Sunday, October 10, 2004

Are you talking to me?

Many of you are searching for more info on what I call the "Promptergate" controversy. This site has just about every mind-numbing detail. Here are the relevant posts:

The one that started it all: Bush's earpiece: What's the frequency, Karl?

The tooth hurts: Is Bush using a "molar phone"?


Photo of an earpiece in W's ear. (Click through for a larger version.)

Tons of links and oddball observations: Audiogate. (If you came here from Rense, this is the version you are looking for.)

Promptergate and the larger issue of Bush's health.

The story spreads!

Earlier examples?

More on the controversy of Bush's health.

THIS JUST IN: In Los Angeles, the story was covered just now by Channel 13's pseudo-news show.

If you don't live in Southern California, you may not know that one of our local stations, Channel 13, offers an exercise in anti-journalism so repellent it actually makes the local Fox affiliate seem like a serious operation. Each night, giggly-jiggly bimbocasters wearing mini-skirts and low-cut blouses offer the latest scoops on Britney and Beyonce, along with searing exposes of Hollywood streetwalkers. If you watch this show for more than five minutes, cerebellum will actually start to seep out of your eye sockets.

Believe it or not, these mini-skirted Murrows scoffed -- scoffed! -- at Promptergate. Gosh. I guess this story doesn't meet their high standards.

1 comment:

majqa said...

After reading your post (below) about the possibility that Bush could be suffering from Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome - this COULD in turn help explain the device under his coat.

Symptoms typically include:

* loss of short-term memory
* reduced initiative or spontaneity
* confabulation (inaccurate reminiscences)

It could be that Bush's Thiamine (Vitamin B1) levels run so low that he actually requires an insulin-type pump. Considering his campaign schedule his doctor may have prescribed or fitted him with such a device years ago to be used on an as-need basis.

Like everything else - this is just my own speculation.