Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A few more thoughts on conspiracy theory

Since the previous piece on conspiracy theories received a fair amount of feedback, I suppose a few words of follow-up won't hurt.

First, I should clarify: I never set out to be one of those non-conformists who speak only to other non-conformists. I confess to being a partisan -- a fellow who combines (mostly) mainstream Democratic convictions with a few ideas that are, y'know, odd.

Second, many worry that "odd" speculations could discredit the larger cause. Will speculations injure those convictions? I'm not so sure.

During the 1990s, ultra-conservatives did very little aside from engage in conspiracy theories. For the most part, those theories were crap. Consider: Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate, Ron Brown, Vince Foster, the Clinton Death List, Satanic Ritual Abuse, the ever-imminent Great Gun Round-Up, the Russian soldiers massing on the Mexican border, and the incineration of seventeen little children at WACO as the first stage in KKKlinton's insidious Project TATTERTOT.

Remember those days? On the radio, in the bookstores, in various magazines, it was all conspiracy all the time.

Question: Did these theories -- bogus as they mostly were -- hurt the Republican Party? Or did they pave the way for the right-wing takeover of Congress?

Indulging in a certain amount of speculation cannot hurt Democrats. But I advise others to follow five provisos:

1. Speculation must be clearly labeled as such.

2. We must make an effort to seek better evidence than our rightist counterparts proffer for their theories.

3. Try to impact the larger culture. Many plot-besot theorists stay happily mired within an intellectual ghetto, which means they rarely speak to more than a few thousand of their fellow oddballs.

4. We should apologize when wrong.

The admission of simple human fallibility: That's our secret weapon. Psychologically, we can do that; the folks on the opposite team can't. If a guy steps on your foot and, instead of saying "I'm sorry," blames you for having your foot there, you can bet the rent money that he voted for Bush.

My last suggestion is the most important:

5. Stay human.

Cook up a pot of really good beef stew. Read scary stories to your kids. Watch the pooch piddle on a redwood. Go for a midnight stroll in the park with your lover. That's the important stuff. Yes, doing research is important, politics are important, writing is important, trancing out on the internet can be important -- but none of those things should ever become the pivot point of any human life.

Otherwise, you may end up acting very much like poor old Fintan Dunne -- who has not, I'm sorry to say, yet seen fit to include me on his list of CIA internet fakes. C'mon, Fintan. I'm waiting.

There's a phrase which used to have some currency among real spooks: Sick think. "Normal" paranoia leads people to suspect the worst of their enemies; a sick-thinker suspects allies of having a nefarious hidden agenda. Sick think is, in short, paranoia raised to DEFCON 4. In the Agency, the term was used to describe James Jesus Angleton, counterintelligence chief and sick-thinker extraordinaire. Many anti-CIA activists became fascinated with Angleton, perhaps because his psychological malaise mirrored their own demons.

Readers raised a few other points about 9/11. Perhaps I should respond.

My dismissive stance toward the "controlled demolitions" theorists angers many, but so far, I've seen no evidence to turn me around. One respondent put the matter well:

To the person who suggests that al qaeda members who rented offices at the WTC could have brought explosives up the freight elevators and installed them, why then did they bother with the hijacking of commercial airliners with the intent to fly them into the buildings?
To which I'll add: We have detailed information as to who rented which offices in that complex, and no-one -- to my knowledge -- has identified an al Qaida front group.

If a group other than al Qaida -- neocons, Mossad, the Illuminati, whatever -- planted bombs, what need of airplanes? Simply let the buildings go down and blame Osama. I still say that the horrific image of airliners hitting those buildings gave Bush (inadvertently or otherwise) sufficient cause for war in Afghanistan and Iraq; the collapses did not really help his cause.

Yes, the architects of the Twin Towers did attempt to create structures that would withstand the impact of the largest aircraft of the day. They knew all about the famous crash into the Empire State Building. But their calculations took into account only the direct force of a physical object's impact, not the additional explosive power of all that jet fuel. The fireproofing of the structural beams was, by all accounts, quite poor.

As for Building Seven: As it happens, one of the chapters I did complete (in 2003) addressed that very subject. I may post the piece somewhere, even though it is now a little out of date. The collapse initially seemed very suspicious to me. But there was much explosive material stored in several massive tanks within that poorly-designed building; any rupture of the gas lines could have caused all of that stuff to burn. (In recent times, reports have surfaced that owner Larry Silverstein said, shortly after the disaster occurred, that he "may have to pull" Building Seven. But did he mean to "pull it" that very day?)

A similar scenario may explain reports that some people heard subsidiary explosions within the Twin Towers.

For some reason, right-wingers have a special fondness for what I call "physical" theories, as opposed to "investigative" theories. For example: After Oklahoma City, right-wing conspiracists ballyhooed General Partin and his controlled demolition claims -- and they paid very little attention to McVeigh's links to Elohim City. Lefty researchers were more interested in the latter than in the former. Much the same history played out after 9/11. I'm not sure why this dichotomy exists, but I do note the pattern.


Anonymous said...

The people who refuse to accept that the twin towers (and wtc7) were not brought down by controlled explosions are simply those who refuse to acquaint themselves with the evidence.To raise questions such as why would they also bring the towers down when the airline crashes were sufficient shock value for the perpetrator's purposes is to confuse the issue. there are a host of reasons why the towers might have been brought down, including their obsolesence and the huge insurance payouts that Silverstein received because they came down through a "terrorist attack".
There has been a lot of serious research done that demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt that the buildings did not collapse through airline impact, fire, 'pancaking' or multiple other implausabilites. This is not the place to explore those in detail. Instead I invite you and other of your readers interested in establishing the truth to visit such websites as www.911research.wtc7.net/talks/towers/index and follow the links, or www.serendipity.li/wtc.
Once it is established that the planes were not responsible but merely a spectacular visual effect the official story of 19 Arab hijackers is utterly demolished and with it the last remnants of Bush's legitimacy.
That is why such a huge effort is put into trying to discredit the sceptics.
A similar huge effort was put into trying to prevent an inquiry in the first place, with the sealing off of the site, the rapid removal and export of the steel, the carrying out of an investigation that the Firemens Association called a 'half baked farce' the refusal to release the building plans, the outright lies about the buildings in the 911 comnmission report and so on.
Having acquainted yourself with the facts I hope that you do write the book. There is no shame in being a conspiracy theorist; after all the government's version is also a conspiracy theory. Theirs just happens to be in defiance of logic, the laws of physics and the actual evidence.

Anonymous said...

I still say that the horrific image of airliners hitting those buildings gave Bush (inadvertently or otherwise) sufficient cause for war in Afghanistan and Iraq; the collapses did not really help his cause.

...but the collapses added hugely to the psychological force of the images of aircraft impact.

I love points 1,4, and 5! :-) but a proviso to 2 would warn against detail-junkieism, and to 3 against 'charisma-ism'. The problem in both cases being the danger of encouraging passivity on the part of others. Best not to get caught in the either-or of 3 too (either the larger culture or the ghetto)...although to make headway while avoiding this Scylla and this Charybdis is admittedly easier said than done. Avoiding 'em's easy - I mean it's the making headway that's difficult :-)


Anonymous said...

Some points on the "WTC toxic tenant"
hypothesis. Any competent plotters would
spend the money for a "clean" front, not
some phony Islamist Charity office. But
the point of the theory is less practical
than rhetorical: do not assume the WTC
explosive hypothesis means a gov't conspiracy. It doesn't. The fact that
the authorites destroyed the physical
evidence, keep the blueprints a secret,
delayed investigation, and they still
don't have any core steel samples that
support the "raging inferno" hypothesis
looks very strange, but it should be
considered a separate issue.

You ask: If you have explosives, what
need of airplanes? Well how can you blame
it on al Qaeda without the koran in the
rental car at the airport car park and the
pictures from the airport checkpoints in
Portland and at Dulles?

As to WTC7, what you call "explosive
material" was diesel fuel. If the random
damage alleged by NIST and diesel fuel
fires can bring a 48 story building down
right in its footprint then demolition
experts are out of a job.

None of which is meant to take away from
your larger and more important points.
Which are so completely valid I feel no
need to comment on them.

Anonymous said...

...how can you blame it on al Qaeda without the koran in the rental car at the airport car park and the pictures from the airport checkpoints...
Excellent point and one I hadn't thought of when I authored my query why hijack planes when you have explosives. I would like to clarify my point as I feel it was unclear. While I am flattered that Joseph quoted me, he did so to help illustrate a view that I don't necessarily share. I am not completely closed to the idea that the WTC was a controlled demolition in disguise, especially after perusing the links other respondents provided. I'm merely suggesting that it wasn't entirely an al Qaeda operation and that perhaps they had a hand from "inside". I think others here are suggesting the same thing. I mean, it is incredibly odd, and lucky (if one can possibly use the word to describe anything about such a horrific event) that both towers came down in their own footprints, as they say. Imagine how much more devastation would have ensued had they toppled sideways! And I agree that the sight of the towers collapsing wreaked complete and utter psycological havoc on people everywhere. No one will ever forget it, to say the least. Mission accomplished.

Anonymous said...

Let me begin by saying I know nothing about demolitions nor the extent of damage fire can cause. Notwithstanding I have seen two photographs online at different times and on different sites (one was a building in Madrid & the other a hotel somewhere in the states) showing an inferno raging with flames shooting out of every opening, every window; both burned for hours on end, yet both steel skeletons were left intact, still standing after the fires had extinguished themselves. Every video i have watched on TV and online beginning from the moment the WTC towers were hit until they collapsed showed nothing that even compared to the fires seen in the photos of the two aforementioned buildings. It is said that steel frames do not collapse, but i do not know. ???

A couple of janitors claim they heard explosions about 2 - 3 seconds prior to the airliner crash who were down in the WTC basement. ( They also say they have 13 people who will back up their stories).

Insofar as the pentagon's attack -- what happened to the airplane debris? bodies or body parts? luggage? Why were there no burn marks nor any kind of a crater or hole from where the airplane crashed? the lawn shows nothing indicating a plane crashed in the photos I have seen. Granted Iam sure I have not seen all of the photos. Why haven't the videos from the area around the pentagon ever been released? Moreover even more puzzling, if it wasn't flight 175 (?) where did it go, what happened to the passengers?

Evidently several 6 - 8 of the hijackers have tried to come forward saying they are alive, but the media won't touch it.

There are so many, many questions. Each unanswered question leads to more questions.

BUT .... most importantly why won't the WH answer the questions. If they have nothing to hide then why not logically explain what did take place.

The numerous incidences, videos and photographs that "appear" to tell a different "story," the mysterious actions on the part of the administration that day, NORAD's failure to respond immediately, so on and so forth just do not add up. It is a puzzle where none of the pieces fit or are missing.

Whether bush & his administration are or are not hiding something by shrouding the whole thing in 'mystery,' refusing to answer questions, blocking investigations serve to fuel conspiracy theories. Perhaps it is intentional or perhaps they are hiding something -- either way it does not serve the nation. If they could or would logically answer questions the nation as a whole would benefit greatly.

And I believe until these questions are answered or refuted with facts -- versus accusations of partisanship, conspiracy theories, or whatever other excuse they use to avoid answering -- cobbles this country's ability to move forward.

In the meantime we wait and we continue searching for those elusive answers. It is frustrating!

Anonymous said...

Hi Joseph, I urge you to view this 10 minute very compelling video I got from a link on the Smirking chimp site. It even convinced my mother and she is as skeptical as you re 9/11, and there is nothing wrong with some healthy skepticism. Trashy site, but the video is definitely worth watching. www.enwhore.com/viewmovie.php?mid=797 Also, why did an Israeli company that was in the WTC move out a week before 9/11 and they BROKE their lease?? Why were the bomb sniffing dogs called off the WTC one week before 9/11?? Did you know Bush's brother was the head of security for the WTC, and Dulles airport at the time of 9/11?? Don't you think it odd that THREE towers fell in exactly the same way on the same day. I strongly suggest reading David Ray Griffin's " A New Pearl Harbor" that will shed some light for you. We close our minds to things that are too psychologically painful to bear. When I first discovered 9/11 was an inside job (after much research on the subject) I couldn't believe it either, but after reading so much compelling evidence, I couldn't deny the ugly truth any longer, Wake up and smell the TREASON!!

Anonymous said...

I'd recommend Dr. David Ray Griffin's book
"The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and
Distortions" over "The New Pearl Harbor,"
but TNPH at least can be read online for free:


More from Dr. Griffin:

The 9/11 Commission Report, a 571-page Lie:


Speech in Madison, WI as broadcast on CSpan


Interview in 8/05 issue of Hustler, "What if Everything You Know About 9/11 is Wrong?"


pdf with pictures:


Anonymous said...

I can't speak to the merits of these arguments, but one thing is clear: the U.S. government has so thoroughly violated the public trust, that virtually any scenario is plausible today. The very notion of "conspiracy theory" needs to be normalized to accomodate the current reality of governance by lies.

For example, what if I claimed that the U.S. army is trucking weapons into Iraq from Iran, to make it look like ... you get the drift. It may not be true, but it certainly *could* be true, based on what we know about BushCo. Treason doesn't deter them, any more than dishonesty does.

In this climate, the notion that the real world is somewhat different from the the face of public policy presented by Ari Fleischer & Sons is simply normative. It should require no argument. And yet such a view constitutes, according to the MSM, a "conspiracy theory".

So stop worrying, and just present the facts. It's the best anyone can do in this miserable unreality.

Anonymous said...

Everybody here has good points, no? But I stick with Serena1313 most of all. It's the unanswered questions--and the determination by the government to avoid those answers--that send up red flags.

I'm not convinced of a controlled demolition. Maybe OSB just got lucky and brought down the twin towers with a couple airliners. The thing that sets off my alarms is that the gov't knew so soon who the hijackers were, and actually found M. Atta's passport at the scene. I mean, give me an effing break.

By the way, the jet fuel burned itself out in a matter of minutes. So what substance was it that burned after that? It's been claimed that it was the tons and tons of PAPER in the offices. Is it possible for paper to burn hot enough to melt steel?

I don't know. What I do know is that I believe absolutely nothing that the gov't tells me anymore.

Anonymous said...

sofla says:

Every alleged fact of the standard story about 9/11 remains disputable, because no evidence of any of it has been shown.

The 'hijackers' were not seen on video emplaning on those planes, nor were their names on the manifests. Airplane parts have time-dating parts identification stamps throughout the plane's components, and not one has been shown to match those on record for the planes allegedly involved.

The steel in the WTC was recycled and destroyed as evidence before it could be forensically examined, to howls of protest from the editorialists at the premier journal of fire fighters.

No records of the alleged cell phone conversations have been shown to prove they happened. The tape recordings supposedly from flight 93 in PA have not been released, with the families allowed to hear them forced to sign secrecy agreements not to disclose what they heard.

The FBI was ordered not to investigate the case, and the normal NTSB/FAA investigation of any and all commercial aviation disasters was likewise blocked.

It amounts to a strong case of accessory after the fact for the administration's obstruction of justice in determining what happened and bringing those responsible to justice.

Anonymous said...

Since no-one has mentioned the Urban Moving Company, I thought I would!

Anonymous said...

The lastest report on the WTC collapse (it's from NIST) says they have no samples of core
steel that shows heating above 250 degrees
centigrade. That doesn't stop them from
drawing pretty pictures of the 1000 degree
fires they need to explain why the towers
came down.