Saturday, May 05, 2007

CBS disallows comments on internet stories about Obama

Why won't CBS allow comments? Because every Obama story gets inundated with disgusting, childish, racist insults. does sometimes delete comments on an individual basis, but Sims said that was not sufficient in the case of Obama stories due to "the volume and the persistence" of the objectionable comments.
No doubt the name-callers whose comments were deleted complained that they were victims of censorship!

CBS had no choice but to suspend commentary altogether. Otherwise, CBS would function, unintentionally, as the vehicle for sentiments the company considers low, unworthy, dangerous, degrading and wrong.

There are times when I kid myself -- when I think that we have, as a nation, largely conquered our founding evil. I know that people across the political spectrum say that they would vote for a black man. For many years, here in Los Angeles, we had a black mayor, and he was generally held in high esteem. The time is right for a black president. The time was right ages ago.

And yet.

As you know, Republicans love to pass around email "jokes" about well-known liberals. I've noticed a pattern: The "jokes" which attack Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton -- and now Obama -- have a bite, an edge, a meanness that exceeds anything the conservatives spew about Michael Moore, George Soros or any of their other betes noirs. Even Hillary has an easier time of it.

I now support Obama's candidacy, even though I remain unsure that he can be elected in our present climate of ugliness. No: Precisely because I doubt that he can be elected.

Guiliani or Thompson will probably beat him; either man could probably beat any Democratic candidate. But Obama has many virtues: He's good on (most of) the issues, he can think on his feet, and he has charisma. Despite his troubling lack of experience, he would probably do well in office.

More than that. I want the privilege of saying that my political party was the first to nominate a black person. You may insist that this is the wrong reason to support any candidate, and you may be right. Hell, Obama himself would surely tell me not to support him for that reason.

But I don't care.

I can't think of any better way to say screw you to those sunzabitches who forced CBS to take this step.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

america is a rascist country and the only ones who don't know it are white americans