Monday, August 17, 2009

Who layeth the Astroturf?

Cinie provides one of the best pieces of online investigation you're likely to see. A must-read.


Anonymous said...

A terrific article. Thanks for the link.

Zee said...

Jeeeeeez Louiiiiiise. Cinie. In all seriousness.

At first it was a fun romp, but the line of reasoning eventually gets completely drowned out in the incessant verbal hotdogging.

Cinie, when you peek in here, maybe you should save your wordsmithery for shorter pieces. If the topic is in any way dear to you, and especially if no one else is covering this angle, the OTT verbiage is misplaced.

And I like both, unique POVs and witty wordplay...I was lmao early on, but when following your train of thought became bogged down and derailed by the nonstop, and less and less successful verbal hijinks ("sho nuff?" really?), it was not worth reading on.

Maybe the wit and snide asides are best displayed when preaching to the opposed to establishing the beat of a different drummer. Both are valid, and you display rare skill in both, but in this case your skills ill served your message.

Since it's not your first foray into this topic, and I trust it won't be your last, I offer this for your future efforts.