Time, once more, to revisit the Nevada Test site, by way of Google Earth.
The video above makes some silly assertions, but it also points to some genuine mysteries. I suggest that you watch this video full screen -- otherwise, you may not be able to read the captions. The best viewing time would be about 2 in the morning, with all the lights off. The music track is quite appropos.

The evidence is compelling that there are underground facilities beneath the test site. Perhaps to test "bunker buster" nukes...?
To your left, you will see a picture displaying another oddity.
Roughly 18 miles north of Tonopah is another hidden base -- reachable only by an unmarked dirt road. Within this area, we find a large, terraced mountain, or butte. At the top, a gouge in the plateau reveals what appears to be a small lake. All of this looks quite artificial.
And the purpose...?
Below and to your right, I present another bit of strangeness in the desert.
If you travel around the left side of the test site -- the area with all the nuke craters -- you'll see some strange formations. (Look to the east of Pinyon Butte.) The weirdest things here are the squares filled with what looks like snow.

Incidentally, this photo shows another one of those "cables." The more I ponder these things, the odder they seem.
Well, there are many strange things in any desert -- and it only stands to reason that the Nevada Test Site (and environs) would present a great many mysteries to those of us not on Need To Know. I write these occasional posts in the hope that someone out there who does know will be able to inform the rest of us.
(Incidentally, did you know that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin trained in the Sedan Crater?)
Joseph -
Based on comparison of shadows on the terraces with those on nearby buildings and hills, I think your terraced mountain is actually a quarry of some sort. Once you see it as a mountain, though, it's hard to stop....
Wouldn't they want to permanently mark the site of a nuclear explosion so someone did not build something there in the future-I assume it is toxic for many years to come.
Or perhaps they are monitoring how the radiation in the site diminishes over time?
The idea that they are drawing on some energy just seems silly.
My job in US Air Force was nuking active US military bases in England, and nuking Western Europe. Ever read Operation Northwoods?
History Channel says the Pentagon already nuked USA 1,050 times.
Israel stole 400 nukes from USA incl ORNL. Now Israel runs security for all nuke factories in USA.
"Intelligence chatter from two agencies, Israel Mossad and one other, discussed their desire to nuke nine US cities in 2009, 'to teach America a lesson'. Within days of our broadcasts, Newsmax came out with a story saying the same thing, but blaming AllCIAduh, er, Al Qaeda."
-Dr. Cass Ingram, The Power Hour radio show, 1470 am Alcoa TN, 3 Feb 2009
Nuclear Attacks on 7 U.S. Cities in 2009: New York, Washington, D.C., Las Vegas, Miami, Boston, Houston, and Los Angeles, says Bush PR firm Newsmax
"The FBI has issued a BOLO on suspected terrorists driving a white delivery van from New York City to the Mexican border. The suspects are using Israeli passports. They are armed and dangerous."
-Knox County TN Emergency 911 Dispatch, Sept 11, 2001, 11am EST
The first terrorist bombers arrested in USA on 9/11/2001 were Israeli Mossad says Fox News. There were over 500 of them, infiltrating US military bases and all police agencies. They were dressed as Muslims, "dancing in happiness" while watching and videotaping the World Trade Center explode. All were allowed to leave USA, and none were tortured to confess at Gitmo.
14 Israeli "art students" were living in World Trade Center Towers with forged Construction Passes, connection to Mossad spy ring infiltrating every US military base and police agency in USA, arrested and deported from USA after 9/11/2001:
Israel police 'arrest Mossad spy on training exercise' planting car bomb
"Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."
-Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to Jonathan Pollard (convicted traitor and spy in USA) upon exiting Pollard's jail cell
"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."
-Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001
Having spent some time at the NTS in the '90s, the following explanations come to mind:
--The cables are, well, sensor cables placed in a parallel shaft to measure the yield of the weapon/gather additional data on the fission/fusion reaction taking place.
--Even with a 40-year "crater" there will still be "venting" concern. The idea is to contain radioactivity underground, but the explosion creates a large cavity which may eventually collapse, allowing radioactivity to escape.
--If there are underground facilities still in use, you would find them in the vertical shafts which were drilled straight down and are only a few feet in diameter. However, there are plenty of large, capacious tunnels (veritable underground mazes, actually) bored horizontally into mountain sides. Many of them were unused as of the 1992 moratorium. Good places to test stuff.
--The moratorium on nuclear tests (or actual nuclear testing treaties like TTBT and CTBT) does not cover "subcritical" tests which stop short of a chain reaction. These are now the preferred method of verifying the effectiveness of the "legacy" nuclear stockpile (which is quite old, for the most part).
John, your "job" was nothing of the sort. Stop trying to pull legs.
Yes, we've all heard Operation Northwoods. Don't talk down to me and don't talk down to my readers.
What the History Channel referred to were nuclear tests.
Everything you have on offer here is ancient and familiar. Some of it is true and much of it is not, but all your points are ancient and familiar. Few of them have any relationship to my post.
We all know the tale of the Israeli "art students." I even met a couple of them. How do they relate to the oddities of which I wrote?
The only reason I allowed your inane comment through is to offer a warning: THIS IS NOT ALEX JONES' SITE. You are not allowed to come here and spew out any old thing. AH seems comfortable with that sort of nonsense; I am not.
The comments here are supposed to be bear some logical relationship to the subject at hand. I don't want to see any more haphazard "brain dumps" in which you toss in every weird unconnected paranoid idea, assertion or factoid in your limited repertoire.
If you can't manage to conjure up a logical, linear, relevant narrative, don't be surprised if your letter does not get published.
Snowflake: The issue of toxicity is interesting. As I mentioned, the Apollo astronauts trained in the Sedan crater, the largest man-made crater on Earth. Neil Armstrong still seems to be in pretty good health, so I don't think he got a huge dose of radioactivity.
I agree that the "energy source" theory is silly. But SOMETHING odd is going on.
And those cables really bug me!
it's not a "terraced butte" but open mining, probably the Tonopah Equatorial Copper mine. The tailings can be seen on the west side. The lake is caused by digging to ground water level.
What often seems a butte or hill on satellite (aerial) photographs is in reality a depression or a crater. Sometimes real buttes or hills can look like craters. Valleys can look like mountains and mountains like valleys. Specially in desertic terrain where there are no other clues like vegetation or snow. On the Nevada test sites what looks like buttes are for all them (maybe with some exception) craters.
The picture you get on a "flat" viewing on Google Earth is very deceiving for an untrained eye. If you flip the landscape in 3D you'll get a completely different perception.
subcritical testing is going on for full at the test site and even the Frenchies seem to be involved...
the square "white" structures are probably water retention basins. The "glassy" appearance is ptobably due to either sun reflection (angle of photography) or dried salt deposits at the bottom.
Well, Mike's information demonstrates why I love bogging. Thanks.
Don't these explosions vaporize everything around them? How could the cables or whatever they are survive? Or do the bombs go off entirely underground? If so maybe those towers were there before the blast after all.
Video dude's "smoke" is likely a 'dust devil', common in desert areas. I live in the high desert and see them all the time-- like 30'or 50' tall, 10' or 20' wide or so mini-tornadoes that whip up amazing amounts of sand, dust and leaves, then peter out in a few minutes.... fascinating and kinda pretty.
I concur with your commenter who suggests that your white "snow" is likely salt- mineral salts. I have seen strange natural deposits in the deserts that look just like snow. And I've seen these thick white mineral salts deposits lining abandoned ponds.
As for the rest of it, I don't know, but took it to be monitoring stations. MUCH concern in Arizona and Utah still, about having been "down winders" and what is the status now.
Plus, I suppose, there may be scientific interest in many aspects of the aftermath of such sites. Physicists are interested in strange things. Like radiation and stuff. Astronomers too.
"I can't think of a reason why human beings would want to create such formations [as the squarish glassy-looking one in the picture]."
I can't either, but whichever humans did create it, they certainly had a reason. There aren't any aliens! :-)
Re: snowflake
Frankly, I don't recall whether the tower was removed prior to the test or not (and you needed a fairly large tower to lower the entire test rig containing the nuke, an assembly several tens of feet long), but it may well be that what these pictures also show are training rigs. After all, tests could well resume in the future, people need to be trained on the equipment.
The main purpose of the so-called "hydro cable" was to allow a separate means of verifying the yield of the bomb without revealing sensitive info (the bomb assembly contained all of that, but the Russkies obviously wouldn't get that info, and even if they did, they wouldn't trust it...). When a bomb detonates underground, terrain (depending on geological strata) tends to act as if it were liquid under extreme pressure from the explosion, and the rate at which the hydro cable placed in a separate shaft not too far away from the bomb is crushed can be used to determine the yield.
Fun stuff. Obviously, no actual tests were conducted since '92, but training continues, and there is a lot of other activity at NTS, most of which has to do with warhead stockpile maintenance, but I've heard of research into solar energy (out of Los Alamos) being done there as well (maybe that;s what the "glass" is) and other similar stuff.
What does all this have to do with Angelina Jolie?
Before nuclear testing went underground, and before it was banned under the Test Ban Treaty, it was done in the open air. And probably open air testing was done extensively in the Nevada area.
At least at the original Alamagodro test, the open air firing of the a-bombs was performed while the device was supported on a tower.
I doubt such a tower would survive being at the epicenter of a nuclear blast. But the crater from its blast would be radioactive, and perhaps these were filled in with a capping material of concrete to shield the remaining radioactivity, with electronic monitoring to assure no leaks through ground disturbances?
Solar? Why there?
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