Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mr. 51

According to Gender Analyzer, there's only a 51% chance that this blog is written by a male. By contrast, riverdaughter's Confluence conveys an 82% male vibe. Hmm. Maybe I should offer a frame-by-frame analysis of the Jennifer Connelly's roller-skating scene in Career Opportunities...


Anonymous said...

You should.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Please do so.

Joseph Cannon said...

Uh...Jen? Nibbles? IF I do it, will you ever forgive me?

Perry Logan said...

Cool...but they always seem to guess male.

I've entered the websites of several women bloggers, but the site always thinks the writer was a guy. I wonder what the criteria for scoring are.

Joseph Cannon said...

Yeah, EVERYONE is male according to that site. Mine is the least male score I've seen so far. 51%. Versus riverdaughter's 82% That's really starting to bug me.

C'mon. I'm ornery, pig-headed, lecherous, insulting, opinionated -- and utterly unashamed when it comes to scratching my balls in public. What ELSE do I have to prove maleness?

Anonymous said...

They said my blog was male too. 71% guess they ddn't take into account the name CaffineQueens Blog, or maybe it's because we've all been blogging about plitics and they don't thnk females can wrap their widdle brains around such hard subjects.

either way they are not very accurate from what I've seen.


Joseph Cannon said...

You got 71 percent? And I get a lousy 51%? What do I have to do to prove I'm male -- impregnate somebody? Shoot a bear? Impregnate somebody while shooting a bear?

Did ANYONE else get a score below 60%?

OTE admin said...

That's nothing. I scored 93 percent male, probably because of all the bad language I use.

Anonymous said...

Rebecca Winters wrote about that "measure" as well and everyone she tried came out male except Delilah Boyd.

I think it has to do with what the 'analyzers' decided was male and female and it also changes for some people from day to day. I just ran you and you still come back 51%.

Anonymous said...

Joseph we know you're a male don't hurt yourself trying any of those methods. screw 'em! no prof needed faras 'm cncerned.

Susan you have a point there about bad language. I use a fair amount myself when the situation calls for it!


Anonymous said...

"Did ANYONE else get a score below 60%?"

I know I'm not supposed to comment here anymore; nevertheless, I scored 57% Written By A Women, which is pretty funny considering how geeky it is.

Perry Logan said...

This just in: the gender analyzer has successfully recognized that Virginia Woolf was a woman. I used a passage form "To the Lighthouse" for the analysis.

However, the analyzer was only 59% sure, and it noted that Woolf's writing was "quite gender neutral."

Joseph Cannon said...

That bitch.