Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rogering Hillary

Under-50s, let me run a name past you. William Rogers. Do you recognize that name?

No, he wasn't the guy in the sweater who did that show for kids. He was President Nixon's Secretary of State. Don't feel bad about not knowing who he was. By 1971, a lot of people had sorta kinda forgotten all about William Rogers.

All right, let me mention another Nixon-era name: Henry Kissinger.

Ah. I note a glimmer of recognition.
With Nixon’s approval, Kissinger concentrated foreign policy-making power within the White House under the National Security Council, circumventing the established foreign affairs bureaucracy and effectively curtailing the authority of Secretary of State William Rogers.
I think I need not say much more. Despite the pronouncement in the Grauniad, Hillary still has not taken the job. It's not too late to avoid an obvious trap.


Anonymous said...

OT - Gwen Ifill, the PBS personality who masquerades as a journalist, provided me with the best laugh of the day. During an interview, she stated that the vetting process of the incoming administration involved a team of lawyers who will try to duplicate the "success" of the Reagan transition and avoid "the pitfalls" of the "chaotic" transition of the first Clinton administration. According to Infill, the Obama transition team wants to avoid pitfalls like the nanny "scandals" and so the team will ask questions like, "Do you have a son who, once maybe, ever got pulled over on a DUI?" and "Do you ever have any history of conflicts of interest?" This intense vetting will be done so that the "no drama Obama campaign can continue into its first hundred days with their reputation intact". Apparently the question, "Are you considered to be the mother of the subprime mortgage?" went unasked when vetting Penny Pritzker.

Ifill then stated in response to a question that the Democrats would like to get 60 Democratic senators because they think that "60 is one of those magical Holy Grail numbers where they get two-thirds of the vote". She then repeats how this "two-thirds majority" can't be counted on when voting on "controversial issues" like stem cell research. Aside from being math-impaired, Ifill apparently doesn't know that 17 Republican senators voted for the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007.

old dem

Anonymous said...

Oops, Pritzker is denying that she was ever considered for Secretary of Commerce. Maybe that's true.

old dem

Anonymous said...

You named a Nixon era guy that no one remembers, and you are making that out to be a bad reason for Hillary taking the job?


jenmarie said...

I don't know why Hillary would trust the precious to have her best interest at heart. She is very aware of what he did to "win" the primaries and I can't imagine she would think he had a change of heart regarding her. Stay far, far away, Hillary!!

Joseph Cannon said...

Anon 6:25 -- the reference goes to the reason WHY no-one remembers William Rogers, and why he was kind of a joke even at the time. Read the quoted bit again.

Geez, do I have to make EVERYTHING obvious?

Anonymous said...

Re: Anon @ 6:25

You've heard of Mr. Obvious? That was his cousin, Mr. Oblivious

Anonymous said...

Do you want to be remembered as Nixon's right hand, or not remembered for much at all?

Portraying Rogers situation as a bad one is beyond amusing to me. Would you prefer Hillary be a Kissinger that has no shot at ever being liked or elected?

But back on the political front:
If obama's doing great, and she doesn't feel like she's getting enough credit, then she can quit and run for governor of New York or something. She isn't tied to Obama, she's still her own entity.

And if Obama is doing bad, she reserves that same right.

Win-Win for her.

OTE admin said...

It appears Clinton has accepted the job. I take a different view. Anything that pisses off the nutroots is okay with me.