Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Update on the most important story of our time

Just a few weeks ago, only a few Chicken Littles said that BushCo planned to attack Iran on the pretext of a domestic terror incident. Now, more and more people have checked the weather only to discover that the sky may indeed be readying itself for a fall.

Consider: The Washington Post reports on the new plans for the domestic use of the military after the next terrorist attack.

The war plans represent a historic shift for the Pentagon, which has been reluctant to become involved in domestic operations and is legally constrained from engaging in law enforcement. Indeed, defense officials continue to stress that they intend for the troops to play largely a supporting role in homeland emergencies, bolstering police, firefighters and other civilian response groups.

But the new plans provide for what several senior officers acknowledged is the likelihood that the military will have to take charge in some situations, especially when dealing with mass-casualty attacks that could quickly overwhelm civilian resources.
I'm worried that the Constitution will be among the casualties.

Consider: The Iranians have reportedly reversed themselves twice within the same day, regarding their nuclear program. Chalabi has pals within the Iranian government, and Chalabi is Ledeen's instrument. Perhaps the necons have helped to engineer the current muddle in Tehran?

Consider: Lou Dobbs of CNN has bitten into the big lie that Tehran supplies bombs to the insurgents. Juan Cole has already exposed this fraud, and it's as devastating a piece of debunking as you could ever hope to see.

Iraq now has the sort of Shiite-friendly governors that Khomeini would have loved. Why the hell would Iran want Sunni insurgents to take over Iraq? I mean, doesn't the current Pentagon-originated disinformation line conflict with the old Pentagon-originated disinformation line that the insurgents were all Baathists and die-hard Saddam-lovers?

Consider: Ken Timmerman -- part of the neocon contingent drumming up support for the new war -- has become a CNN regular. (The link goes to a ghastly "Accuracy in Media" piece which repeats the yarn about "Zachary" the Iranian defector who allegedly predicted 9/11.)

Consider: The United States Northern Command will be conducting drills for a possible nuclear attack within our borders. At the same time, DOD scientists are replicating research completed in the 1950s on airborne contaminants in New York City.

Consider: To this day, no-one has contested Phil Giraldi's revelation that Cheney tasked the Pentagon to draw up plans to nuke Iran after the next terror attack, even if Iran is innocent of the crime. And the Giraldi story is gaining attention.

His story even made the news in Iraq, even among the insurgent set. You may want to read "The Coming 9/11 for Dummies" on the uruknet site.

Phil Giraldi was interviewed by Scott Horton of Anti-War. To listen, click here. Horton's piece "Who's Behind the Coming War With Iran?" is a must-read, although I snarled when, toward the end, he took a gratuitous snipe at FDR. What's the matter, Scott -- does ideology prevent you from admitting that America achieved its greatest prosperity after FDR and before Reagan?

Liberals and Libertarians must, in the end, come into conflict. Right now, we need to team up against the common foe. It's sort of like those old Marvel Comics stories -- the ones in which Reed Richards and Dr. Doom would form a temporary alliance to defeat someone who was even worse.

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