Thursday, November 27, 2008

The cynic speaks

On this day, I would like to list all of the things for which I am truly thankful:


Anonymous said...

You forgot the Lullaby League again, honeybunch.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joseph, I'm not feeling too thankful this year, what with my household living on unemployment and having a defective keyboard after my cat knocked a drink on it, but I'm thankful I can turn on my computer and almost every day find a new post on your blog.

Here's hoping we all have more to be thankful about in the near future.

therese, the cat lady

Anonymous said...


Kim in PA

Petersen Leigh said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm thankful my computer hasn't crashed in 2 months. Seems Arthur Silber hasn't been so lucky. Go throw him a few bucks if you want to do something truly worthwhile...