During the actual "apology" part of the presentation, Donnie reminded me of that clip of Krusty the Clown reciting the words "I heartily endorse this service and/or product."
Trump called his "Grab 'em by the pussy" remark a "distraction." Yet he signaled -- again -- that the rest of his campaign will be about Bill Clinton, as if those old (and mostly false) allegations were NOT a distraction.
The teevee talking heads have it all wrong, as usual. When Trump launches his counterattack, he will not be talking about Bill Clinton's "infidelity." He will focus on allegations of rape and sexual abuse. If you turn to the Alex Jones websites, to which I will NOT link, you will see that this Clinton-as-rapist campaign is in full swing.
Trump's charges will derive from the Stone/Morrow book Clinton's War on Women. Everyone knows that Roger Stone is one of the slimier hedonists ever to ooze his way through the muck and the mud. Robert Morrow believes that Donald Trump raped a 13 year-old girl. So how the hell can Trump grant credibility to Morrow's "research"? Fun times await us all.
My theory: Donald Trump's campaign isn't really a campaign. It's his version of "The Aristocrats."
Michele Bachmann, bless her crazy heart, rose to Trump's defense on MSNBC yesterday. She insisted, without evidence, that the "p-word" tape came from the Clinton campaign. Actually, the Washington Post got it from Access Hollywood. The great thing about being Michele Bachmann is that reality becomes Silly Putty: You can shape it however you please.
Below the asterisks, you will find my original post. My piece starts with the "p-word" video but goes into far more important topics. For a while, I thought that mine might be the only piece to point out that Trump's "p-word" commentary aligns with the Donnie-the Groper claims made by Jill Harth in an under-reported lawsuit. Just now the NYT has published a fine piece which takes a deep look at the Harth connection.
Can the Trump candidacy survive the next few days?
* * *
Everyone is talking about Donald Trump's unconscionable remarks, as heard on a newly released recording:
A decade before Donald Trump became the Republican nominee for president, he shared candid and lewd views on women that were caught on tape.Trump has excused all of this as "locker room talk." Speaking as a heterosexual male who has engaged in in a number of free-wheeling conversations with other heterosexual males -- some of whom were pretty outrageous characters -- I can honestly say that I've never heard another man speak about women in such a creepily rapey fashion. Yes, I've heard some rather slimey things, but nothing quite on this level.
"I'm automatically attracted to beautiful women — I just start kissing them, it's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything," he said in the 2005 conversation. "Grab 'em by the pussy."
It culminated in January 1993, when Harth and Houraney were visiting his Florida mansion, Mar-a-Lago, to finalize and then celebrate the beauty pageant deal with a party.
After business concluded, Harth and Houraney were on tour of Mar-a-Lago along with a group of young pageant contestants – Trump wanted to “see the quality of the girls he was sponsoring”, Harth recalled – when he pulled her aside into one of the children’s bedrooms.
“He pushed me up against the wall, and had his hands all over me and tried to get up my dress again,” Harth said, “and I had to physically say: ‘What are you doing? Stop it.’ It was a shocking thing to have him do this because he knew I was with George, he knew they were in the next room. And how could he be doing this when I’m there for business?”
She recalled how Trump – who had just gone through a divorce from his first wife, Ivana, and was in a relationship with Marla Maples, who would become his second wife – pursued her and urged her to leave Houraney.Harth's story becomes harder to discredit in light of the recording that everyone is now talking about. A long time ago, she claimed that Trump really does think he can grab women by their most private areas.
“Trump did everything in his power to get me to leave him. He constantly called me and said: ‘I love you, baby, I’m going to be the best lover you ever had. What are you doing with that loser, you need to be with me, you need to step it up to the big leagues.’
But even that is not the real story.
If you want the truth about Trumpian sleaze, read this long, compelling article (the first of a series). It looks into the background of both Trump Models and the orange letch who founded it. (Yes, this is the same must-read article to which I linked in the previous post.)
I'll give you the big, icky "grand revelation" right here and now: Donald Trump handed his daughter Ivanka, then just 14, over to the "care" of his ultra-debauched friend John Casablancas -- after Casablancas had been exposed in the press as a serial child rapist.
But there's so much more, including charges of rape involving Trump himself. Here's an excerpt:
You see, despite his attempts to portray himself as a Don Juan, he really didn’t have much in the way of game-at least according to those who know him. “In all honesty, Donald is completely awkward with women,” a Trump insider told the New York Daily News in a July 2016 interview. “He never developed small talk. He’s not very social. He doesn’t have any friends. Plus, he’s completely paranoid about venereal disease and AIDS.”Another excerpt. This one concerns the allegation that Trump raped Ivana:
In light of this, and considering the other things that were going on in his life, I will make an observation- Trump has been in the public eye for around 30 years, and his personal life-including romantic dalliances-have been exhaustively covered. Yet within those multiple decades in the public eye, there is a period of a little under five years in which Trump faced multiple accusations of sexual harassment and assault. To me, at least, the high number of accusations within a short time period are striking, as are similarities between each woman’s account.
His alleged rape of his first wife Ivana takes place in late 1989. He was accused of sexually harassing a model in 1992. A lawsuit filed by Jill Hearth alleged ongoing sexual misconduct-including an attempted rape, over the course of 2 months spanning between 1993 and 1994. And his alleged rape of a 13 year old girl (which I will discuss in more detail in the next installment) was reported as taking place in early 1994. As far as I’m aware, no other allegations have surfaced-although women in both his employ and personal life have spoken out about his continued inappropriate behavior and comments.
1989-1995 just so happens to be the same time period in which Donald Trumps world and empire was falling apart at the seams. In the beginning of the decade he was facing the end of his first marriage and a looming court battle. Despite his purportedly active dating life, by many accounts Trump was being rejected by many, if not most, of the women he pursued-including Carla Bruni and Jill Hearth. Marla Maples, after years of being the secret mistress and repeated rounds of being dumped and publicly humiliated by Trump, was starting to lose her patience. And the big gamble he took in Atlantic City was, by all accounts, failing miserably-a direct result of his jaw droppingly awful business practices and general incompetence. In 1991, his Taj Mahal Casino filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. In 1992, he again filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy again, this time on his Trump Plaza Hotel (also in Atlantic City), at the time owing $550 million dollars. Recall that he would report an almost 1 billion dollar loss on his 1995 tax returns, according to the copies obtained by the New York Times. Indeed, the early 90’s were not a very good era for Donald Trump. In light of this fact, it’s worth noting that the sexual assault allegations against him are all clustered within this very time frame.
In the meantime his relationship with Ivana deteriorated-culminating in a now iconic ski slope showdown in Aspen between his wife and his girlfriend. And according to a sworn deposition that she gave during the divorce (which she would publicly distance herself from later) Donald brutally raped her:Bruni never had anything to do with Trump. She considered him "The King of Tacky."
After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon.Trump, perhaps inspired by the success of John Casablancas in earned media, decided to turn the ending of his first marriage into a Greek Tragedy for the ages. New personas were created in the form of “publicists” that sounded uncannily like Donald Trump himself. These personas called reporters to scoop them on salacious details of his exploits. Trump and/or his alter ego/”publicist” would all page 6 reporter Liz Smith and others incessantly to let them know that Mr. Trump, while still technically married, and already carrying on a serious relationship with his mistress, was nonetheless the object of unbridled desire by the most beautiful women on the planet, who he apparently had to beat off with a stick. Madonna was chasing him around like a dog in heat. He was bedding “literally dozens” of models-a different one every day of the week. Kim Bassinger was among his many conquests. And Carla Bruni-at the time one of the most high-profile supermodels in the world-was pursuing him to the point that restraining orders might end up necessary. Such was the sexual magnetism of “The Donald” in the late 80’s, early 90’s-to hear him publicist John Barron say it.
“Your fucking doctor has ruined me!” Trump cried.
What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.
“Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified… It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes. “According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’”
Following the incident, Ivana ran upstairs, hid behind a locked door, and remained there “crying for the rest of night.” When she returned to the master bedroom in the morning, he was there.
“As she looks in horror at the ripped-out hair scattered all over the bed, he glares at her and asks with menacing casualness: ‘Does it hurt?’”
Of course the fake publicist ruse eventually caught up with him. Page 6 reporters were all too familiar with the voice of Donald Trump, as was Marla Maples who they played the tape for to confirm. And eventually Trump would admit that the story about Carla Bruni was really just a way to get his long suffering mistress jealous. And yet despite the fact that the ostensible relationship was entirely fictional, Trump has continued to act like he did in fact have an affair with Carla Bruni. As recently as 2008, in an interview with Howard Stern-he played coy when asked about his past dalliances with Bruni (who went on to become the first lady of France after marrying Nicholas Sarkozy) and made the now infamous comment about her less than impressive breasts-saying “very hard to be a 10 when you’re flat chested.”
She speculated it may have been in retaliation for her rejection that Trump planted the story that they were romantically involved. A year later she would sum up the entire scandal in one perfect sentence- “Trump has obviously always been a lunatic”
He just makes me sick to my stomach.
Piece by David Millward in the Daily Telegraph:
"Donald Trump faces new threat as witches and pagans plan to ‘exert mental influence’ to persuade him to quit":
"A non-partisan group calling itself the World Ad-Hoc Association of Witches has pledged to “exert mental influence” on the debate which, it claims, will force the billionaire to quit the race."
"The group has urged pagans and witches across the world to participate in what it describes as a 'call to action'."
"It will entail the pagan community focusing its energy on the debate and getting inside Mr Trump’s head."
"Rather helpfully the call to action includes a map to show supporters exactly where in St Louis Missouri they should concentrate their mystical powers."
"When the debate moderator, Anderson Cooper asks questions, pagans and witches have been told to chant 'quit the race'."
"When Mr Trump speaks, they should intone 'I quit' in the hope of entering what it describes as his 'mental field'. The group is confident of success, believing it will pave the way for the Republicans to choose another candidate."
"'From the moment we begin our influence, the idea of quitting will dominate Trump’s mind,' the group says."
"Peter Gower, the group’s Scotland based spokesman, added: 'We will cause no physical harm. We will simply hold up a mirror to him on the astral plane. As we watch the debate, tens of thousands of us will shout the idea of quitting into his mind.'
'This is exactly what part of this extremely dangerous man’s mind wants anyway, and we intend to ensure that it happens.'
'It is possible he may announce during the debate itself that he’s quitting. But whatever happens, he will quit no more than 24 hours later.'"
b, I got that press release, which I thought was cute. I'd write a post about it, but I think I'll let the current one stay up on top for a while.
I did some research. The "witches" release seems to have been put out by the same person publicizing the "fact" that the Mar-A-Logo shield supposedly contains a 666. (It's the lions' tails.)
Another fun fact (from the same twitter feed: Try placing the following equation into your calculator...
That PROVES it!
Edgar Allan Poe's and Jerry Lee Lewis's wives were more mature than Donald Trump will ever be.
Vladimir Nabokov's Humbert Humbert, a cultured European immigrant to America, in his confessional diary offers his reader that, supposedly, Sicilian fathers initiate their daughters. Perhaps someday linguists will learn that 'mafia' is a dialectical corruption of what in English would be 'my daughter'. Listen closely in The Godfather, Part II, in the scene when young Vito is backstage with his employer's son at the theater, as Don Fanucci (the "Black Hand") extorts money from the actress's father, while holding a knife to her throat. You can hear the father say the Sicilian words for 'my daughter', which sound like 'ma fia'. Se e non vero, e ben trovato.
In the chapter, "The Hollow Amid The Ferns", in Thomas Hardy's novel, Far From The Madding Crowd, Sgt. Troy uncouthly plants a kiss upon Bathsheba Everdene, after dazzling and frightening her with his prowess with his saber, even shearing a lock of her hair near her shoulder. Bathsheba was nonplussed and soon furious at his stealth and forwardness by his kissing her. The scene and the encounter leads the completely naive Bathsheba to imagine that Sgt. Troy loves her, and she falls in love with him, blind to his lewd and disgusting character. It's all but certain that Hardy intended no pun with his chapter's title, as his great writing always lay in his painterly compositions of the natural world in southwest England, but who can say? The saber threats are sufficiently symbolic. In the most recent film adaptation, with Carey Mulligan, in that scene Sgt. Troy moves his hand down and presses Bathsheba's crotch under her dress, as though the film's maker(s) believed Hardy was punning with his chapter title, as though a contemporary audience would never believe that a stolen, unwanted kiss could enthrall a young, naive, independent, strong woman. The two earlier movie versions, on the other hand, are faithful to Hardy's text (and the 1998 BBC/PBS Masterpiece version with Paloma Baeza is much superior to the other two versions). Alas, we see required crotch grabbing in Elizabeth: The Golden Age, as Cate Blanchett's middle-aged queen demands the volta dance be performed on a young threat to her attentions. The scene suggests the violence of a man's hand lifting a woman by her crotch during the dance and the nature of supreme power.
I will describe an additional instance of the commodification of child sexuality to the Kos linked first installment: The back cover of a December 1977 issue of The New York Times Magazine advertises Halston perfume, displaying a nine- or ten-year-old girl with long and fair hair, from her folded arms up, without any clothes, and two phallic bottles -- the shape of bowling pins -- of Halston perfume being caressed against her chest.
Trump's so-called immature, sexist, and antifeminist behavior, often reported as his being a misogynist, is more accurately termed gynophobia.
"Let's be honest. We're living in the real world. This is nothing more than a distraction from the important issues we're facing today. We are losing our jobs, we're less safe than we were eight years ago, and Washington is totally broken. Hillary Clinton and her kind have run our country into the ground."
"And her kind"? Does he mean women?
He is going to get his arse kicked in the second debate harder than he's ever had it kicked before. He is going to say it's Hillary who's keen on assisting with rape. He's probably going to call her a lesbian too. (See Gennifer Flower's quoted words in the Daily Mail.) If he hasn't already withdrawn by Sunday evening, he will completely self-destruct during the debate. Everything he did, or is accused of doing, it's a "distraction" to mention his having done it, but his opponent did it 10 times worse, and that's what got the country into such a mess, and Bill Clinton is the devil, right? This guy Trump is gaga. The scumbag should get the fuck out of politics right now.
I've heard some disgusting things said about women too, but I too have never heard a man boast about habitually grabbing the genitals of lots of unsuspecting and unwanting females. Most guys of that type, I would guess, are in jail - probably segregated from other prisoners for their own protection, on what in Britain used to be called "Rule 43". Nor have I ever heard a man say his daughter is such a great looker that if she wasn't his daughter he'd be dating her. Trump lives in his own world, he's a truly obnoxious piece of shit - every "deal" for him is about making someone his bitch - there is much more that could come out, and some of it will come out, probably quite soon. The RNC must be absolutely shitting themselves with impatience.
I have spent literally years inside locker rooms and barracks and other abodes of raging testosterone and I have never heard any male speak the way tRump has about women. The only time I heard anything remotely close was when I transporting a convicted rapist (long story I'd just as soon forget)around the countryside. I can imagine that is the way serial predators of various sorts talk about their victims.
Gee, and I thought it over the top when GW started rubbing Angela Merkel's shoulders. I don't know how well a President Donald would do in diplomatic circles.
Is this really happening, war with Russia:
As for Trump, you still think he can win?
That was an awesome Oct Surprise and Trump is most certainly toast. I wish I was the one who had that footage and sat on it all these years. What a nice payoff, I'm jelly!!
That being said, "Bob" says he never ever heard guys talk like that? WTF? I have heard such comments my whole life. The funny thing is I have hung out with Many Christians who have their public facade but are just another horny male in private (like Jimmy Swaggert for example).
Trump made the comment that when you have Money and power, girls will let you do stuff and people think it is deplorable. Huh? Of course that is the way it is and always has been for the average girl. Why would I bust my ass and work so hard to earn lots of money if it didn't get me better looking girls who will play the games I like?
If the very last minute of this video were NOT true, I may as well pack it in now considering my age and looks:
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