Friday, July 31, 2009

Pirates of the Mediterranean

A must-watch. An unanswerable indictment.


Gary McGowan said...

This is profoundly disturbing. So much so that my first sentence reads as a vulgar yet impotent understatement.

The daily outrages accelerate in both their happening and their reporting.

Unless some of us mentally back off and use our ability to think about all this in a strategic context, there is no hope. We will stay in hell, and hell will get worse.

Does the reader think that there do not exist creatures upon this earth who plan strategically? Does the reader think that there do not exist adversaries of the Good who do so?


The living hand, now warm and capable
Of earnest grasping, would, if it were cold
And in the icy silence of the tomb,
So haunt thy days and chill thy dreaming nights
That thou wouldst wish thine own heart dry of blood
So in thy veins red life might stream again,
And thou be conscience-calm'd --
see here it is --
I hold it towards you.


Bob said...

What else can you possibly you expect?

These Israelies are Gods Chosen, revered and honored above all others. They are the elite of the earth: God said so.

Just ask them.

Everyone else is either a servant or a slave: God said so.

Just ask them.

They have the complete and total right to take - by any means they deem necessary - whatever it is they want or desire: God said so.

Just ask them.

They are free to attack and kill every man, women and child of them without conscience or consequence, to take their properties and to drive them from their lands: God said so.

Just ask them.

They are able to lie to, cheat, steal from, smear, and violate any non-Jewish human on earth: God gave them this right.

Just ask them.

But ask yourself: Just what God are they refering to?

Your God?

If you really think about it, the answer will be no.