Wednesday, October 29, 2008

McCain wins!

The Weekly World News has revealed that their Alien mascot, previously in Obama's corner, has endorsed John McCain. The Alien has picked the winner in every election since 1992.
Uncovered photos suggest that in a last ditch effort to help her husband’s failing campaign, Cindy McCain seduced and then blackmailed the Alien for his endorsement...

Ms. McCain’s alien-like good looks and natural blood temperature of 54 degrees Fahrenheit may have proved too much for him to resist...
Speaking as a Photoshop kind-o-guy, I must ask: Where is the light source in this picture?


Anonymous said...
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Gary McGowan said...

Speaking of light sources, try folding some little paper fans (accordion fold the paper, maybe 3/16" or so, then pinch one end so you have a little 3 or 4 inch fan. Staple to hold it.). Place a few in a pleasing array on the glass of a photocopier and press the copy button. Check out the resulting photocopy and contemplate the light source in your image of the fans. I could blab more about it, but doing it is more fun than listening to me.