Sunday, July 05, 2020

Trump will win. And the world is doomed.

I'll have a lot more to say about the Epstein case very soon. My eyes have been opened to a lot of new material. You're probably like the average person: You've read a few articles and you watched that (deceptive) Netflix documentary, and now you smugly presume yourself to be ever-so-hip.

Folks, you've got to dig deeper than that. If you don't, you won't comprehend what's about to hit us.

Right now, I need to rant about some other things. Related things.

The Democratic party will soon experience the greatest backlash in history. Loudmouths claiming to speak for the left have saddled the party with an ineradciable image problem: Dems are now seen as the party of mob violence.

Dems don't just want to see Confederate statues removed in an orderly fashion: They want to blow up Mount Rushmore. Dems are now portrayed as the party that wants police eradicated in communities most beset by violence. Dems are now portrayed as a party that views white people in terms so disdainful that even Elijah Muhammed would have said "Now you're going too far."

The Dems are now literally the party that wants Black capitalized and white in lower-case letters. The Dems are now the party that has no problem with a Black college professor who openly announces "I hate white people." At the same time, Dems are seen as the party that wants all white males to live in fear that seemingly-innocent words might be construed as "micro-aggressions" against blacks -- sorry: Blacks -- and women. Insanely, Dems have decided to insult all white women with the term "Karen" -- even though white women are a group which Biden needs.

The Washington Post even published an article which denounced the American Revolution itself, on the grounds that everything done by white people is evil.

There's no way the Democrats can win an election if they keep this shit up. Polls may look great now, but the backlash will come. And when it comes, liberals will wail a predictable wail: "See? It proves that white people are all racists." No. The backlash will prove that the majority of people in this country will not vote for a party that hates them.

I know full well that anyone who has ever attended a liberal arts college can come up with a rationalization for blowing up Mount Rushmore and destroying statues of Columbus and Lincoln and erasing Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson from the history books. Hell, I could write such an essay myself, purely as an intellectual exercise. I could stuff it full of impressive polysyllables. I can cite the trendiest intersectionalists. It would be one hell of an essay.

But so what? An election is not a college debating society.

As I keep saying: Democracy is a popularity contest. The slogan "HATE YOURSELF, WHITE MAN!" is not popular and never will be. (Not even, I suspect, with most black people and most women.)

We're gonna lose, and we're gonna lose big. Every hour of every day, I hear "progressives" saying words that Putin's script-writers might have come up with. (Someone should research that angle. The Russian troll farms must be powering the Asshole Left.)

I look at headlines like this...
Strongmen rush to remake the world order as Trump faces potential election defeat
...and I sneer. How can Trump lose when the left is doing everything it can to alienate voters? I fully expect the most corrupt individual in the history of American politics to remain in office for at least another four years.
This past week, in a referendum on constitutional revisions so predictable that copies were on sale before the vote, Putin has effectively been made President for life, as Xi has moved equally ruthlessly, taking control of Hong Kong through a new national security law, while telling US allies Canada, Australia and the UK to keep out of China's internal affairs.
The ascent of tyranny should not be seen as evidence of Trump's imminent defeat. The authoritarians are not preparing for a post-Trump world. They are preparing for a New Dark Age, and they know that Trump will continue to play a key role.

Gary Kasparov has a better understanding of what's going on:
I watched as Putin destroyed our fragile democracy by focusing only on his own power and wealth while mouthing nationalist rhetoric and attacking the free press. Now I'm watching Trump use many of the same techniques to chip away at democracy in my new home, although I cannot complain of exile when some of my Russian colleagues have been jailed or killed.

But Trump has yet to do his worst, a prediction I make with confidence not because I know what he will do, but because I know what such people are capable of.

Russian democracy is a farce, and Putin would like nothing more than to inflict the same fate on the American version. In this he has a partner in Trump...
I would say that Putin's most effective partners are this country's progressives.

The American left has been overtaken by a form of religious mania -- a sick philosophy called postmodernism. This movement is explicitly anti-Enlightenment -- anti-science, anti-logic, anti-democracy, anti-free speech. ("Modernism" in this context refers to the Enlightenment.)

In universities across this country, the proponents of this evil philosophy constantly pound home one theme: "RACE IS ALL."

Essentially, postmodernism is a form of fascism. Fascism and postmodernism are united in their disdain for the Enlightenment, in their hatred of democracy, and in their emphasis on race. Both the fascist and the postmodernist want all the world's real estate to be divided by genetics. Adolf Hitler was the ultimate proponent of Identity politics.

Students subjected to the po-mo mind-laundry are taught to see the world in race-vision. As a result, black people and white people can no longer have a normal conversation about sports or TV shows or anything else, because everyone must always be conscious of RACE RACE RACE.

In this repulsive weltanschauung, a colorblind attitude is reviled and all talk of equality is verboten. A moral hierarchy exists: White males are at the bottom of it and must continually be reminded of their inferior status. Being inherently evil, white males are tolerable only to the extent that they wallow in self-abnegation.

Anyone who understands human psychology can guess the obvious outcome. If you are trapped in a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" situation, you will probably choose do. If you're gonna go to Hell anyway, you might as well commit the worst sins imaginable.

White males -- even the ones attending the po-mo brainwashing mills -- will soon reach a snapping point. They will refuse to obey the incessant commands to despise themselves, their history, their religion, their culture, and the nation in which they live. White male students are beginning to understand that no apology, however humiliating, will suffice to please a college professor who brazenly and unabashedly judges people by skin color and penis-ownership.

After being constantly told that every white male is a born Nazi, young white males will segue into their assigned role.

They'll start reading weird websites about runes. They'll give their firstborn sons names like Thorvald Blood-Axe. They'll rediscover vile authors like Julius Evola and Eustace Mullins and Nesta Webster. And then they will start to make elaborate plans about what a post-separation American will look like.

Progressives -- not the Alt Right -- will be responsible for the coming Boogaloo.

Come to think of it, why am I using the future tense? "Po-mo fascism" (if I may be forgiven that coinage) is a toxic sludge which has alrady seeped into the foundations of our society.

I can't prove that this hopeless situation was aided or engineered by outsiders who want to see this nation devolve into Civil War and authoritarianism. But in my gut, I know it to be true.

(More about the Epstein case soon. Believe me: You only think you know what's what. I've learned things most of you smirking know-it-alls could never imagine.)


Alessandro Machi said...

I credit Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi if Donald Trump wins again. Hillary Clinton for refusing to admit she lost because she smirked when Facebook came calling to show her people how to do politically targeted ads down to the street level while Trump embraced Facebook personnel 2 or 3 times a week.

I blame Nancy Pelosi for not letting Trump have his wall and in exchange getting other things she cared about such as DACA and Obamacare.

Trump may be doing things the wrong way with other world leaders, but once Pelosi shut him down, Trump basically went where he could still make deals.

gadfly said...

Funny thing is that no known Americans alive today have owned slaves nor are they acquainted with former slaves. I would think that these positive conditions would favorably and soundly influence current and future social actions.

Once past the slavery aspect claimed by racists of all skin color shades, perhaps we can honestly discuss what brings on dislikes labeled as racism. Methinks thinks that blame must go to the green-eyed monster.

Why do we find jealousy so painful to admit to? And is envy really a more deadly sin?

Anonymous said...

Nixon was elected President twice because of the self-destructive acts of the far left. Granted he was better than Trump. But yes, the violence and racism and over-reaching by the far left will appall many moderate Americans. They may vote for Trump or stay home.

We should remember that about 360,222(or more, as estimates may have been low) Union soldiers, mostly white men, gave their lives to end slavery. Of course, that was just the beginning of addressing the problem, but it was a heck of a down payment.

Ivory Bill Woodpecker said...

Another cis-het white male American here.

I don't feel threatened by this "post-modernism", or by women as such, or by African-Americans as such.

I still don't comprehend why you do, or why you attach such world-shaking significance to a handful of cranks in the obscure bowels of academia (Assuming you have interpreted their works correctly).

As for the Great Scandal Revelation that will install the Thousand-Year Reich, Take 2--I got two words for you: Tara Reade.

This is not 1968, or even 1988.

OK, I'll turn off the snark now. Mr. Cannon, have you considered seeking professional mental health counseling, or will our Haruhi-damned for-profit health care system not allow you to do that?

Joseph Cannon said...

Ivory Bill, you are an idiot. Get out of here. I never said I felt threatened by any of those things. If that is how you read my words, you don't know how to read. I do not feel threatened by blacks and by women. I feel that the nation is threatened by people -- both left and right -- who want disunity and civil war.

Helen Pluckrose makes my points far better than I could, but I'm pretty sure you'd find some way to misinterpret HER as well. The "cranks" to which you refer control the current dialogue. For god's sake, you STILL can't see that...? Even after the Washington Post published a piece attacking the foundation of this nation? Even after Jamelle Bouie (as entitled and privileged a writer as I've ever seen) published an absolutely insane piece claiming that the slaves freed themselves, and that the Union Army had nothing to do with it?

Assholes like you are the reason why Civil War II is coming. NOTHING will wake you up.

Joseph Cannon said...

By the way: You were doubly foolish for mentioning Tara Reade. Her smear will gain new life after Ghislaine Maxwell points the finger at Biden.

It's going to be a rout.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem whatsoever with destroying statues of racists figures, but I wonder why Germans kept symbols of Nazis atrocities and even have them open for tourists? Is because history has away of repeating itself if not learned?
To some elements in the left destroying America is the goal. After that I don't think they have any plans. Remember that famous interview Sanders made when asked what after destroying banks and all that, his answer was I haven't thought about it yet. That should tell you all you need to know about them.

nocturne said...

The new trend among America's "woke" liberals is to denigrate the American Revolution. Oddly enough, actual socialists regard the American Revolution as a great event worth celebrating. Compare the articles you'll find at the World Socialist Web Site, a thoughtful website run by real socialists (the kind who read books), with the drivel shoveled out by Jacobin, a hipster Stalinist magazine that regularly runs vile denunciations of Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, the Founding Fathers, and anyone else whose name isn't "Bernie Sanders." Karl Marx regarded the Civil War as a noble war against slavery and Abraham Lincoln as a great hero of the working class. It's only the empty-headed "woke" types who dismiss Lincoln as a racist and insist (ludicrously) that the Union Army had nothing to do with the abolition of slavery.

b said...

Simon and Schuster have published the blurb on the back of Mary Trump's book.

Her uncle Donald is trying to stop publication. There's a court hearing on Friday.

What was this "illness" of Trump's mother, Mary Anne Macleod, the former maid of Andrew Carnegie's widow Louise Whitfield Carnegie who was snapped up by Jack Christ Trump as his wife? I can make an educated guess as to at least two features of her illness.

There is a major weakness here in the Donald Trump phenomenon - perhaps THE major weakness that will finally bring the man to his nemesis.

b said...

@Nocturne - You make a big jump from the "Revolution" to victory against slavery almost a century later in a civil war in which it was obvious which side socialists should support. Who are the socialists who celebrate the slaveowners' establishment of their own regime in part of North America in the 18th century? There was no US Robespierre or Babeuf. For all the freemasonic imagery the "Revolution" was very different in its complexion from the bourgeois and sans culottes' revolution in France which had as one of its major symbols the Phrygian cap worn in antiquity by freed slaves. I am not in the slightest bit positive about the recognition of the rights of private property, but the French revolutionaries deserve praise for the fact that they did NOT recognise the right to own slaves and in fact they abolished slavery. Some time around 1796, parliamentary deputies in Paris cheered the arrival of black deputies from Haiti as their colleagues in the national assembly in Paris. Nothing like that happened in the US, where in some parts of the country many black people born in the country itself were kept away from polling booths until, what was it, the 1960s?

"Freedom" means different things to different people, but whoever believes that freedom and slavery are other than complete opposites is living in Loonyville.

daniel viborg said...

There truly is no reasoning with the unreasonable amirite.