Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Let's dare call it conspiracy

Can we use the word conspiracy ("to breathe together") to describe the following? Perhaps we can, if we grant the word a little elasticity of definition, and if we grant that this particular conspiracy is rather more benign than are some others that have been posited. Make your own call...
The vast new left-wing conspiracy sets its tone every morning at 8:45 a.m., when officials from more than 20 labor, environmental and other Democratic-leaning groups dial into a private conference call hosted by two left-leaning Washington organizations.

The “8:45 A.M. call,” as it’s referred to by members, began three weeks ago, and it marks a new level in coordination by the White House’s allies at a time when the conservative opposition is struggling for a toe-hold and major agenda items like health care reform appear closer than ever to passage.

The call has helped attempts to link the Republican Party to radio host Rush Limbaugh, and has served as the launching ground for attacks on critics of Obama’s policy proposals.
Yet more evidence, methinks, that the sheer shit we saw within the "prog" blogosphere -- the incessant lies and hate-mongering directed at Hillary, the cult of personality built around Mr. O -- was no grass-roots phenomenon. As the song says, you have to be carefully taught.

I am particularly sad to read that Media Matters launched an attack on Limbaugh as part of this White House campaign. Not that I harbor any affection for Rush. But what would David Brock have said, back in 2005, about a website participating in a White House-coordinated attack directed against (say) Al Franken? Brock here reveals that he is the same fellow he was back in his American Spectator days -- the only difference is that another hand signs the check. Same shit, different ideology.
Some on the left, however, remain skeptical of the White House’s embrace.

“When something works for us we'll pick up on it anyway, like the Rush Limbaugh story -- we don't need to be told,” said Jane Hamsher, the creator of the liberal blog Firedoglake. “I think we serve everyone better if we maintain our independence and preserve our ability to pick up on popular sentiment like that, rather than just bang on the same drum everyone else is.”
There is no Rush Limbaugh "story" -- or rather, that ghastly story has been what it is for roughly a quarter century. Nothing has changed; Rush remains the one fixed point of odium in a reeling world. The pretense that something truly new has happened constitutes the triumph of marketing over reality. Hamsher's protestation of independence reminds me of a story I once saw in an old issue of Soviet Life: In an interview, a Russian film director insisted that he made his third biography of Lenin on his own initiative, and not at the suggestion of the state.


Anonymous said...

It is relatively well known that the right has a tightly organized media operation. It is sometimes called the mighty right wing Wurlitzer (an old jukebox type of affair, I think).

Whether, and how many of, each outlet participates in the formulation of the line of the day/week/month, it is quite clear that they all get the blast fax lie/line, and repeat it in unison within a day. You can see this constantly. It cannot be a coincidence, and some of its machinery has even been exposed over time.

Seems to me that a countervailing media effort is required, lest they have that playing field to themselves. That an infrastructure for such a countering effort is being formed is a good thing, IMO, and in fact quite necessary. That it involves some coordination is a given, as well.

Can it be abused as a blunt instrument, improperly? Probably. But I argue that its importance is so great that any prospective excesses are tolerable (in theory), and when or if they become intolerable, ought to be opposed on a case by case basis. But not opposed in theory as a whole.


Anonymous said...

I wanted to beat the GOP, not become them.

BTW - "The Rudolph Wurlitzer Company, usually referred to simply as Wurlitzer, is an American company, formerly a producer of stringed instruments, woodwind, brass instruments, theatre organs, band organs, orchestrions, electronic organs, electric pianos and jukeboxes."

(from wiki)

Anonymous said...

In 03, Atrios summed up the right wing journalistic journey like this:

But, now, it's time to get past all that. Maybe now you can wake up and notice how the Freeper Bone is connected to the... Drudge Bone. The Drudge Bone is connected to the.. Kaus Bone. The Kaus Bone is connected to the... Kurtz Bone... The Kurtz Bone is connected to the... Rush Bone... The Rush Bone is connected to the... Rove Bone... The Rove Bone is connected to the... Fox News Bone.

I just feel so disconnected from the democratic party now.

Anonymous said...

Oh. I always thought Limbaugh was an entertainer. Like Red Skelton. I didn't know that he was supposed to actually matter. I thought it was all a put-on.

Anonymous said...

"..the triumph of marketing over reality.."

Says it all.

Anonymous said...

Marketing is what they are doing for "The One". It is very reminiscent of record companies and certain DJs. Wonder if there is Payola too. But at times it seems to be more like peer pressure in school to wear certain clothes. It is definitely lemming behavior and disturbingly childish as well as unoriginal and lazy. Marketing is much easier than governing.

Perry Logan said...

If they can do it, we can do it.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with "message coordination" as long as all the following preconditions are met:

1)Those involved have thought about the issue in question;
2)They have decided on their own what they believe;
3)They have decided that the message is an adequate way to express that belief;
4)The message does not contain misleading/faulty logic or information, falsehoods, etc.

IF those are met, then THAT would be how it is different from the right-wing doing it.

Sergei Rostov

Anne said...

we don't need to be told,” said Jane Hamsher, the creator of the liberal blog Firedoglake. “I think we serve everyone better if we maintain our independence and preserve our ability to pick up on popular sentiment like that, rather than just bang on the same drum everyone else is.”

That's a sad quote. WHERE to begin? She didn't get the memo. Jane, wake the hell up. You are in the belly of Bush 3.0

First off they do not want your opinion and they sure as hell do not want your " independence" or your supposed " ability to pick up on popular sentiment"

LOL!! You funny .

You are suppose to form popular sentiment as you are told, not report on actual popular sentiment!

STFU & get goose stepping

clearer now?