Sunday, April 19, 2009

Class war -- CIVIL war?

I've followed the work of Brazilian journalist Pepe Escobar for years. What he has to say here is definitely worth your time. Consider it a follow-up, of sorts, to the William Black interview shown below.

This is a two part video, and each part ends with a plug for the RealNews Network. You can skip that bit if you want.

I think Pepe Escobar made an error when he used the term "New World Order." What he means by that term is not what most right-wing conspiracy theorists mean when they use the term. (And George Bush the elder meant something very different when he used the phrase.) Also, his slam at Sarah Palin is silly.

Do you think that Escobar is going off the beam when he talks about use of the army for crowd control in the urban United States? Worthy of further research...

(Many thanks to RedDragon62 for bringing this to our attention...)


RedDragon said...

Gotta say, I love the new paint job on your site Joe!
Thank you for your "shout out." I am humbled and deeply honored that you take time out of your busy day to "peek" at my site.

Perry Logan said...

Joe, Mr. Escobar sounds very much like a conspiracy theorist to me.

He harps incessantly on the phrase "New World Order," as if use of this common phrase had cosmic meaning.

He quotes Paul Craig Roberts, who is very big with 9/11 Truthers and who believes personal income taxes are a form of serfdom.

He makes connections amongst all sorts of seemingly unconnected events.

He confidently predicts the future. He predicts martial law. These are all common behaviors of conspiracy people.

I hasten to say, this is not meant as any kind of condemnation of Mr. Escobar or anyone who is interested in his message. And it certainly doesn't mean his speculations must be wrong. But in these clips, he seems to think very much like most of the conspiracy theorists I have observed.

OTE admin said...

I also want to comment on your improved layout, and say I like it. Also keep up with the good work, Joseph. You always make people think.

Anonymous said...

There is truths in what he lays out about the NWO and he is obviously parroting the mantra” NWO NWO I smell the odor of the New World Order", but the NWO really exists right?
The big looming unanswered question is what form will it take here, who will control it, , where will the power reside, when will it strike, and by what means will it be cemented into place.

The “New World Order” It is simply defined and described as corporatism, and that is synonymous with fascism, and it is a global economic system that will combine all the currencies and financial instruments at first (like the model European Union) then gradually a single currency after a few years of transitioning and morphing.

It will "probably" be triggered by a gigantic economic meltdown, (that seems to be occuring now), like the proverbial “China Syndrome" in the nuclear industry, then amidst the chaos and uncertainty the financial "wizards" will call for that “already thought ou”t" system, (China recently whispered one world currency), to replace the various independent and "national" economic systems (which are being sabotaged as we speak by the "economic saboteurs" within the system, like AIG which is a sanctuary and holding tank for CIA operatives whose specialties are the sabotaging of currencies and economic infrastructures, to assist in the chaos and then crippling of the economy of that targeted nation.)
During the Viet Nam war, Frank Wisner Jr., became one of those specialists and diligently attacked North Viet Nam's currency as part of our overall military efforts. He is now a VP of AIG. His father Frank Wisner Sr. was a key player in “Operation Paperclip”, that illegally and “conspiratorialy” brought in high ranking Nazi war criminals into the United States under the rubric of anti soviet necessities and cold war policies, but, it was illegal and even Truman himself was unaware of the scope of the early CIA activities, and their hidden agenda and their hidden Nazi's thanks to FRank Wisner Sr., Allen Dulles, Richard Bissell, (Bissell was brought ion to the CIA after Frank went coo coo andlater committed "suicide", andRichard was the brother of the Mayor of Dallas, Earl Bissell, when Kennedy was assassinated, and was responsible for changing the parade route the fateful fascist holy day.)
So now Frank Jr. walks in his fathers mocca sins, and is hell bent (along with many cohorts with AIG, FDIC, and who knows what other alphabetical soups they are cooking and cheffing, inside the NSA FBI, etc etc etc)

please post this ancient
Art i fact..

leloup_france said...

the GEAB is not "your average conspiracist"...

they have been mostly right so far, with sometimes very good accuracy

they predict a collapse of the US this late summer or fall

Peter of Lone Tree said...

"...the army for crowd control in the urban United States..."If not the army, then perhaps the use of their types of weapons, Joe.
Take a look at the article by Gary D. Barnett at Lew Rockwell's site entitled Conspiracy Theorists Were Right All Along!, from which I provide the following short quote:
I write this today after just learning this morning that in Billings, Montana (population 100,000) the Yellowstone County Sheriff's Department rolled out its new 13-foot tall, 35,000-pound Ballistic Engineered Armored Response vehicle (BEAR) purchased with, you guessed it, a Homeland Security grant. It is to be used by not only the sheriff’s department but also by the Billings Police Department. They got this war machine just in time to tame those who are not in favor of federal authority. It is bullet-proof, has 2-inch shatterproof glass and gun ports on both sides. This idiocy is going on all over the country, and why more aren’t fearful of the danger of this military arming of local police I don’t know. In order for the normal citizenry to defend themselves from this onslaught of military weaponry, rifles and shotguns will need to be traded in for bazookas and hand-held rocket launchers. Unfortunately, these are still illegal.