Sunday, December 06, 2009

An honorable prisoner

I learned of this story by way of a reader at the Confluence. A man named Walt Stanton has been convicted of littering because, as a humanitarian gesture, he left jugs of water in the desert for illegal immigrants. He was sentenced to 25 days in prison.

I don't favor illegal immigration. But to put a man in prison because he gave water to those who thirst...


Perry Logan said...

When people start kvetching about illegal immigration, I ask them the following question:

If the tables turned, and you had to sneak into Mexico to feed your family, would you do it, or would you let your family go hungry because you respect Mexico's immigration laws so much?

Tina Tequila said...

Between January and August of 2008 I had some illegals living next to me. They went to work everyday. They were quiet. They didn't store half built autos on their lot,like our current neighbors do. There was no blue tarp covering their junk, like the current neighbors have. They kept the yard clean. I presume the house was too since I always saw their mama cleaning,cleaning,cleaning. When the jobs dried up,they moved to CO.
I wish they were back and the Americans living next to me were elsewhere.

Hoarseface said...

I wonder if the cop who arrested him, the prosecutor who ran with the case and the judge who sentenced him... all consider themselves Christians?

Roberta said...

Let’s all go litter Tucson with flyers displaying the parable of The Good Samaritan.

Sophie Whiskers said...

Thanks, Mr. Cannon. I just blogged about this atrocity. For a No Tail, you sure are perceptive.