Thursday, July 24, 2008


Afghanistan: Can the long-term battle there be won? What, in fact, would constitute "winning"? Our Australian friend Nick Possum offers an analysis which suggests that the war was lost the moment the invasion succeeded.
Even the US threw in just sufficient troops to push the Talibs out of Kabul and Kandahar and not much more. The doubters pointed out that the experience of Vietnam and Algeria (not to mention Afghanistan itself in the previous 150 years!) suggested that several hundred thousand troops would be needed to prop up a puppet government for long enough for it to establish legitimacy and stability. Rumsfeld and the rest of the neocon crew paid no attention.
For the Taliban, "winning" is simple: Just wait out the invaders.

The two previous posts
recreated the toxic environment that led to the creation of the PUMA movement. Reaction on other blogs has been very positive. By contrast, many comments sent to this blog maintained the tradition of poison and had to be deleted on first whiff.

(I usually skim only a line or two of those messages, some of which are quite lengthy. Conscience permits me to delete freely, considering the rampant censorship on the big blogs. Besides, the O-creeps always violate one of my posted rules.)

The basic thesis of those two preceding posts holds that those crying for "unity" actually don't give a damn about it. If those telling us to "let-bygones-be-bygones" truly felt that way, they would cease insulting and begin demonstrating some humility. You don't express resentment toward an estranged girlfriend if you hope to reconcile, right?

Nevertheless, the Obots always respond to the PUMAs with insults, insults, and more insults. Until I see some other type of response -- something that demonstrates a little crow and/or hat in the diet -- I must presume that Obamafolk would prefer a McCain victory.

Liberal Rapture puts the matter well:
The Obama mob is dangerous. Why "dangerous?" Because they have no sense of their hatred. They never overhear themselves. Whether is it the mindless adoration of the empty suit or vicious attacks on the Clintons, self awareness is nil with these zombies. The most recent letter from the DNC is a case study in arrogant stupidity. No apology for the sexist Obama campaign. No humility. No gratitude for Clinton energizing the old Democratic base. Just "pony up." Followed by a thousand contradictory salvos of "Get Out!" and "You're Republicans!"
Yet another Obama lie: The signs of this man's addiction to deceit are obvious and serious. Progressives feel obliged to forgive outright fabrications that they would never have tolerated in a George W. Bush.

In Israel, Obama told his hosts to judge him by his "deeds," which, considering his nearly non-existent record, is a bit like judging a squid by its haircut.
“Just this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, which is my committee, a bill to call for divestment from Iran, as a way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don’t obtain a nuclear weapon,” he said.
Barack Obama is not on the Banking Committee.

I like the dry humor displayed by the LA Times' blog:
Some blogs...interpreted Obama's misstatement as intentional attempts to overstate his efforts. That would indeed be shocking in the middle of a political campaign.
The birth controversy: New information confirms that Obama was born in Hawaii. (I was informed of this find a few days ago, but was told to keep mum about it until TexasDarlin broke the news.)

Anti-Obama researchers in Hawaii found a newspaper announcement of the Blessed One's nativity. The birth occurred on August 4, 1961; the announcement appeared on August 12. Although the squib refers to "Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama," I still hold to the belief that they never married. Many people fibbed about such things in the days when an illegitimate birth carried a stigma.

Can we please put this one behind us? Married or unmarried, Ann Dunham had zero motivation to leave the country when she gave birth.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, this is all a total red herring.

Meanwhile, McCain narrows the gap in Michigan:,0,7517337.story

Anonymous said...

Sorry to disagree Joe but that announcement proves nothing. My mother -- now 72 -- has been doing those for a daily paper (actually 'two' -- they publish an evening paper under another name but it's the same paper) for decades now. She's never run down to the hospital or to the funeral homes. People call the paper, she calls them back. It gets in. My point being, Ann's mother called the paper most likely (or her father). The announcement is not a record of anything from a hospital.
I honestly think that Barack was born in the US. But that announcement means nothing.
The paper my mother works at isn't one of the top ten dailies but it is a large one (actually two) and she's been doing this for over 40 years. If the hospital was providing the information to the paper in Hawaii, it might be considered 'official' but no hospital could ever release that information.

Anonymous said...

Will Obama use this in the future??

The future of political manipulation??

Welcome to "Brainwave Analysis"-Where Brainwaves are "Taken, Analyzed, Cleaned-up, Processed" and the Metrics are "Extracted" (Coming to a Future Political Campaign Near You?)


This is the scariest thing I've learned about in a long time. As a former market researcher, I find it absolutely mind-blowing (literally)....

Anonymous said...

"Will Obama use this in the future ??
The future of political manipulation ??"

Your comment is the equivalent of linking to an article about a new gun and saying "Maybe Obama is going to use it to kill you !"

You're really letting anything go through now Joseph, as long as it's smearing or speculating about Obama. So please keep lecturing us on the awful things some Obama supporters are saying about Hillary, you're leading us by example !

Joseph Cannon said...

I let the above anonymous comment go through for a reason. I want to make a point.

Some people wonder how I can score the Obots for their constant insults, even though I insult the Obots. Isn't that hypocrisy?

No. For two reasons:

1. The objectives are different.

The Obots claims they want unity. If they are serious about that goal, they are going to have to do whatever it takes to attain it. And that means sucking up their unearned resentment and making nice with the folks they hate.

I, by contrast, want DISunity.

I'm a lifelong Dem and the son of a lifelong Dem, yet I was kicked out of my party. I didn't leave: I was kicked out -- as documented in the preceding posts.

I'm angry. I want vengeance.

Thus, I'm free to say whatever I damn well please.

But the Obots do not have that freedom -- not if they truly want unity.

2. Chronology justifies aggressive behavior. "Who hit first" is not a childish question -- indeed, that question is at the basis of all practical morality.

I'll use the analogy again:

1812 -- Napoleon's troops enter Russia. Unjustified.

1814 -- the Czar's troops enter France. Justified.

In both instances, we are dealing with the same action -- the soldiers of one big nation invading another. But historians decry one and applaud the other. Why?

It's a simple matter. Hitting first is never justified. Hitting BACK is ALWAYS justified.

Indeed, it is a serious error NOT to hit back. Otherwise, you encourage future attacks.

If we allow the Obots to get away with the things they did between January and July, 2008, then that sort of behavior will be repeated in the future.

But if we hit back -- if we make sure that Obama loses this election -- then in future years (2012, 2016) people will say: "Careful. We don't want another 2008 on our hands. Let's keep the primary battle civil."

So we have every moral right to insult the O-monsters. THEY have no right to insult US.

Anonymous said...

These Obama people can/will never apologize because they can not apologize with sufficient effect.

An apology without some token of remorse/repentance is just pretty words,which would not sway enough people. A token would be, for example, making amends. So - how do you make amends for the egregious Democratic party rules violations that occurred at the 5-31-2008 RBC meeting? It should be evident that the cost of making amends is more than they will pay.

So I think it's pointless to talk about making nice with these guys - nagahoppen.

Anonymous said...

More random speculation that Joseph can let go through or delete.

I think he's ill.

He looks sick to me.

I first noticed it in March and figured it was just the stress of the primaries. Now, it's worse. There's a pronounced grey palor about him in all the footage I see. My guess is something to do with the arteries (just a feeling). AVM, something like that.

Hope the Lightbringer has attentive physicians.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the link! I am loving the blog... you have been killin it recently!

Keep it up!

Oh, and check out my new one... seems barry doesnt have times for Americans while in Germany... even injured Iraq veterans...

Anonymous said...

Go get 'em.

They say the only good defense is a good offense. And, the O-Bots know how to be offensive and defensive, when it comes to their messiah.

In the past I would have said ignore them, but the offensiveness has just ratcheted up to the point where it is just plain ole' disgusting.

My Maw-Maw, God rest her sweet soul, used to tell her squabbling grandchildren...

"Ya'll play purty now, and remember God don't like ugly!"

I wonder what she would have said, being a lifelong Louisiana Democrat, about the OBots and their playing ugly.

I think that Maw-Maw would have given many of them a swat on the behind with her flimsy fly-swat.

She would the have scolded them in that tone that soft but firm loving tone, telling them how disappointed she was with their behavior and foul language (that would hurt our feelings more than our behinds) and send them to sit by themselves in the old rocking chair on the front porch, to watch the others playing nicely with each other.

After a while she would come with a cool clothe and wipe away the tear stains and tell how much she loved them and wanted them to understand that in this life "Sometimes you have to go along to get along. And. just because you can, you shouldn't bully people, or call people names, otherwise you'll end up with no friends at all."

She'd usually end with one of her favorite sayings, "Just because someone else does something it don't make it right... You know the right thing to do in your heart and if you always follow'll always have more friends than you can count."

And my grandparents did have more friends than they could count, even though they lived in a very rural area.

I miss my Maw-Maw and my Paw-Paw dearly. They were the salt of the earth, they were farmers, owned a general store, and my Paw-Paw was a Justice of the Peace as well as the community peace-maker. He was also a barber to anyone who needed a haircut, regardless of their ability to pay. They often got a “mess of” fresh vegetables, figs, wild blackberries or a chicken in trade.

They never let anyone go without, regardless of color. If they heard of a family down on their luck they would bring them a bushel of assorted fresh vegetables and some type of meat, if they had it to give, along with an envelope of cash for a light bill. When my Paw-Paw retired, he had several thousand dollars of tickets of credit he had extended through the years. He closed the doors and never asked for a dime of it, some of the money owed to the store were from his closest friends.

My Grandparents’ never said the n-word and the only real spanking I ever got from them was for saying it, because I heard it in school. I learned a valuable lesson that day.

My grandfathers’ best friend was an old black gentleman who used to come early every Sunday during the winter and have coffee with my Paw-Paw. He would buy squirrel tails from Paw-Paw to use the fur in making fly fishing lures. In the summer he and my grandfather would sit on the front porch and polish off a small fresh melon from the garden, their favorite was cantaloupe, but they enjoyed spitting the seeds of watermelon.

During squirrel season everyone in the community brought their squirrel and other furry vermin tails to my grandfather and he would dry them in front of the fire and when dried he put them in a paper sack for his friend. His friend insisted on paying for them, and my grandfather graciously accepted the meager payment as he knew his friends’ pride was involved and the lures made from the tails were part of his friends’ livelihood.

My grandmother always served my Paw-Paws' friend in her good china cups, with saucers, out of deference to “company” as they called it. Her brother, who also visited on Sundays to watch wrestling with Paw-Paw, got served in an old mismatched coffee cup mainly because he broke so many, when he would get excited over the wrestling match.

Very few people had the good fortune to have grandparents who survived the WWI, Great Depression, WWII, Jim Crowe, Poll Taxes and the Civil Rights era, in their lives as children. I was fortunate to have them as long as I did, and learn the lessons they taught me. Maybe if more did, the OBots’ would think twice before spewing their bile across the internet.