Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'm not making this up, part three

The Bank of America -- which received $200 billion from the taxpayers because it is too big to fail, and which has fired 34,000 workers -- now wants to hire 15,000 workers. In India. The Bank of America.


Alessandro Machi said...

I read recently that one of the credit card companies, it might have been Chase Bank but I am not sure, hired a bunch of people from India, then either fired, laid off or changed location, and that some of the former employees did not take this lying down.

They allegedly breached security and downloaded or stole information of a lot of american accounts.


The FDIC is putting pressure on the banks to have more cash on hand or they will shut them down. Banks, and the FDIC, appear to be doing the exact opposite of what they should be doing to help the economy and the everyday person.

The entire focus of our economy right now should be on maximizing the buying power of all remaining wage earners, not trying to reduce the work force and minimize their buying power by increasing the interest rate on the trillion dollars of credit card consumer debt in this country.


MrMike said...

Joe, your India Link isn't working.

Peter of Lone Tree said...

Four more bank failures last week bring this year's total to 29, which is four more than all last year.

Gary McGowan said...

Bank of America Link:http://gs10.globalsuccessor.com/fe/tpl_boa03.asp?newms=jj&id=64932&rg=ind

Alegre has written about it (well worthwhile) here:http://alegrescorner.soapblox.net/showDiary.do?diaryId=2792

Not sure what Joseph had intended, but I trust this can't be much off-target.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with B of A outsourcing 15,000 jobs.

As long as the give the $200 billion back first.

Anonymous said...

I'm not making this up either: Part of Obama's health care reform - the Electronic Medical Records - will result in 1000s of jobs eventually being outsourced to India. For this reason, it is unconscionable that it is being funded through $19B for stimulating OUR economy.

Check out Jonathan Bush and athenahealth. They claim to have full outsourcing for medical offices from back office to front office. It includes transcription and will also include high paying jobs like radiologists. It is a total trojan horse and no one respectable will even talk about it.

b said...

Question - so does the economic depression serve to sort out the exchange rates between the Chinese yuan and the three biggest western currencies? By means of a huge fall in value of those western currencies?

The problem with this is that these are the very currencies in which those who own the West hold much of their wealth.

But the top few don't see things on a year-to-year basis, and the credit bubble has been obvious for some years. Der Spiegel have been suggesting that both the euro and the UK pound might soon collapse.

Where will the next Iceland be? Ireland and Greece seem likely contenders...
