Saturday, August 30, 2008

"Let's give her a round of applause anyway..."

History will be unkind to Obama's campaign, because I intend to write it. If ever I do write a book about this atrocity, one chapter will bear this title:

"Gloria wanted to speak, but -- she's not. Let's give her a round of applause anyway."

You cannot appreciate those words without a little background. California, as you know, went for Hillary in the primaries. (No thanks to me, alas.) Nevertheless, the head of the California Democratic Party was a staunch Obama supporter named Art Torres, who has functioned with honor in various state offices since 1974.

Gloria Allred, the notoriously feisty feminist attorney, was a member of the California delegation. She supports Hillary, of course. And she was ticked off, as only Allred can get ticked off, when she learned that the O-Team was too chickenshit to allow a proper roll-call vote. She didn't want Torres to shout "pass" when California was called. And she did not want any phony-baloney "votes by acclamation."

So Gloria Allred shows up at the Tuesday breakfast meeting of the California Delegation, hoping to convince the delegates not to go along with The Plan. That's when Torres wowed the crowd with his instantly-infamous words -- words which may be the only thing people recall about Art Torres after he has passed this mortal coil:

"Gloria wanted to speak, but -- she's not. Let's give her a round of applause anyway."

He said that to Gloria freaking Allred. If he had tried to pat her head or ass, he might have lost his hand.

She gagged herself with a red bandanna as a protest.

Unity? I think not. Why unite with those who offer only insult and condescension?


LAMusing said...

disgusting sexist behavior. PUMA!

CognitiveDissonance said...

Joseph, I hope you do write a book about this. Democrats should NEVER be allowed to forget what happened this year.

orionATL said...


that is a great first line, a great lead-in. just great. fun to read over and over again.


tetedur said...

No no no, it's not just about Democrats not being allowed to forget. Let's also make sure that the son of a bitches who've not only allowed this to take place, but provided encouragement, are not be allowed to slither off un-noticed. Please write the book.

purplefinn said...

Excellent post. Short but powerful. I'm sure you would write a great book!

Anonymous said...

I knew there was a reason I liked Gloria. Gutsy woman.


Gloria, obviously, is not a Valley Girl or she would have used a friend and a spoon.