Wednesday, December 23, 2009


1. I can't believe that this silliness fooled anyone for a second.

2. Obama says he "didn't campaign" on the public option. Oh yes he did. Red Dragon has a great piece up about that. So does Marcy Wheeler.


Zee said...

And yet politifact (snort!) reports that it's Palin who wins the "lie of the year."

Funny how frantic the O-fluffers are to maintain the distraction and denial.

RedDragon said...


I took a peek at the "daily Kooks" site and it was funny that most, not all, were still finding ways to justify Obama's lies.

I've long given up trying to understand the mentality of Lemmings but come on.....The proof is right in front of their faces yet they continue to serve as "Talking Monkey's" for everything that is Obama!

Unbelievable isn't it?

MrMike said...

Wasn't there a Capt. Jenks or like that who would make prank calls?
Anyhow that call ranks up there as an all time classic.
Every time you bring out an Obama back track the bots will say,"That was then, this is now" as an excuse.
Only thing about that is how Hillary would get it right the first time around.

Perry Logan said...

It's weird that Obama should defend himself in this way.

Even if he weren't lying, we should ask him, "Why the hell didn't you campaign for the public option, you prevaricating twit?" Or words to that effect.