Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Inside Man

Stop me if you've heard this one before: The organizer of a Nazi rally in a black neighborhood in Florida turns out to be be a paid FBI informant.

This is the latest variant of an old, old story. In 1979, a police informant within the Klan egged on the massacre of Communist demonstrators in in Greensboro, North Carolina. (The killers were acquitted by a racist southern jury.) During the height of the anti-Vietnam War demonstrations, FBI informants within the movement routinely tried to foment violence; the "insiders" would be released by police immediately after arrest.

The most significant "inside man" in history was Adolf Hitler, who joined the nascent NSDAP (the Nazi Party) as an informant for German Army Intelligence.

Arguably the second-most important "inside man" was the mysterious Ali Mohammed -- he used other names -- of whom Peter Dale Scott has written much. The title of one of Scott's pieces tells the most basic truth about this individual: 9/11's Trainer in Terrorism Was an FBI Informant.

Author Peter Lance has a new book on Mohamed, which portrays him as Al Qaeda's inside man within the U.S. intelligence establishment. Of course, the problem with double agents is determining which side can honestly claim "He's nash" (i.e., "He's with us"). Much evidence supports the proposition that Ali Mohamed was an American plant within Al Qaeda. Scott:
But what we have heard so far is a fall-back cover-up of even worse truths. Peter Lance, who first wrote the script for the National Geographic special, told about Mohamed's detention and release in Toronto. This important detail, along with others, was cut from the program. Lance withdrew from the project and complained on his website about these and other cuts, such as this one:
"Within days of 9/11 Cloonan ... interviewed Ali, whom the Feds had allowed to slip into witness protection, and demanded to know the details of the plot. At that point Ali wrote it all out - including details of how he'd counseled would-be hijackers on how to smuggle box cutters on board aircraft and where to sit, to effect the airline seizures."(9)
So let us sum up what we know so far about Ali Mohamed:
1. A key planner of the 9/11 plot, and trainer in hijacking, was simultaneously an informant for the FBI.

2. This operative trained the members for all of the chief Islamist attacks inside the United States -- the first WTC bombing, the New York landmarks plot, and finally 9/11, as well as the attacks against Americans in Somalia and Kenya.

3. And yet for four years Mohamed was allowed to move in and out of the country as an unindicted conspirator. Then, unlike his trainees, he was allowed to plea-bargain. To this day he may still not have been sentenced for any crime, and may even be in witness protection.(10)
Peter Lance has charged that Fitzgerald had evidence before 1998 to implicate Mohamed in the Kenya Embassy bombing, yet did nothing and let the bombing happen.(11) In fact, the FBI was aware back in 1990 that Mohamed had engaged in terrorist training on Long Island; yet it acted to protect Mohamed from arrest, even after one of his trainees had moved beyond training to an actual assassination.(12)
If, as claimed, Ali Mohammed ended up in witness protection and not at Gitmo, we have good reason to doubt that his true loyalties went to Osama.

There is much more, including the allegations that Saeed Sheikh and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (whose capture reamins one of the great lingering mysteries of the so-called war on terror) had links to American intelligence:
Shortly after 9/11, in October 2001, U.S. and British newspapers briefly alleged that the paymaster for the 9/11 attacks was a possible agent of the Pakistani intelligence service ISI, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh. There was even a brief period in which it was alleged that the money had been paid at the direction of the then ISI Chief, Lieutenant-General Mahmoud Ahmad.(23)

Others have since argued that Saeed Sheikh worked for both America and Britain, since "both American and British governments have studiously avoided taking any action against Sheikh despite the fact that he is a known terrorist who has targeted U.S. and UK citizens."(24) The claim what Saeed Sheikh was recruited by MI-6 in Great Britain has been made by myself, by John Newman, and by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed; recently it has been pointed to in the new book by Pervez Musharraf, the President of Pakistan.(25)

And there may have been other double agents. Last month Robert Baer, a former CIA officer, told an Australian newspaper that ''In 1996, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed [the al-Qaeda mastermind of the 9/11 plot] was in Doha [the capital of Qatar], the CIA found out about it, and wanted to arrest him and people in Washington stopped them. That has never been answered in the 9/11 commission report, why that arrest was stopped."(26)
Drowning out these important facts explains why the 911 Tranny movement has received so much covert aid. (As explained previously, "tranny" is my personal term of opprobrium for the CD mythologists.) "Don't look at the hijackers and don't look at Al Qaeda," the trannies tell us. They so advise us precisely because they do not want us asking too many questions about an "inside man" like Ali Mohamed.

Incidentally, Professor Scott does not endorse tranny theories, but he has -- to his great discredit -- refused to dissociate himself from the trannies in order to promulgate his own much more credible findings.

Why did I mention the tranny movement, knowing (as I do) that they will regard these words the way a bull regards a red cape? Because the subject of this post is not 911 per se, but the larger topic of informants and plants, of the Inside Man. Most of the trannies are mere fanatical dupes, much like the LaRouchies, flying saucer buffs and Evangelicals. But some, I am now convinced, belong in a much more sinister category. Some leaders of this movement (Chris Bollyn, for example) hail from the neo-fascist underground -- which brings us right back to the opening of this essay.

(Needless to say, any comment which even hints at pro-tranny sentiment will be excised ruthlessly. Don't even bother, creeps: Your words will disappear within seconds.)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I suspect that what you call the tranny movement is at least part right, but also part wrong. The best way to conceal truth is to mix it with falsehoods.

Why do you think Hopsicker has dropped the Atta stories? Has the trail gone cold?

Anonymous said...

This is a hugely important topic. Peter Dale Scott has written on the "deep politics" of the covert links between big business, the intelligence agencies (including the FBI) and international drug cartels at least since the JFK assassination. Daniel Hopsicker has revealed the same sort of links in Florida between the same dramatis personae and the alleged hijackers of 9/11.
All of which helps to confirm that the 9/11 Commission's version is a fairy tale, which, as Bush the Lesser said, reads like a novel. Truer than he probably realized.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Joseph Cannon said...

Four tranny comments deleted, as promised. Only two readers cared about what I actually was saying.

Well, I know my audience. You assholes come here for bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Joe I come on here once in awhile and flame you about the CD topic because I assumed there must have been something in the WTC basement... but in the midst of yelling at someone you brought up the fact that if it was in the basement the building stood a good chance of falling side ways. You said something that made me stop and rethink.

I still think it is possible that the floors could have been rigged to collapse going top down. But I DON'T know obviously. But seriously... lighten up. People do have open minds when they aren't being called idiots and trannies.

Anonymous said...

Joe, Have you been following the story on how the "9/11 Accountability" conference next weekend in Arizona was organized by a Holocaust Denier? And now they've not only dumped him, but are claiming (the new organizer is a felon) he never was the organizer? They also discussed how they should "counter attack" (see, exposing a Holocaust Denier at their helm is an "attack") by making up a group that doesn't exist: Jews for 9/11 Truth.