Monday, April 02, 2007

Fill in the blank: "______ Christ"

Years ago, the proverbial firestorm of controversy surrounded the photograph "Piss Christ." Mere days ago, controversy erupted over a (rather well-executed) "Chocolate Christ," which struck me as no more blasphemous than are the plastic Jesi we see everywhere. And now we have Fox News giving a ton of free publicity to a (not very good) sculpture of Barack Obama as Christ.

Okay. Now I get it. A pattern emergeth. Anyone who wants to establish himself as a serious artist, or at least as a famous artist, needs to churn out a novelty JC.

Any suggestions as to materials?

Hand me a decent airbrush and a compressor and I can whip ya up a "Geiger" in about a week. You think an Alien Christ would go over well? I was thinking of a "chest-burster" crucifixion, but that might be in poor taste.

My ladyfriend has suggested a "Mary Lactan" modified like so:


Anonymous said...

It was either a chocolate Jesus
Or a crucified Easter Bunny.

Anonymous said...

As a child, I used to refer to my favorite cereal as "Christ in Crunch." Much to my parents' chagrine, it sounded funny to me - especially in front of my Southern Baptist relatives. Still makes me smile. ;)

Kim in PA

Anonymous said...

I would laugh so, so hard if you mutilated Christ on your website, Joe. Then sold the art for profit.