Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Portrait of Max

I offer this piece in honor of Senator Max Baucus -- the man who refused to consider single payer, the man who took the public option off the table, the man who had WellPoint's Liz Fowler write the health reform bill, the man who wants to fine you $3,800 if you don't fork over all of your disposable income to WellPoint for mandatory crappy overpriced health insurance. (For more discussion of these matters, see the post below.) Here's to you, Max.

I did this one with a little help from my old pal Gus Doré. We've been looking for a project to do together. (Click to enlarge.)


RedDragon said...

Great art Joe!

There's a special place in that zip code called Hell for whores like this!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Max is owned and owes the health care industry big time. But so is/does Obama. He received a boat load of contributions from them too. As did many Democrtas. I am beginning to believe we are getting the bill they intended to give us all along. The campaign rhetoric and the various bills and talk was just a way to use us.

jackyt said...

I just don't get it! I can understand that the government would find you "not in compliance" for not paying into a government run health insurance plan. That would be just like evading any other tax. But how could it possibly be legal/constitutional for the government to charge you/fine you for not buying any product offered by a private enterprise? Could the government decide that it is illegal to not buy a sofa?... or a chair?... or a bed?... or undercoating for your car?... or a 'Big Mac'?...
If the government insists you buy it, then (it seems to me) the government better be offering it!

Anonymous said...

Wellpoint is the reason we should no longer have any insurance company come between us and healthcare:

In July 2008, WellPoint subsidiary Anthem Blue Cross agreed to a settlement with the California Department of Managed Health Care. In order to resolve allegations of improper rescission (cancellation of policies due to claims), WellPoint paid $10 million and reinstated 1,770 policy-holders whose plans they had canceled. They also agreed to provide compensation for any medical debts incurred by these policy-holders in the meantime. However, WellPoint did not officially admit liability.[5]
source wikipedia

Anonymous said...

Below is a link to legislators who have received huge sums of money from insurance companies. The list includes Bacuus and Repubs as well as other Democrtas. I would call this a gallery of shame.

RedDragon said...

The only difference between a Democrat and republican is..........Jesus!

Yup..thats it!

Snowflake said...

I'd have done Hope in Chains-instead of hope and change-with people being led in chains to the insurance companies door step with a little sign over it "abandon all hope yea who enter".

A little much but hey-it is all so vile who cares anymore.