Saturday, May 31, 2014

"Hey! Dat was da WABBIT!"

Books about national security sometimes reward a second pass. On re-reading, certain passages may help you attain moments of Elmer Fuddian samsara: "Hey! Dat was da WABBIT!"

Case in point: Confront and Conceal, by David E. Sanger. Let's do a little wabbit hunting...

Boom! Sanger discusses the mysterious Bid Kaneh missile base explosion near Tehran, which occurred in November of 2011. Here's the part with the wabbit:
Another Israeli plot—this one involving explosives planted by Iranian agents trained by the Mossad? Or, given the huge size of the explosion, a freak accident, similar to the kind that has struck some American rocket facilities over the decades?
Which "American rocket facilities" have been destroyed over the decades? How many incidents have there been? Is there a pattern? Is this really a thing?

A little googling turns up this event, known as the PEPCON disaster, which occurred near Henderson, Nevada in 1988. I'm not sure if this explosion is the sort of thing that Sanger is talking about, since the plant produced ammonium percholate, not "rockets" per se.

Since the Bid Kaneh affair is generally presumed to have resulted from sabotage, is Sanger implying something disturbing about PEPCON?

"The Chinese know." Sanger discusses cyberwarfare -- Stuxnet and similar.
One of the creators of the government’s offensive cyber strategy, Gen. James Cartwright, makes a compelling case that the secrecy may be working against American interests. “You can’t have something that’s a secret be a deterrent,” he argued shortly after leaving his post as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. “Because if you don’t know it’s there, it doesn’t scare you.”

A senior intelligence official disagreed: “Everyone who needs to know what we can do, knows,” he said. “The Chinese know.” And the Iranians, he added, “are probably figuring it out.”
Okay. Then why not let the American public in on it?

Did commies nix single-payer? Even though a majority of Americans favored single payer health care, the idea was off the proverbial table. Why? Most of my readers would offer the usual yada-yada: "Obama is in the pay of the insurance companies!" And so on.

But Sanger forces his readers to consider a factor which they may not have thought about previously. He describes a "Strategic and Economic Dialogue" held in DC between Obama and representatives from China:
But Orzsag was surprised to be asked to tote over his PowerPoint on Obama’s health-care proposals.

The Chinese weren’t particularly interested in whether Americans used a single-payer option or insured every child in the land -- the arguments that were preoccupying the cable airwaves. The Chinese had only one concern. “They wanted to know, in painstaking detail, how the health-care plan would affect the deficit,” one participant in the conversation later recalled. How, exactly, would this fit into America’s ability to manage its debt, pay its bills, and keep its currency relatively stable?

Soon the luncheon took on the air of a Wall Street meeting between prospective investors and a hedge-fund manager, rather than a diplomatic engagement between two sovereign nations.

It was the kind of conversation that was unimaginable twenty years ago, or even ten. No one buying treasury bills then would likely have asked how much it would cost the United States to invade and occupy Iraq. (Answer: more than Obamacare.) This health-care conversation with the Chinese in 2009 revealed just how tough it was to answer Hillary Clinton’s rhetorical question to the Australians: “How do you deal toughly with your banker?” Orszag’s presentation seemed to say: very carefully, and with lots of charts.

The unspoken message of China’s interest in the issue was clear: the United States was already bogged down in two wars, and appeared, to Chinese analysts, “in decline or distracted or both.” America’s lenders in China wanted assurances that the US budget deficits would not worsen, and neither would the chance that they would be paid back.
Fascinating. And grimly amusing.

The Glenn Beckians and other right-wing dolts think that single payer is a communist plot. In fact, the Chinese -- who are at least nominally communist -- would never have allowed us to go that route.

Now let's zoom out for a wider view. Even if Obama had come into office with the best of intentions (which he didn't), there is no way he could have instituted a new New Deal. Meanwhile, the Chinese themselves met the challenge of 2008 with development programs funded by a truly astonishing level of debt. We find ourselves in the same trap that so many small countries get into when they fall into the clutches of the IMF: Our lenders enforce austerity on us, while they can borrow and spend their way into superpower status.


Anonymous said...

The economic hitmen are going after the USA in just the same way they go after third world nations. WE're being colonized by the 1%.

cracker said...

So what comes next? The Chinese demand clear title to Long Island, Galveston Island, San Francisco Bay, plus the redwood forests of Northern California? Or otherwise they dump two trillion dollars worth of US government paper into world markets and blow up the US$ based economy? Good thing Woody Guthrie is dead now.
Truly it is said that the debtor is a slave to the creditor, and apparently that is true of bankrupt empires just as it is of profligate individuals. Maybe we should have some more stupid unnecessary wars, especially the ones that drag on for 12 or more years, like Vietnam or Afghanistan, and we could do it on credit and pay interest on it for generations. We could go to war with Russia or China, if we could borrow some money from ...uh, Russia or China?

Anonymous said...

I've wondered for a long time if the neocons intend to repudiate the debt, relying on our military establishment to protect us from the consequences.

Monster from the Id said...

Along with what Anon @ 7:01 AM suggested, I wonder if our spook agencies know some way to use the Web to rob our creditors, foreign corporations and banks, drug lords, etc.

Is the USAmerican misruling class ready to abandon pretense, and hoist the Jolly Roger openly?

CBarr said...

In the new Cold War the US could accuse Russia of financing terrorists in Syria and sanction their banking activities. Slapping a total ban on Russian use of international banks would seriously hurt their economy. And so Russia and China begin to build a separate financial system from the west.

As for hoisting the Jolly Roger. If the US decided play dirty and toss mud in China's face by throwing out the rulebook regarding trade and finances, China would have ways to even the score. One would be to break our patents and simply pirate all the goods they now manufacture for American corporations, to then be sold under the banner of Chinese companies. The US would be toast since it now has no manufacturing base and wouldn't have time to get new factories up and running.

Joseph Cannon said...

Break our patents? The Chinese already treat our patents as if they were instruction manuals.

CBarr said...

No need to study the instruction manual when you already have a factory in your country that is churning out the items. Just take over the manufacturing yourself and but your brand name on it.

Monster from the Id said...

*dons chapeau de Reynolds Wrap*

Something very ugly which I hadn't thought about in a while just popped back into my head. I read years ago in an article in Rolling Stone (or maybe Spin) that it was possible, or shortly could become possible, taking advantage of genetic differences among nations/races/tribes, to use genetic engineering to create plagues which would only kill people with certain genetic characteristics.

I wonder if our spook agencies are working on something calculated to kill only Han Chinese.

Or if they already have something.

After all, those MFs have NO morals. The only limitation on their depravity is what is scientifically and economically possible, and what isn't.