Thursday, August 24, 2017

Debunking an anti-Mueller conspiracy theory

The right-wing nutjobs have fastened onto a yanked-out-of-context Wikileaks document in order to "prove" that former FBI Director Robert Mueller (now heading the probe into Trump) was involved in some sort of operation to smuggle nuclear materials to Russia. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists exposes this nonsense.
As often happens in nuclear smuggling cases, Georgian officials initially transferred the material to the FBI, so the Bureau could conduct a nuclear forensic examination of the material to attempt to determine from where the material had been stolen. Given the location of the seizure, it was highly likely that control of the material was lost during the chaotic period after the breakup of the Soviet Union. Therefore, Russian authorities would want, and the United States and Georgia would need, for Russian scientists to compare the sample to materials from their facilities to attempt to identify the source of the theft.
There was, of course, much greater cooperation between Russia and the United States years ago than is the case now. Americans have always been particularly worried about the safety of nuclear materials.

My prediction: This Mueller conspiracy theory won't go away any time soon, although it will circulate primarily in Alex Jonesland. When the right-wing nutjobs fasten onto an idea like this, they don't let go. They will always be able to find some tiny detail or other to "prove" whatever they want to believe.

Of course, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is really a front for the Freemasons. Globalists! International Bankers! Trilaterial Commission! Build-a-Burgers! Soros! Hillary! Weishaupt! Illuminati! The Palladium! Bohemian Grove! BenGHAAAAAAZEEEEEEEEE!!!!


Anonymous said...

And her EMAILS prove it!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I give Mr. Mueller a lot of credit for acknowledging in 2002 that "In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper – either here in the U.S. or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere – that mentioned any aspect of the September 11th plot."

Grung_e_Gene said...

The beauty of being a conservatives is having no memory and believing everything which exists today was created ex nihilo that way if a former Republican or conservative should happen to become unorthodox and break the 1st Right-Wing commandment, Thou Shalt Say Nothing Bad about Republicans they can excommunicate him and act as though he was always a crooked DemocRAT all along...