Thursday, December 11, 2008

More "progressive" codswallop

Thom Hartmann of Air America Radio continues to push the official "fall back" position on the JFK assassination -- that tired old "Mob diddit" horseshit. And, of course, Buzzflash pushes Hartmann. Why the disinfo? Because (as noted in a previous post) John Newman has solved the case.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you like Hartmann's work on Thomas Jefferson?

I used to go to Buzzflash, so was an admirer of Hartmann, and Karlin, before they toked the Hopium.

I haven't been there in ages, but I had to peek at what Mark Obamafluffer Karlin had to say about the Blago arrest, and he was bragging he'd ben predicting it for ages, and of course, on how it in no way tarnishes the Precious.