Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Fascists, Marxists and trolls

As we wait for the pardon list -- and then for the inauguration -- ponder these two points:
1. When will we have an anti-fascist, anti-QAnon podcast for normal people? 
I've been tempted to recommend the I Don't Speak German podcast, which -- don't get me wrong -- can be very useful and informative. Unfortunately, it's run by a couple of Marxists who, on occasion, are almost as annoying as the fascists they denounce. In their show about the January 6 coup, they went after Rachel Maddow. Because she's the problem.
Similarly, the QAnon Anonymous podcast is consistently entertaining and well-researched. Unfortunately, it seems to be run by BernieBros and hard-core progs and intersectional whatevers. You know how I feel about BernieBros.

I'm starting to feel like Orwell in Spain: Hey, I came here to shoot fascists. Why can't I do that without rubbing elbows with ultra-left-wing whackadoodles I can't stand?

2. This blog has been absolutely inundated with comments lately. You have not seen most of those comments because I have deleted them before publication, sometimes before reading. 
It's a new post-January 6 disinfo tactic: Yes, Trump's an asshole. BUT... 
After the "But" comes the anti-Dem line of the day. 
  • BUT impeachment would be divisive. 
  • BUT big tech is censoring free speech (and one of these days they'll come after you, Cannon). 
  • BUT Biden really will be a war-monger/tool of Israel/enemy of black people/whatever.
  • BUT Hillary would have been worse.
  • BUT her emails. (Seriously. They tried that line of attack.)
  • BUT Pizzagate was real. (While in a half-asleep state, I let one of those comments slip through. The moment the trolls saw a hole in the dam, they gleefully grabbed their axes and tried to make the hole larger.) (Did I mix metaphors just now? Sorry. Don't care.)
Cannonfire does not have the readership it once did, and even back in the day, it was never huge. If the trolls are attacking this very humble blog, they must be slamming the more popular sites relentlessly and ferociously. In my search for the right metaphor, I keep flashing on the shrews in The Killer Shrews. But lots scarier.

That's why believe that the Senate trial of Donald Trump should begin ASAP. The troll legions will keep working the internet until they have managed to rehabilitate Trump and the Q qontingent.
For the same reason, I would say that the SDNY had better mount its case against Trump pronto. Do not underestimate the ability of the troll armies to change the public's mood.

And do not be surprised if Biden becomes incredibly unpopular very soon. I suspect that the grand arc of his presidency will mirror that of Jimmy Carter. 
Biden's sinking poll numbers will have nothing to do with anything he actually does. Trolls are gonna get 'im. Trolls are gonna drag him to hell.

Someone is paying these guys.


Ivory Bill Woodpecker said...

Perhaps the private corporations, which are not obligated to observe the First Amendment, will have learned their lesson, and start suppressing the trolls?

Also, the Clumsy Coup Cock-up put a scare in the "mainstream" conservatives as well as the rest of us. Perhaps the conservatives will co-operate in a Popperian suppression of online fascism, and the conservative judges will allow it?

joseph said...

The biggest enemy of free speech is the big lie.

Anonymous said...

Your blog is getting overrun by Marxist trolls the same way 9/11 blogs would be overrun by UFOs tinfoilers and Direct Energy idiots... to taint your message to discredit it. Same reason why Trumpers go to Democraticunderground and pose as Marxists spamming msgs that they are pro BLM.

CambridgeKnitter said...

I expect the New York Attorney General and the Manhattan District Attorney will pounce before SDNY, but I wouldn't mind if they all traipsed to the courthouse hand-in-hand to drop a world of hurt on a bunch of deserving people this week.

Joseph Cannon said...

Anon, the trolls are not Marxist. They are anti-Democratic. And I don't think that they are out to silence me or this particular blog. I think that they are one manifestation of an all-out propaganda assault to smear the Democratic party and revive the political prospects of the GOP.

In other words, the usual.

Jsteed2020 said...

Gaslit nation is an excellent anti fascist podcast