Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Christian Right is neither

He's baaaaa-aaack:
So how did Jeff Gannon make the segue from a web site called "Hot Military Studs" to the International Bible Reading Association? Simple. He told the association that he had a special gift for making sinners bow their heads.
Hee hee hee. Ho ho ho. He-ho, he-ho, he-ho.


Anonymous said...

((when Joe say's 'He-Ho" he really means he ho!))

did it really say that gannon has had many a sleep over at the white house??? did i read that? wasn't that a lot like back when 41 was a Veep? ...ok so the bible thing is just plain wacked, that an outed male lady-of-the-night/ softball psudo journalist with credentials can rebrand himselfs a krishtun, thats rich-- but um, what about the sleepover parties? I mean no one trusts michael jackson to have sleep over parties, does no one ask who was doing the guckert at those late night parties? is this not soemhow worse than getting a portly intern to felate a cigar? Sure they ought to be impeached for yellow cake, for haliburtons no contract deals, for not catching osama (and the real guy who was in DC! while W [and guckert??] were in crawford tx, for killing 500,000 iraqis and maiming 50,000 us kids (not to mention cheney w & enron), but wouldn't it be easyier to get people to take a "who fucked jim guckert-- for pay?" witch-hunt more than to actually take responsibility for the real mess-o-potomack?htt

Anonymous said...

....or does even focussing on that take the heat off the other things.... like Hastings, sure he doesn't let his wife sleep over, and sure he probably knew all about those dirty page IMs ...but is that worth looking at over 'suitcases' of Turkish cash???

or is it when you start to look at all of it cumulatively that you get a picture that really has to be shown to the Bozarks of Krishtunistan? W's boy toys from VAshe to Gannon (not to mention that Shoedinger thing...), Cheney's alleged sleazoid past and wife's smut and of course daughter who behaves very much like a victim of insetual molestation, foley, hastings, haggert... Rove! i mean come on, Rove freaked out like a sissy when Sheryl Crowe touched him two weeks ago. touched him. Sheryl Crowe!! (for the record, sheryl crowe can touch me any time she'd like) ...i needn't tell you that the deputy chief of Gannon's staff likes to tell the story of how a little Catholic Kennedy supprtinng girl beat him up when he was 9 years old. sure he married (twice right, once for money and status, and once because by '86 not being married would have looked, um, a little queer, right? i mean come on, Darby?? Shes about as hot at Barbara Bush (not 43's kid, 41's wife) and you know what they always said about 41 and little boys... so what does this all get swept under the table and ignored by the left so we can focus on the real stuff? (which sadly it seems doesn't get too much attention except for places like this, and kos...)

Anonymous said...

I was wondering when we would hear about Mr. Gannon again.