

They say we're an insignificant group of dead-enders--and they also say we're a Republican front.

This strongly suggests the Obamites and the mainstream media are stupid.

Anonymous said...

It's not only McCain who has been fooled by that media hype about PUMAs numbering in the millions.

The pollsters have clearly been fooled by it too, with their poll results that keep persistently showing about half of Clinton's supporters (and growing) unwilling to back Obama.

In November we'll see that even the voting booths themselves have been fooled by media hype, as the election returns show PUMA votes denying Obama every single swing state in the country.

Wow, it's amazing what lengths that media hype will go to in order to hide the new political discovery, well known to all right-thinking Obots, that insults and scorn and vulgarity are the most effective way to win over fence-sitting voters!

Anonymous said...

You say you expect a quick impeachment if Obama wins. Surely a withdrawal before the election is also a possibility? A September or October surprise, perhaps?

In which case, who enters the race? Clinton? Bloomberg? The result of an Obama pullout might well be something other than a McCain versus Biden race.

This makes me wonder whether the PUMAs have any big donors. And it's interesting that some of their supposed opponents keep talking them up. What's that all about? Propaganda 101 would suggest it was better not to give them the oxygen of publicity, surely?

What's the last date that a candidate can enter the presidential race? (Excuse my ignorance; I'm from England).


Anonymous said...

Did Michael Moore really say that? If so that is wrong on so many levels. I've always thought that the ideas espoused by the Democratic party were good for the country. Universal health care, welfare, state funded education including primary, secondary and post-secondary education, a strong military, etc. However, I never once equated the more socialistic approaches the Democrats espoused with criminals such as Che Guerva, Castro, Lenin, Pol Pot, Stalin and all the other butchers until recently.

Apparently extreme leftists, quite the same as extreme rightists, are not really interested in actually helping their fellow citizens to make their lives better but are about control and always being right. How else can you explain Moore's positions, his documentaries? How else can you explain the complete hatred for the Clintons? Really, Moore made a documentary where he had the audacity to praise a militant regime that regularly executes people without so much as a real trial while dismissing his own country as blatantly evil.

I don't know what to think about these people but I do know that hating your fellow Americans for disagreeing with you is completely counter to the principles that this country was founded upon. I don't think any of these "leftists" are good Americans anymore.

I used to like and respect Moore, the DNC, Pelosi, Reid, the Kennedy's and more. Now, I pity them because they don't understand this country at all and they damned sure don't understand the people that make up this great nation.

We have a wonderful nation, and it is wonderful all you Obots, because the people are energetic tireless workers, who strive to not only excel for themselves but for their kids, their grandkids, and on down the line. It is a country where a person can pretty much be anyone they want to be and where a person can do pretty much anything they want within reason. If a person is willing to chase their dreams there pretty much isn't much downside to this country. The main one is that we have at least two factions in this country who are intolerant of the others views.

Anonymous said...

I too have been called a racist many times over by Obamabrats..and the "c" word..which i had sincerely not heard used since the mid 1960' distaste for these people have now made it impossible for me to vote for anyone in my party. Oh and i was not a Hillary supporter until the end of the campaign. I became one because of the people who called me a racist and the "c" words..see i am married to a double minority..and have double minority children..but these obamaidiots wouldn't know who they are calling these names now..would they?????? They don't know that I have spent a liftime taking minority children into my home from inner cities and helped those children 1. get out of abusive homes, 2.given them love and a full stomach, clean beds and safety 3. get an education 4. get scholarships into universities..all over the country. Because these obamaidiots are nothing but cult followers with little to no intelligence, that have no background of US History..nor have they ever served anything but their own grand illusions...and their own selfish,spoiled, obnoxious behavior.

I was at first going to just sit out this election, but after the way so many women have been treated , myself included, i know i must vote and i must vote to see to it the democratic party is brought to it's knees, and everyone who is involved in destroying the party of JFK and FDR never holds position in this party ever again..and the only way that will happen is to vote for McCain. -I have never ever voted for a republican in my entire life, but this November..i will give a gift to my country and vote for those who think they have power in the dem party are run so far out of this party..they will have to hide in shame.
As FDR said,

Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Hopefully when we adults get done with the dem party in November..the party that emerges, after we take them to their knees and remove the nasty, spiteful "new democrats"..will be better than the undemocratic party that sits in those seats right now!

Anonymous said...

Now now Cinie, don't get all hysterical on us. Wouldn't want that. Wouldn't want to have your uterus cut out because of how uppity you sound ... cut out because of 'female problems' would you now?

I know Jen and Joe have yet to see how degrading and CONSTANT The use of the H-word is (especially when talking about the PUMAs or Hillary) ..and of course it's not like the "Hysterical" of days of yor are still on us, just because over 500,000 women get hysterectomies a year to treat benign symptoms (the other 100K are cancer), it's not like that word gets brandied about or anything... and hey, once your ovaries are cut out you;ll feel better, sleep more, have less desire for sex, and less testosterone in general, so you will stop fighting, know your place, and stay barefoot in the kitchen, where you belong.

Joe you are a savvy etymologist, don't you guys see the trend here?

LAMusing said...

I find it interesting that OBAMABOTS are attacking Palin on three things:

1. Not enough experience. (compared to BO? hahahhaha)

2. Her religious views
(compared to BO? hahhahaha)

3. sexist misogynistic name calling
(yeah - that made me love the Dems when they did it to Clinton, so sure try it again)

I am THRILLED with Mac’s choice! The BOts have been dragging the roe v Wade threat out for months. Not working. I won’t be threatened. I won’t be bullied. I won’t be held hostage.

McCain/Palin 2008!

Anonymous said...

Since you'll vote for ANYONE who's not Barack, can we count on you to support Cynthia McKinney? As a liberal and a woman she's damn close to your ideal of Hillary. Unless there's some "other" reason you wouldn't vote for her...