Monday, April 27, 2009

I'm not making this up, part two

"Democracy is the current industry standard political system, but unfortunately it is ill-suited for a libertarian state." -- Patri Friedman, grandson of Milton Friedman. This (true) statement undermines decades of propaganda. When Miltie's system failed in Chile (where he ran the economy under the dictator Pinochet), he blamed the lack of democracy.


Jesus X. Crutch said...

That was an interesting article you linked to, about Friedman's Seastead fantasy, I've seen that movie (Waterworld) and it sucked. Also, I will never use Paypal again.

Jesus X. Crutch said...

Peter Theil no longer owns PayPal, sold to eBay in 2002, so his crack-pipe libertarian ideas are no reflection on PayPal now.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that prior to its acquisition by Ebay, Paypal was run by a Libertarian. Makes sense, though: back in that period, it had to pay out a tidy sum as the result of a class-action lawsuit; seems they seized millions of accounts on phony contract violations in order to fund their international expansion. A philosophy which says that if you manage to screw someone over, that *they* (not you) are to blame, makes all manner of things morally acceptable.

Sergei Rostov