It is my sad duty to inform you that Congressman John Conyers, long praised in these pages, has become infected by the deadly disease of racism.
Obama once gave lip service to single payer health care, but as president has staked his reputation on a mishmash of corporate schemes and deals-with-the-devil masquerading as health care reform – a thoroughly confused and conflicted legislative concoction that Conyers describes, simply, as “crap.”Mr. Conyers -- may I call you Adolf? -- I don't understand why you have allowed the ichor of hatred to flow through your veins. I must conclude that you can't stand the color of our president's skin. No other factor could have prompted you to say such words. You and your privileged, pale-faced brethren -- Bill Clinton, David Duke, Rush Limbaugh -- speak only to a shrinking, aging audience of ignorant, racist hicks.
Conyers suggests that, at the end of the legislative process, progressive congresspersons may wind up voting against Obama on health care because the bill will be simply too bad for advocates of real reform to support.
Busboys and Poets is a favored gathering place for progressives of all races. On the January night last year when Obama won the South Carolina primary, the place was noisier and more boisterous than anybody’s sports bar – so many deliriously hopeful faces, such soaring expectations. Now, John Conyers was telling many of the same people: “There is no one more disappointed than I am in Barack Obama.”
Mr. Conyers, perhaps you should take some classes in racial sensitivity. At the very least, you should consult people like Josh Marshall of TPM, Markos Moulitsas of Daily Kos and Arianna Huffington. They have a lot to teach you about the black experience.

You were as wise in 2008 as you were in 2000, Sparky.
No one ever said that all criticism of Obama is racist.
Lots of people did. You should see my mail.
For example, a lot of people called this election-day post racist:
Can you tell me, gary, what's so racist about it? Cite the offending passage.
Fairy tale is racist.
Comparing Obama to Jesse Jackson is racist because JJ is black.
Comparing Obama to Paris Hilton is racist because PH is white.
Calling Obama arrogant and/or presumptuous is racist.
Calling Obama a socialist is racist (and stupid)
Making Obama look like Heath Ledger is racist.
I didn't see anything racist in that post. Good to see the reference to the Gemstone File. Have you ever looked at my real gemstone file site? I wouldn't suggest reading more than a page or two of the Gemstone File at a time if you value your sanity.
In my own little corner of the web, I asked what had Obama ever done that had any significance beyond his own career. I was labeled racist.
Now, all those labelers have the Obama hangover and admit they were blinded by the HopityChangity Light.
My point is, at least a dozen comments accused that post of being racist. How much of that shit am I supposed to tolerate?
Maybe no one ever said it in those words,gary, but "racist" most definitely was the go-to response to any criticism. Sometimes even they got bored with their standard epithet and said "You just don't like him because he's Black"to change it up.The intertoobz were full of that nonsense.And, you must remember both Clintons being tagged as racists day in and day out last year.
Joseph, perhaps they would call him an Uncle Tom, not a racist? I think that's their go-to for Blacks who criticize Obama. Idiots!
No one ever said that all criticism of Obama is racist.
In theory it is possible to criticize Obama and not be racist.
In practice you are a cross-burning Klansman if you do anything but praise his holy name.
Conyers is black!
Joan..."Uncle Tom"? Are you saying that John Conyers is...black?
I really don't see how that's possible. Please double-check your facts before commenting.
It still happens. Just yesterday some posters at Digby's were screeching that opposition to Obamacare is racist.
But truly I had no idea that John Conyers, of all people, had succumbed to the succubus of hate.
Thank you so much for spanking Tom Tomorrow and especially the odious NADERITES. They were the original Obots. Anyone who could vote for someone obviously lying through his teeth that Bush and Gore were "the same" had to have the IQ of a gnat and the ego of a chihuahua.
Nader then went on to shaft the Green Party, so he effectively killed a growing party. Obama is a continuation of that successful tactic. I no longer care. The numskull bridezilla generation deserves the far from "hip" future they created.
The media savaging of the Clintons, Al Gore then John Kerry was a lesson not lost. I believe that Obama was selected by the powers that be because any criticism could be labeled as racist.
Print and broadcast journalists laid off Obama lest they be called the R word.
lol! good post Zee.
The obots I knew identify with Obama so completely that they experience any criticism or question of him as a criticism on their own id.
That's why any call to look at the actual man and what he actully said and does, causes such screams.
You are pointing out they aren't him and the free pass fluffy pillow he has is his alone and not theirs .....that cannot be stood .
see MrMike, I think those behind the savaging of the Clintons, Al Gore John Kerry etc. are those behind Obama and Bush...the media is but their trained dog who will tear up whoever they want on command.
The " any criticism could be labeled as racist" part is for those not completely marching to the press's and its owners tune. The press is in the can. The press is not an independent entity one needs to manipulate...it's simply bought...and some time ago. imo
Gary..I used to run an internet group..for 8 years. Any time I brought up what Obama really said , contrary to what people wanted to believe of the fantasy of what people wanted to believe he was saying,
I was called a racist! Oh and Gary I was an elected democrat from my state, and am married to a dual minority and spent 20 + years as a poll watcher making sure minorites were not kept from voting in my state! I have a dual minority child, and have worked my entire life to protect the rights of minorities.
Please do not tell me I wasn't called a racist, and that it wasn't for nafarious reasons!
Oh and Gary I went to Iowa and SC for Edwards, and worked as a Caucus Co-Captain to make sure people got to caucus without cheating. While doing so, I saw 3 busses of bussed in Youth from Chicago by Team Obama, and they all had the same white Ipod on and screamed at and pushed and intimidated Hillary voters till they ran out of a school cafeteria crying! It wasn't my job to protect them, but the other Edwards Co-Captain and myself did all we could to try to protect these senior womens safety!Their safety was very much in peril by those thugs!
Please do not pee on my leg and tell me it is raining. Many of us lifelong dems were called racists for simply pointing out what the "ONE" really said, as opposed to what the propaganda being sold to the masses really was!
Annie you are 100% right...same owner just different guy..and they "use " the racist mantra to try to bring down anyone who questions the "ONE"!
FISA anyone?????
Collecting emails that are "FISHY" to the army of Obama?
The most sad-and-hilarious thing of all here is that according to this definition, the Obama of five years ago would be a racist.
Sergei Rostov
Some Obama supporters called the Hillary supporters "racists".
Some Hillary supporters called the Obama supporters "misogynist" (like you did many times).
Can't you get over it ? I don't see a lot of people in the Obama camp flipping out because the feminist brigades accused everybody of not supporting Clinton because she was a woman (is that better ?)
I'm ready to admit some morons did not vote for Hillary because she was a woman, why is it so hard to admit that some people (mostly republicans) didn't vote for Obama (or thinks he's not born in the US) because he's black.
We have a saying in French for how to handle accusations: Si le chapeau te fait, porte-le. Rough translation: if the hat fits your head, wear it... otherwise, why do you care that much ?
By the way, if I had been a Republican operative during the last election, I would have had a lot of fun on blogs pretending to be an Obama or Hillary supporter. That's so easy to do and the results are obvious.
John Conyers is a brave man. And he has interesting timing. It will be...entertaining to see what comes of this.
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