Thursday, December 11, 2008

The true enemy

In the wake of the Blagojevich scandal, with all the Obots trying to pretend that Obi has never had anything to do with Blago (yeah, right), Camille Paglia has decided to re-focus attention on the true enemy: Hillary Clinton.
Aside from being a mediocre senator (who, contrary to press reports, did very little for upstate New York), Hillary has a poor track record as both a negotiator and a manager. And of course both Clintons constantly view the world through the milky lens of their own self-interest.
Given Obama's elaborate deference to the Clintons, beginning with his over-accommodation of them at the Democratic convention in August, a nagging question has floated around the Web: What do the Clintons have on him?
The Clintons are the cleanest politicians to get in or near the White House during the past half-century, and yet creeps like Paglia still try to paint them as conspiratorial powerhouses.


Anonymous said...

“The Clintons are the cleanest politicians to get in or near the White House during the past half-century…..”

Ah, but Joseph you forget that being hicks from Arkansas and the dirty blue dress trumps all. Nothing else matters to such narrow minded elitists.

bert in Ohio

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Carter? People had various reasons for not liking him, but I don't remember any corruption allegations against him. Also just squeaking in under the half century mark is Dwight Eisenhower, who was alleged to be somewhat of a communist by certain political opportunists (a badge of honor in retrospect, I dare say), but, again, I know of no allegations of corruption against him (his VP is another matter altogether).

Alessandro Machi said...

Camille Paglia and Arianna Huffington were pitched as commentators for a proposed show back in 1997 called "Beat the Press".

Arianna was very concerned back then that nobody was keeping an eye on the media, and that she and Camille could do it!

Maybe Arianna Huffington runs some kind of lecture circuit called "pummeling the Clintons, the sure way to get your name in the news".

Joseph Cannon said...

Actually, I said "a half century" because it sounded good, and thus hadn't really thought about Ike. I like Ike and know of nothing against him personally, other than a couple of alleged affairs. (One was with Barbara Bush's mother -- that part of my most notorious post was true.) But the CIA went freakin' NUTS in his time.

Carter gave us Brzezinski, always something of a bete noir with me.

madamab said...

Heh. I predicted the Clinton redirection yesterday on The Confluence.

Obots are nothing if not predictable.

Anonymous said...

Yes when all else fails and your arguments sound weak at best resurect CLinton Hate. What a bunch of hoooey!

The clintons did more for the people of this country than their haters ever will. Simple fact.

I have never understood the hate for them. You can only attribute it to snobbery really. I guess they weren't "Washington" enough. Unwashed masses and all that.


Anonymous said...

Whenever Paglia says something exceptionally stupid and offensive I bring out one of my favorite Molly Ivins quotes (cuz she said it best):

"There is one area in which I think Paglia and I would agree that politically correct feminism has produced a noticeable inequity. Nowadays, when a woman behaves in a hysterical and disagreeable fashion, we say, "Poor dear, it's probably PMS." Whereas, if a man behaves in a hysterical and disagreeable fashion, we say, "What an asshole." Let me leap to correct this unfairness by saying of Paglia, Sheesh, what an asshole."

Anonymous said...

paglia is hopelessly vile and violent. why give her any attention at all? she thrives on being ignorant and despicable and feeds off the notoriety.

winsun in WA

DarkGravity said...

I smell a set up.

Anonymous said...

What's so funny about this is "what do they have on him?"

SO. Is she saying The Precious has nasty stuff he can be blackmailed with?


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Joseph, and thank you myiq2Xu for the fabulous Molly Ivins quote!

In addition to the "they are just hicks" factor, as I have commented elsewhere, I think part of the reason the Villagers hate the Clintons is that the Clintons, like Al Gore, are both very, very smart. (Hard working, too, now that I think of it.)
The Villagers - not so much. They feel stupid in comparison and they do not like the feeling.
They do not seem to have progressed much past high school.