Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Al Franken (update)

I just heard the final minutes of his final broadcast. He has officially announced that he is running for the Senate. Go get 'em, big guy!

Anyone who was ever thinking of donating to this site, only to be turned off by my sour mood of late -- give it to Al. We need him in the Senate.

UPDATE: I'm including this video because it means a lot to me, and not just because I like Franken. My Dad died when I was six. If not for Social Security and Veterans' Benefits, we wouldn't have made it. And right now, I'm trying to help someone go to college. Please listen to these words -- this is not the usual spew one hears from politicians.


Anonymous said...

thank you so much for posting that video of Franken. He seems genuine and in being so will probobly win there in Minesota..and his kinship with Wellstone bespeaks volumes to me. I will now attach my varied interests to him and his.
Also thanks for your honesty about your feelings however sour and dour. Your peek into your personal history was cool and touching. I too grew up without a fathers inluence so for many years through adolescence and into manhood there was this interior space without that input so I was lopsided..then one fateful day I discovered Jesus is fact more real than anything (or anyone) in this tattered and beautiful weird world.
Thanks again Joseph for all your tireless (or at least constant )efforts to call attention to the sometimes hidden creeps and creratures that are lurking in their lairs to gobble us up and spit us out.
Bravo! Be warmed and blessed!

Anonymous said...

I disco'd my TV six years ago, so I don't know if Al Franken is on TV currently. But, I remember in the first few years of Saturday Night Live, his work was very funny. For me, the core and the appeal of his humor is that he comes across as a "common man" with the virtues of being sympathetic, kind and honest. It always seemed to me that these qualities are not simply part of his persona, but part of who he really is. I think his ability to project these qualities will give him a chance of winning. He is articulate, bright and able to cut to the meat of an issue, usually with humor. This would serve him very well in a debate.

I wish him luck.

Anonymous said...

It is so totally and absolutely refreshing to be reminded of the real America. Al Franken just did that with this video piece. I wish I lived up in Minnesota( not really though, too cold, sorry Al) to vote for him. Has there been a sea change in the types of human beings seeking to run this country? Are the real Americans standing up to the wanna be kings/ warlords?
O wow I hope so.......