Saturday, July 11, 2009


Don't move.

Not if you want to stay online.

I have lodgings, for the moment, but I cannot get on the internet on any regular basis. This is a severe problem for someone whose living depends on net access. In truth, I need DSL access, not dail-up, since I often send and receive large image files.

Blame ATT for my current state of incommunicado. They are putting me through DSL Hell.

They have given me no fewer than three stated "due dates" for connection to begin. Those three dates have passed, and still no internet. The tech support guy assures me that the problem is on ATT's end, and has nothing to do with my modem/router.

DSL connectivity is a more widespread problem than I had previously understood. I know a small businessman who entered an even more infernal level of DSL Hell when he moved to new offices just a few blocks away. No internet for two weeks. Tech guys would come out to the new offices and say "Everything works fine," even though web pages would not show up in the new office. All very surreal. Finally, a tech guy came out who said that the earlier tech guys were idiots. He solved the problem with a few mouse clicks -- don't ask me how.

To make matters worse, this businessman uses Vonage, an internet-based phone service. This means that he also lost all telephone sales during the same two-week period.

Two weeks of no communication is enough to put many small businesses out of business.

Now I am very curious to learn why it takes forever for ATT to hook up a new DSL connection. I mean, DSL lines are no longer (necessarily) connected to telephone land lines. Mine isn't. So what the hell is the hold-up? Millions of people and businesses move all the time. Why should moving deprive one of internet access for weeks? Are other DSL companies just as thoughtless?

I want to know the details. Hell, I want congressional hearings.

By the way, the lack of internet access meant that I had to rely on ATT's directory assistance to learn a telephone number for a nearby university library. (That library is my current location. They have computers here.) Guess what? 411 no longer works. The new system forces one to communicate with RoboGirl -- a voice recognition thingamawhatzit -- instead of the (presumably) more costly human interface.

I made repeated attempts to use directory assistance, all of which cost money. When I said the words "University of _____ Library" as clearly as possible, RoboGirl thought that I had said "coffee shop."

On the second try, RoboGirl finally understood that I wanted books, not caffeine. (The two tend to go together, but are not synonymous.)

"I have four numbers," said RoboGirl. "Press 1 to hear the numbers. Press 2 to be connected to the first number."

I pressed 1 -- and instead of hearing numbers, I was patched directly through to the music library. Which is closed today.

I called yet again, and finally reached a human being. I said: "I want the number -- the number -- for the _____ Library of the University of California at _____. Can you just give me the number? Nothing else. I don't want to be patched through. I just want to know that number. I want to write it down and call it whenever I wish."

"Sure," said the operator. She promptly put me through to RoboGirl, who -- of course -- did exactly the same thing she had done before.

I'm turning into a crotchety old man. Why can't things like diretory assistance simply work? We pay enough for the service. We pay more than we used to, as measured in constant dollars. Why can't things work the way they did in the old days?

I'll be back online when ATT permits. Sure hope I won't be charged for the DSL I'm not using.


Anonymous said...

When you call ATT to ask why your DSL isn't working does their automated service direct you to their website?

gary said...

I get internet through Comcast, also TV and phone. Can't complain. Currently runs about $114 a month, including HBO and Showtime (I like Dexter and True Blood).

Jesus X. Crutch said...

Damn Joe, sounds like you're under denial of service attack, fucking Norks!

glennmcgahee said...

The same exact thing happened to me last time I moved. ATT phone service and DSL. I only moved across the courtyard. Same apartments. Had to have a new telephone number and no DSL for 3 weeks. Yea, a Tech will come out for $99.99, only to tell you that its a line problem on ATT's end. Nobody could explain. Now, here I go again. Moving too and ATT says no problem. In fact, my new DSL will be twice as fast because of new lines for only $5 more each month. We'll see. Somebody explain an ATT bill to me. Look at all the charges and tell e what each one means. You can't do it and they can't do it.I think its payment for them having to pay someone to listen in on me.

zee said...

Joseph, you ruined my mental image of your spending this time offline *nesting.*

Every time I saw no new posts, I thought, "Awww...he's probably painting his walls, unpacking, getting set up exactly the way he likes it."

Sorry to hear you've had connectivity problems solely due to idiocracy problems. But you want details of this happening elsewhere? I've had them, my parents have had them.

This is the number one reason I don't switch services no matter who has what good deal.

Invariably, they can't simply set you up. Each service blames the other. One service can't start because the other service hasn't "released" such and such, but they swear they have. It always takes weeks of frustrating calls.

When my parents switched their service, they tried for weeks and weeks to get both their phone lines operational. The company once even sent a service man to the wrong street who turned on the wrong box. They *never* were able to resolve it and each time they called they had to start from scratch and explain the problem again. My dad (who was retiring anyway) simply decided not to keep the second phone line....or I should say decided not to spend even more weeks trying to get his second line operational.

When you call infornation for a phone number never push any button except for 0 --- however many times it takes to get an operator (usually only one or two). If you don't get the number who wanted, call back and have them take the charges off, because they charge for these calls, and will take the charges off if you did not get your number!

Bob said...

Should you happen to research out those people that are supposedly providing you the services you are paying for, you will discover the results of America's educational system... grown adults that cannot find their butts with both hands.

They are uneducated, ignorant, non-caring, self-absorbed and brain-washed simpeltons that are our future.

Let's hear it for the federal government and the level playing field they have worked so long and so diligently for.

Anonymous said...

Nothing works anymore. Everything is broken.

margaretlr said...

There is a free information number - 1-800-373-3411. You listen to a couple of adds, give them your information (you don't talk to a person), listen to a couple more adds then get the number you want. I use it all the time on my cell and home phone.
Hope this works for you.


b said...

Joe - have you considered getting a pay-as-you-go mobile-broadband dongle? I currently get 10GB per month for 30 GBP. I think the dongle itself cost 50 GBP, something like that. No automatic debiting. I just buy vouchers in small shops or supermarkets and top up online. Dunno whether you need more bulk than this. Download speed is at least ADSL. I've been semi-homeless or worse for three years; the above has worked OK though. The kind of stuff that's advertised here.

Whilst I can't exactly use the dongle to download loads of films as torrents in a given month, I can actually do that with a cheaper wireless account available at motels where I am sometimes constrained to 'live'.

Dunno whether you use a car, but if you do, maybe there's something similar near you where you can sign up with a pay-as-you-go hotspot-type service and then park outside somewhere it's available and hook up wirelessly (legitimately too)...

'Course, email clients need to be properly configured for this kind of game, assuming you need something better than webmail.

Gotta admit, I also do some 'war-driving' (what a revolting expression). No special software is needed. If people run open wireless networks, that's their problem... In the UK maybe 20% of the wireless networks one picks up from a car in an ordinary street are totally insecure and offer free internet access to anyone who's nearby.

Me, I haven't had a landline for a couple of years now, and don't regret not having one. Not that I've had much choice in the matter, most of the time.

Maybe some of the above will be of some help, or maybe things are very different in the US.

Good luck!


Alessandro Machi said...

I wish I could remember which blog it was where someone spent two weeks dealing with AT & T and they had to have their phone working before they went in for surgery.


Alessandro Machi said...

aha, I found that story. It's amazing how one can find a specific article by just using the right google combination of words.

give me back my

Tina Tequila said...

I have "Price For Life" w/Qwest, paying $19.99 per month. Trouble is,they jacked my price by $13.00. When I called,I calmly read their statement on "Price For Life" to the rep. She replies,"Maybe the promo expired?" Well, I didn't expire and "Price For Life means just that. After threatening to switch to Comcast or Verizon, I got my original service back plus 6 months free.
Makes ya wanna reach for a drink....or chocolate.

Anonymous said...

I hate DSL hell. I currently live on a woodland property, which, even though the area surrounding it is pretty developed, is still considered "rural." Getting DSL out here in the first place was very difficult (I think it took three months back in '03 from the beginning of the process to usable connection) and every time the line gets FUBARed (fallen tree branch, wild animal) it can take up to a week to reinstall. Bastids! So, I don't envy you. (And I wouldn't be suprised if you do get charged for this time; be sure to give 'em hell if they try that.)

Anonymous said...

This doesn't always work because I have been bumped to roboanswer too.

But back when I called information daily around the country for work.

The term that keeps the person on the phone until you let them go is....

'I need a verbal business listing/s for....'

You can get information for two business listings this way. With addresses etc.

Or so the theory goes...our company wanted us to make the best use of that call and get two listings.


Anonymous said...

In WA when ATT merged with Cingular, ATT service went to hell in a handbasket overnight resulting in a lawsuit. See link.


Hoarseface said...

A little off topic, but when it comes up it's worth knowing...

Any area code's information number (I believe) is 1-XXX-555-1212. The useful bit is that there is a toll-free directory available for 800 numbers, at... 1-800-555-1212. What with the cell phones and internet these days, it's unlikely you'll wind up at a payphone with little or no change, wishing you had the 800 for triple-A or something, but when you do, it can help tremendously.

And @ Alessandro: There's a site out there from a guy who signed up with Verizon for their advertised rate of .02 cents per kb, only to be charged .02 dollars. There's a solid half-hour of the recording of his phone call to their billing department, while he tries in vain to find someone who understands that they're 100x different rates. If memory serves, it was only when he publicized their idiocy on the internet that he got charged the advertised rate.

Hoarseface said...

It was only after posting my comment that I saw margaretlr's.

margaretlr's is better.

熟女サークル said...

性欲のピークを迎えたセレブ熟女たちは、お金で男性を買うことが多いようです。当、熟女サークルでは全国各地からお金持ちのセレブたちが集まっています。女性から男性への報酬は、 最低15万円からとなっております。興味のある方は一度当サイト案内をご覧ください

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