Saturday, August 16, 2008

He sure is a uniter, isn't he?

Real life has kept me from my normal blogging rounds; apologies. I'll have something fairly juicy (I hope) later today. For now, let me simply ask this question: Has the ascent of Barack Obama worsened racial tensions in this country?

Consider this story, which has received insufficient attention. In North Carolina, Michael Lawson -- one of the presidents of the NC Democratic Party’s African-American Caucus (NCDPAAC) -- announced that black people should vote for Obama but not for any down-ticket white candidates.

Imagine the outcry if any white political figure made such a statement.

To be fair, the comment aroused indignation and condemnation within that state's black community. The remark came in the middle of a harsh internecine squabble within the caucus, the details of which are too complex to relate here.

Still -- what have we come to? I think that this sort of language was made possible by the Obama campaign's deliberate strategy of portraying the Clintons as racist.


Twilight said...

Shouldn't he have been arrested for saying that, in public? Don't you have anti-discrimination laws in the USA? I know there's Free Speech, but even so, surely there are limits?


Anonymous said...

Has Obama's candidacy worsened race relations?