Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I did not comment on the nomination of Charles Freeman to become Chairman of the National Intelligence Council. AIPAC and other Jewish groups opposed him because he dared to state the obvious: Israel mistreatment of the Palestinians blocks peace in the Middle East. Freeman has withdrawn, but at least he demonstrated a scrappy attitude as he exited:
It is apparent that we Americans cannot any longer conduct a serious public discussion or exercise independent judgment about matters of great importance to our country as well as to our allies and friends.

The libels on me and their easily traceable email trails show conclusively that there is a powerful lobby determined to prevent any view other than its own from being aired, still less to factor in American understanding of trends and events in the Middle East. The tactics of the Israel Lobby plumb the depths of dishonor and indecency and include character assassination, selective misquotation, the willful distortion of the record, the fabrication of falsehoods, and an utter disregard for the truth. The aim of this Lobby is control of the policy process through the exercise of a veto over the appointment of people who dispute the wisdom of its views, the substitution of political correctness for analysis, and the exclusion of any and all options for decision by Americans and our government other than those that it favors.

There is a special irony in having been accused of improper regard for the opinions of foreign governments and societies by a group so clearly intent on enforcing adherence to the policies of a foreign government – in this case, the government of Israel. I believe that the inability of the American public to discuss, or the government to consider, any option for US policies in the Middle East opposed by the ruling faction in Israeli politics has allowed that faction to adopt and sustain policies that ultimately threaten the existence of the state of Israel.
Freeman and I part ways only at the very end of this segment. In my view (a view shared by many, although the American media silences our voices), Israel has committed the unforgivable sin of genocide and therefore must end. Forgiveness is no longer possible; the two-state solution is no longer possible. Fascist Israel must be destroyed, just as fascist Germany and fascist Italy were destroyed. That racist state will one day be replaced by a true democracy -- a single state in which citizenship is not defined by ethnicity or religion. If arrogant Jewish supremacists cannot abide living under elected non-Jewish leaders within that state-to-come, they will relocate. America will open its arms. Better to have them here than there.

By the way: Marty Peretz calls Freeman "paranoid." That's rich. As Norman Finkelstein points out, Jewish support for Israel is founded on the paranoid belief that all Gentiles are imbued with a preternatural and ineradicable hunger to exterminate Jews.


Anonymous said...

It's better to have"arrogant Jewish supremacists" here (U.S.)than there (Palestine)because why? What?!?

Joseph Cannon said...

Because no-one sees leadership of America as the birthright of any specific group.

Well, maybe members of the Bush clan USED to have notions along those lines.

Anonymous said...

I think Freeman pretty much said that certain "Israelophiles" consider it their right and perogative to indeed do just that!

Anonymous said...

Jewish support for Israel is founded on the paranoid belief that all Gentiles are imbued with a preternatural and ineradicable hunger to exterminate Jews.

seems to me that you are verifying that "paranoid" belief by your again reckless opinion that Fascist Israel should be destroyed.
In doing so think of the Jews that would have to be destroyed in the process, and si far Israel has not declared wan the United States like Gremany did.
Oh by the way it is not unethical, or illegal, or unpopular to establish a "fascist" nation state..there are many today and the United States for the past eight years was a fascist dictatorship but that F word rarely surfaces in our conversation in the media. I wonder why?
I have a theory that it is another example of "Perception Management", that high art of censorship that permeates this nations long and sordid media manipulated history. What ever it takes to start a lucrative war to benefit the few, is what the media has been trained to do. Never an apology by the media years later when the war finally runs out of gas (with the war machine coffers bulging)
Thank Gode All Mighty for th einternet.
Keep up the good work (and jettison the bad)

Anonymous said...

Saying that Nazi Germany had to be destroyed did not equate to hatred of Germans or a belief that all Germans should be killed. Why does this point constantly need to be stated?

Advocating for an end to a racist, apartheid state is NOT the same as calling for the extinction of an entire race of people.

Actually in terms of the situation under discussion, it is only Israel that does the latter.

Koshem Bos said...

The assumption that there is peace in the Middle East because the mistreatment of the Palestinians is downright ridiculous.

There was a state of war before 1967 and before there was any issue of mistreatment.

It's a conflict between two nations over a small parcel of land. Historically, such conflicts take time to resolve. You can blame one side or another, in reality it's a conciliation process that always takes long than logic can grasp.

Joseph Cannon said...

"It's a conflict between two nations over a small parcel of land..."

You speak as though Israel has a right to exist. It does not. It never did, even in Old Testament times. The Jewish nation was founded on genocide, as their own records prove.

Peter of Lone Tree said...

"Mauritania 'shuts' Israeli embassy":
(Begins): Mauritania has expelled Israel's ambassador and his staff from the country following a dispute over the recent war in Gaza, Mauritanian and Israeli officials have said.

A senior Mauritanian official said that the authorities had given staff at the embassy "48 hours to leave the country".

Anonymous said...

There was a state of war before 1967 .

Yes, and that state of war was based on the fact that Israel/the Israelities took land belonging to other nations for themselves - by direct force or the threat of (international) force - without consent.

and before there was any issue of mistreatment

Hmm, I call taking someone else's property without their consent "mistreatment.". I guess you disagree.

Sergei Rostov

Anonymous said...

And they are STILL taking it. Israel continues to steal Palestinian land, confiscate Palestinian homes, and drive Palestinians out of their homes and off their land, on a daily basis. This in total, flagrant violation of international law, a gazillion UN resolutions, and every concept of basic humanity. Palestinians have no recourse; the settlers are violent, well-armed thugs and Israeli courts do not recognize Palestinian rights, even to their own homes and land.

If this were happening ANYWHERE else in the world Americans would roundly condemn it. Actually they would still probably condemn it if they knew about it, but if they rely on the American media it's no wonder they don't.

Sextus Propertius said...

By this argument, nearly every nation on earth should cease to exist - certainly the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, etc. should.

Anonymous said...

Are any of those countries holding the indigenous population in an open-air quasi-concentration camp, denying them medicine and food, regularly entering the occupied areas to slaughter them at will, and depriving them of the most basic human or legal rights?

You could make a case that the U.S. has not done much to help the Native Americans it dispossessed and I would be right there with you, yet even our horrendous treatment of them pales by comparison to what Israel has done, and is doing.

All colonizations are brutal, but the difference here is that at some point the colonizers realize (or are forced to realize) that their violence and subjugation against the people they've colonized has got to stop, and that amends must be made.

If,that is, the colonizing country wants to be part of the world of stable, functioning, universall respected/recognized states. Israel has clearly chosen not to, and to instead become a rogue, criminal regime intent on oppression and ethnic cleansing. Without U.S. aid and support, Israel will fail. It should be allowed to do so.