Thursday, November 27, 2008

Blame Hillary

I told you that she would play the scapegoat role for everything wrong in the upcoming administration. Guess what? It has already begun!

Also see the article here, in which Allegre dissects Elizabeth Drew's latest wacky Clinton Conspiracy Theory.
Ms. Drew is positing the theory that Barack Obama was cleverly manipulated into offering the Secretary of State position to Hillary against his will by a devilish PR campaign initiated by Hillary's minions.
Mr. Cannon is positing the theory that Elizabeth Drew is one patty short of a Big Mac.


Katherine said...

I've never understood why BO supporters seem so eager to promote the theory that the man is a weak, ineffective dope, easily manipulated by the slightest breath of Clintonian wind that blows his way. I do agree that it's all about the narrative these days, and what a ridiculous narrative. It really amuses me when his fans then insist that he's a terribly terribly brilliant man (and I'm still waiting for any evidence of this) -- playing chess while his opponents play checkers.

Cordelia said...

I wonder how the good Ms. Drew will explain away the keeping on of George W. Bush's Secretary of Defense. Because, come to think of it, *that* does not seem to be a problem for the commentariat. But having the Evil Clintons around, on the other hand, does.

Of course, should the elite opinion turn against Gates, I'm sure Hillary and Bill will be implicated in this somehow...

And I just *love* the dig at Obama's intelligence implicit in her claim he was "cleverly manipulated". Why, oh why is Elizabeth Drew such a racist?

Anonymous said...

Wanna know what I've never understood?

That's how anyone now drawing breath could ever believe the Clintons are such dupes they'd expose their necks to a man they know better than most of us is a double dealing, two-faced cutthroat from Daley's Chicago Combine.

Jeez Louise, Joe, give Hill&Bill a little credit. & BTW, I'm particularly hard up these days. You a betting man? I'll bet you a hundred bucks I'm right and you're wrong--although it may take so long for all of this sh*t to shake out that by the time you concede $100 will be chump change to me.

So let's agree--if I win you'll donate the $$ to the Roadrunner Food Bank--and if I lose I'll host you and yours for the best New Mexican Christmas ever.

You on?

--LandOLincoln, Nuevomexica hasta 1991

Joseph Cannon said...

I'm not even sure exactly what you're driving at here. At any rate, I'm hardly going to bet on any proposition where my own thinking mutates from day to day.

Anonymous said...

LandOLincoln, I'm not following your comment. The premise of Joe's post is that Hillary would be blamed if anything went wrong. We all fear that, and are seeing it play out in the MSM story-line and unidentified "sources." What does this have to do with whether Bill&Hill are willing to work with Obama?

Furthermore, right or wrong about what? You're wanting to bet Joe on WHAT, exactly? Bets should be specific, as in Joe's as-yet-unanswered bet calling for three issues wherein Barack hasn't reversed his position.

(PS Joe - thanks for the link!)

Joseph Cannon said...

blue, actually I did get two entries, and I should run them by the readers. I have a problem -- they are buried in my email and thus are hard to find!

Well, I'll look for them again...

Anonymous said...

Bluelyon, I'm a bit drunk so I don't blame you and Joe for misunderstanding my initial post.

What I meant to say was that I believe Joe is selling Bill&Hill short when he posits that Hillary would put herself in a position where Obama could fire her or otherwise blame her for whatever might go wrong under her tenure as SOS.

I don't believe for a minute that the Clintons would put themselves in that position. They had a three-man legal team negotiating the circumstances of Hill's acceptance of SoS.

Trust me, they know what they're doing, and who they're dealing with.

The rest of my initial post to Joe was posited on that belief--and my personal knowledge of his fondness for my beloved adopted state.

Hope that makes my cryptic (ahem) posts at least slightly more intelligible.


Anonymous said...

Wow... who knew we were so clever?

Edgeoforever said...

IACF - W used it for several years in office. They even pretended W's recession started in 2000 instead of 2001 for this purpose. (.11 was Clinton's fault, the ME conflict - "because he raised expectations" and so on.
Anyone notice how neither Obama, nor his fawning media is blaming W for anything? This is the friendliest transition of power between 2 parties in history. Maybe because the power doesn't really move. Obama, whatever color - is Cheney's cousin - ruling Class. The Clintons (and Palin) were plebes, the unwashed masses. They'll be alays the enemy. "We were always at war with the Clintons"

glennmcgahee said...

Yea, I'm seeing it here in my newspaper. Gotta find the link but the writer/editor says that Obama is hiring the Clinton people so they can fix the financial mess that they created during the "Clinton Prsidency". That makes alot of sense heh.