Thursday, December 11, 2008


I still occasionally hear from readers who think that Gary Webb, the journalist who lost his job because he dared to write about CIA-contra drug running, was murdered. Robert Parry, who knew Webb well, sets the record straight. He also has some important observations about "progressives."


Anonymous said...

The way I see it, Webb's death by suicide was constructively the result of a political assassination that ruined his professional life.

Yes, he apparently pulled the trigger on himself. That was after his professional life had already been gunned down, if you will, by the powers that be who had much to hide that Webb was revealing.


Anonymous said...

Wow- good one on Perry calling out folks who push the message but don't back it up with any real support.
As they say...put your money where your mouth is!
Everyone conveniently cries foul to MSM, but somehow they still subscribe to cable tv-and buy NY Times (etc) every Sunday-but do they ever pitch in to the folks taking the real risks. Do they buy the books, donate? 9 times out of 10 the answer is no.
I do my best to put my money where my mouth is, and I hope in these trying times, folks will recognize that this is ever more critical than ever. k

Anonymous said...

Webb then took out his father’s pistol and shot himself in the head. The first shot was not lethal, so he fired once more.

I can see it all right now. The concussion of that first shot was inconsequential and he was sort of non plussed, so he simply dd it again? What a heroic act indeed and nearly impossible to believe so why do you? Is it because you have no "support" from the "progressive" community?
Has it ever occurred to you that you are "regressive"? If not, let me be the first to educate and inform. You are such a nobody in the forward looking population that you will go down, down down, as a footnote within a footnote within a toenote. And a filthy toe at that so "get over it!

And he "typed" a letter to his x wife and kids. Not!
What a real caring person would do who is about to remove himself permanently from all contact with the living and loved ones is handwrite his last words.
If you or Robert Perry are that blind, and believe the lies about Gary's murder, then you also have the same opinion about Casalero, right? then the rest of your dubious opinions and observations about current events are dead as a door nail or a coffin nail in a pine box.

Joseph Cannon said...

Normally I don't print the hate mail, but I decided to allow Mr. or Ms Anonymous Coward to have his or her say here so I could do a little schooling.

Ask a cop. Do some checking. A surprising number of self-inflicted head wounds are NOT immediately fatal -- and yes, a second shot does occur, not often, but not-infrequently. You act as though the case in unprecedented; it isn't.

Some years ago, my ex- had a good friend who was, I am sorry to report, ear-witness to such a tragedy. This lady listened on the the telephone while her husband (in another city) shot himself in the head. He was a troubled man who had failed in business. I still recall the funeral well.

In that case, there was not a second shot. But I can assure you -- having heard the facts of the matter directly from one who knows -- that death was gruesomely far from instantaneous, even as the wife heard a sound very much like that made by a water faucet.

In a study here, 6.1% of gunshot-to-the-head suicides had multiple entries and exits:

There have even been cases of people who have shot themselves in the head twice using the same livestock stunners seen in "No Country for Old Men."

It sickens me that an idiot like you claims to be an expert on the Webb case, as though YOUR word should overrule that of the Webb family or of his colleagues. The man was known to be suicidal. That is the fact of the matter, whether or not you choose to believe it.

I have no idea as to my own importance in the grand scheme of things. At this point I don't much care. Every one of my critics seems to be under the impression that I am reaching for glory, and I keep telling them the truth of the matter: I discourage links to this site, I turn down offers to write for pay, I turn down offers to appear on the radio, and I turn down offers to lecture. If I were desperate to have a huge impact on society, my attitude toward such things would be very different.

But I do know this.

Anonymous cowards truly ARE insignificant. When YOU die, absolutely no-one will notice your passing you outside the circle of those who have personally met you. And probably damn few of THEM will mourn you.

Caro said...

Parry describes in this article what basically constituted a war by denizens of the mainstream media to keep the truth about Iran/Contra buried.

I had to write to him to remind him that he and other so-called progressives have mounted exactly the same kind of war to suppress any unflattering truth about Obama.

Carolyn Kay

Anonymous said...

Where's my comment? Did it go missing or was it judged not worthy?
Robert Parry's a fake and that's not 'conspiracy talk.' It's noting his selective listing of who did Webb wrong in the press. David Corn is never called out by Parry despite the fact that when Webb died, Corn was under so much pressure he offered that "I didn't kill Gary Webb!" post that was so like Lady McBeth trying to wipe away the blood.
I didn't comment on Webb's death and know nothing of it.
So if my comment was judged unworthy, I find that surprising.