But lo and behold, when we look at the news from Israel, what do we find? Real racism. The kind backed by law, public opinion and power. From the Guardian:
41% of Israel's Jews favour segregation(Emphasis added.) Let us buttress this article with a personal report from one of my readers. These words originally appeared in the comments section, but they deserve greater publicity:
A poll of attitudes among Israel's Jews towards their country's Arab citizens has exposed widespread racism, with large numbers favouring segregation and policies to encourage Arabs to leave the country.
The poll found that more than two-thirds of Jews would refuse to live in the same building as an Arab. Nearly half would not allow an Arab in their home and 41% want segregation of entertainment facilities.
The survey also found 40% of Israel's Jews believe "the state needs to support the emigration of Arab citizens", a policy advocated by some far-right parties in the run-up to next week's general election.
The poll was conducted by a respected Israeli organisation, Geocartographia, for the Centre for the Struggle Against Racism, founded by Arab-Israeli academics. "Racism is becoming mainstream," said the centre's director, Bachar Ouda.
I am half jewish and half west indian. I have never been attacked for being half Jewish. I have been beaten for being "brown". I occasionally go to israel to visit my relatives. When I go, I prepare myself to experience a form of racism which is very hard to find in the US or UK these days. Its hard to find cos a) its considered unacceptable to express these views these days b) cos there are now laws against it in the UK and US. Things are different in Israel. It is not merely acceptable there, its the norm.Now THAT is racism. Real racism comes backed by power. It's a very different animal from the fake outrage that arises when sophists, for political purpose, willfully misinterpret an innocent text.
Incidentally, my Jewish relatives dont argue with me about this anymore. They have watched it happen to me and have had to bail me out on a number of occasions.
Dont let people lie about this. The faster this lie is exposed the better off we will all be.
(Hey megaphonies -- why so silent? I didn't used to post this stuff before you launched your scurrilous attacks on me. Now I'm doing it every day. I'll let up if you provide further details as to how the "megaphone" operation works...)
Joseph..says..As you read, keep in mind that this story is about land theft, pure and simple.
Pure and simple eh? Who really owns any land. We stole the land from the inhabitants before us?
Why Christopher Catholic Church "Columbus..resulting in our
predominately Gentile
occupation..on the backs of our forerunners and previous inhabitants and occupiers..the red man. Americans and our "pride of ownership psychosis", have squandered this land right?
Our entire "ownership" impulse is devilish in the sense that we attach ourselves to stuff and guard it with our lives. what a crock!
Israel was taken out of Egypt by Moses and started that now infamous forty year trek across the desert (a journey that should have taken them a few weeks but becaause of their "stiff necked" behavior that infamouse forty years,), into the land that was promised them by a very strange God..but nevertheless God or YHVH for the purists .
This whole enchilada revolves around the notion that there is a creator (who ultimately owns everything) and we are his creations. The debate is whether this is the One true God as defined in the OT, which Judaism, Islam, and the other late comer Christianity all claim as the bedrock of our investigations into the nature and plans of this God.
We (first Sapin), displaced the red man up here and Spain displaced the other reedmen down there. The Jews displaced the Canaanites and then fought off all the others (adter splitting into two nations Judah and israel for a spell.
After several Diaspora's the jews where scattered all over the world including northern Europe, and this hemisphere according to archeological evidences (see "America BC"), also the jews were taken into captivity en masse. (Nebechnezzer from Babylon or Iraq for example)
THE DIASPORA – considered by Jew and Gentile alike a veritable “hissing” (Jeremiah 25:9, 18; 29:18) among the nations – outcasts – wandering throughout the world - apparently accursed by Roman and religionist – vanquished, disbursed, alienated, despised, forsaken, bearing in their souls and bodies the appearance of generational suffering through persecution, blood-guilt, ghettoes, pogroms, inquisitions, holocaust and interminable war with the nations now gathered about her – THE JEWS defy common reason for their persistence, rational justification for their creation, and despite for their literal defiance – they are before the Gentile nations an affront, a contradiction, an anachronism and embarrassment - Jerusalem has become a “cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem . . . I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though ALL NATIONS OF THE EARTH are gathered against it” (Zechariah 12:2-3).
Under Roman occupation the jew Jesus was crucified after he prophesied that the entire city and state of Israel would be destroyed and the "Wall" of Solomon's Temple" tipped over forever. "Not one stone would remaim unturned" (except for the token wailing wall today).
Let's not forget, the arabs were the offspring of Ishmael the illegitimate child of Abraham birthed from his concubine unstead of the wife Sarah that God predicted to Abraham would father many nations theough..hence Isaac was born by Sarah legitimately (prophetically) who then begot Jacob the father of the twelve sons the leaders of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Yes God is kinda peculiar but don't think he has favorites because his treatment of the jews has been extremely disciplinarian over thousands of years. But as I've said in an earlier note the jews are simply actors that represent the rest of us on the worlds stage. A company of skilled and stiff necked actors with the same strengths and weaknesses of character as "everynman"
They trudged around in the desert under Moses for forty years because of their stiff-necked, stubborn, renegade, rebellious natures..likie "everyman" even you Joseph as well as the rest of the bloggers commenting herein.
"He who is without sin is entitled to cast the first stone"
End of Story (but not yet the end of His-story)
“Thus says the Lord God: ‘Surely I will take the children of Israel from among the nations, wherever they have gone, and will gather them from every side and bring them into their own land; and I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king over them all; they shall no longer be two nations (i.e., “the stick of Joseph” – the ten tribes of the north or Israel; and “the stick of Judah” – the two tribes of the “south” – Judah and Benjamin – Ezekiel 37:19), nor shall they ever be divided into two kingdoms again . . . then they shall be My people, and I will be their God. David My servant shall be king over them, and they shall all have one shepherd; they shall also walk in My judgments and observe My statutes, and do them. Then they shall dwell in the land that I have given to Jacob My servant, where your fathers dwelt; and they shall dwell there, they, their children, and their children’s children, forever; and My servant David shall be their prince forever” (Ezekiel 37:21-22, 23b, 24-25)
Shalom, Pray for the peace of jerusalem
If you were living in a town where you were subject to terrorism and threats of terrorism from the surrounding millions of people whose religion described you as a caricature of evil, people whose societies force you to pay a tax just for existing, against whom you had no recourse in law where it was illegal even for you to ride a horse, and you had to worry any time you went anywhere that one of these characters might blow himself up because god told him to, you'd think segregation wasn't such a poor solution, either.
I keep on making damning points which you, coward that you are, refuse to address.
No Jews ever had a right to live there. Not in Biblical times, not today. David Ben Gurion himself that the land was stolen. I'll cite the quote, if you doubt it.
If someone stole American land, the "terrorist" response would make what the Palestinians have done heretofore seem tame.
"people whose religion described you as a caricature of evil,"
I have already quoted the Old Testament at some length to prove that it is the Jews who have describes perceived enemies as a caricature of evil. You have not quoted the Koran to back up your point.
If we hold an "evil passages in holy scripture" contest, which do you think would come off worse -- the OT or the Koran? I'm betting on the OT.
I keep on making damning points which you, coward that you are, refuse to address.
No Jews ever had a right to live there. Not in Biblical times, not today. David Ben Gurion himself that the land was stolen. I'll cite the quote, if you doubt it.
If someone stole American land, the "terrorist" response would make what the Palestinians have done heretofore seem tame.
"people whose religion described you as a caricature of evil,"
I have already quoted the Old Testament at some length to prove that it is the Jews who have describes perceived enemies as a caricature of evil. You have not quoted the Koran to back up your point.
If we hold an "evil passages in holy scripture" contest, which do you think would come off worse -- the OT or the Koran? I'm betting on the OT.
Oh, and anon 12:03:
"Pure and simple eh? Who really owns any land. We stole the land from the inhabitants before us?"
I already said that. I've said it repeatedly -- that I have no right to be sitting on Chumash land.
Would it kill you to read before replying?
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