Friday, July 31, 2009

Bin Laden and the U.S.

Sibel Edmonds now claims that Osama Bin Laden was used against China by United States intelligence up until September 11, 2001. The U.S. worked through the Turks. Okay, so why didn't she say this before? The transcript of her radio interview with Brad Friedman is here.

I must admit admit that, on first blush, her scenario doesn't make complete sense. But I am intrigued and want to learn more. The Kossacks, of course, are using this interview as an excuse to blame 9/11 on That Clinton Bastard, which is also the GOP stance.


Anonymous said...

How do we know any of this is factual? I mean it seems as if anyone can say anything now.

As far as the Daily Kooks, I'm not surprised that they're so frothing at the mouth anti Clinton. Like Arianna Huffington, Markos Moulitsas is a "former" neocon who's spent the last 16 years bad mouthing the Clintons.

Hey Joseph, when are you going to do an expose on that Huffington harridan ...especially how her dad managed to keep his newspaper in business during the military junta in Greece after the coup by some colonels whereas other papers (liberal, conservative, communist, etc) were shut down?
This harpy spent all of the 90's so obsessed about the infidelities of another woman's (Hillary) husband that she failed to notice her own hubby's dalliances ...with men!

Anonymous said...

Bin Laden was the first suspect of the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000 and known to be responsible for other terrorists acts against the U.S. in the 90s. We know that President Clinton ordered missiles targeting Bin Laden in 1998. When I put all I know on the subject, I can only say that Ms. Edmonds charge is without merit and not credible.

Gary McGowan said...

According to Sibel [my emph.]:

"This started more than a decade-long illegal, covert operation in Central Asia by a small group in the US intent on furthering the oil industry and the Military Industrial Complex, using Turkish operatives, Saudi partners and Pakistani allies, furthering this objective in the name of Islam."

Think of the USA as our Declaration and our Constitution and the lives of their creators, and those who sacrificed so greatly in defense of the principles they enshrine. THAT IS the USA.

Know that they and the system they espouse and the manifestations of that system's accord with natural law, such as the great development of the physical economy which happened after the death of President Lincoln (but as a direct result of his and collaborators efforts) -- The 1876 Centennial Exhibition, applications of the system in Russia, Japan, Germany and elsewhere WERE THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF THE THEN-PREVAILING SEA-POWER EMPIRE.

Wars were orchestrated, great development halted.(Germany had become a great cultural and industrial power, and plans were drawn for the Berlin to Baghdad railway.) The USA as a transcontinental nation of great physical productive capability was now absolutely too formidable a foe to take on by military might. It would have to be subverted from within.

And here we are, our institutions and our culture greatly subverted and corrupted.

The USA is not the enemy. The CIA is not the enemy. The subversion and corruption of our culture and institutions is what we must overcome.

Anonymous said...

Joe, she says that this on-going connection to OBL and the using of him against China wasn't revealed before because this was the gravamen of the state secret gag order.

If that is so (only she knows among non-government personnel), the question isn't why she didn't say so before, but why she is emboldened to say so now (a different question).

Reading the linked Kos diary entry, I find no mention of the Big Dog there. Anon 4:31 above is onto something as well. While by many accounts the Clinton administration did continue using al-Qaeda and OBL as operatives in the Kosovo war in the former Yugoslavia (and the KLA, a terrorist drug running paramilitary group of thugs), Clinton apparently turned against OBL and issued a presidential finding authorizing his assassination. He also cut off contacts with the Taliban.

What changed after the W installation in 2001?

His administration re-opened contacts with the Taliban, bringing their officials to Texas for natural gas pipeline talks.

W canceled the stationing of a submarine with cruise missile launch capability just off the Afghanistan shore which had been put there by Clinton to kill OBL whenever his location was reliably acquired by the Predator drone camera, and W allowed an internal battle between the claims of responsibility for the program between CIA and the Pentagon to keep the Predator effort grounded.

In the same time frame, W ordered the FBI off various Saudi investigations, and canceled the Able Danger effort that had sought to identify al-Qaeda in the US (which was apparently quite accurate in identifying Atta and several of his boys).

One tell-tale event that is little reported was the Taliban's foreign minister's traveling to the US to explicitly warn the W administration of an impending terror attack (!).

All in all, evidence such as this tends to indicate that it was certainly not Clinton who kept the relationship alive until 9/11, but W.

Whereas Clinton had used him, apparently he cashiered the relationship well before the new administration came in, and it was revived by the new guys (who were highly connected to the (G)uns(O)il(D)rugs insider group in the intel/military that has been criminally involved in running these three most lucrative areas of international trafficking for decades).