Saturday, August 16, 2008

Final (I hope) pooch report

Taco the Chihuahua has finally left the front door. Apparently, his love for Bella the hell-hound was transitory. It occurs to me: If my pooch is indeed a mommy-to-be, does that mean the pups will bear the family name Taco-Bella?


katiebird said...

Is there a morning-after pill for dogs?

Anonymous said...

'Morning after'? Ya mean like a little hair o' the dog?

Anonymous said...

actually the pups should be adorable with that combo...Good luck with it and I am sure no problem finding homes for them...I would take them if you weren't so far away (Have no idea but I am in Montana)...

Twilight said...


I've been thinking about your little dog's situation, and wondered if maybe she's ingested an overload of hormones from some source. You say she eats meat even when you eat pasta. They tell us that meat is full of hormones - the animals having been fattened by their use (or something like that). A little darlin' like Bella doesn't have anywhere near the volume of "body" we humans have, so probably can't deal with incoming hormones from food as well as we can. So Bella might not be preggers after all.

Just a wild theory!

Anonymous said...

Joseph, I'm pretty sure that for puppies, it works the same way it does for humans, which is that once she has concieved, she won't go into heat anymore, until she has given birth and weaned her litter.

So, if she was currently in heat, I don't think she's a mommy to be. And if she wasn't in heat, Taco wouldn't have any reason to hang around.

That's how it worked with my cat.


Anonymous said...

Was this whole thing just a 'shaggy dog story' for the punch-line, "Taco Bella"?

Joseph Cannon said...

Taco is real. The pun did not occur to me until rather late in the game.

Aeryl, are you sure that heat ends with conception? I'll look that up...

There's no way to ask this question without it sounding like the wind-up to a dirty joke. But I really want to know: Why are human women continually "in heat"? By which I mean: Why do human beings have an interest in sex even when the act cannot propagate the species? I wonder what the advantage is, from a Darwinian perspective.

Anonymous said...

It worked that way with my cat, she would be mewling all over the place, if she got out for 30 minutes, she would come back quiet as a mouse, and start showing pregnancy signs within days.

We don't have estrus, because it feels good. With animals, my understanding it is quite painful. Male cats have a barbed penis to prevent withdrawal before ejaculation.

If you had a barbed penis, it would take some serious mind altering hormones for me to allow you near me with it.


Joseph Cannon said...

"If you had a barbed penis, it would take some serious mind altering hormones for me to allow you near me with it."

What a perfect set-up line! I'm not sure if I have a worthy response. Let me make a few humble attempts...

1. I once had a gf who probably would have considered barbs a selling point. (Not kidding. I am not at liberty to say more about that relationship.)

2. What about barbed commentary?

3. How would you know about the barbs beforehand? Presumably, I would not wear a "I HAVE A BARBED PENIS" t-shirt...

4. The masturbatory problems seem obvious. If caught red-handed, I would literally be red-handed.

(Guys, feel free to suggest your own responses...)