Thursday, December 11, 2008

What's at stake

I think these items will, taken together, speak for themselves. The first comes from an account of Blago's arrest:
Even Blagojevich's recently announced $1.8 billion plan for new interchanges and "green lanes" on the Illinois Tollway was subject to corruption, prosecutors alleged. The criminal complaint alleges Blagojevich expected an unnamed highway concrete contractor to raise a half-million dollars for his campaign fund in exchange for state money for the tollway project. "If they don't perform, (expletive) 'em," Blagojevich said, according to the complaint.
From the BBC (one of many sources, obviously):
US President-elect Barack Obama has promised to invest in infrastructure on a scale not seen since the 1950s, when the US highway system was established.
Next, let us establish the Blago-Obama connection (just one small indicator):
He and Obama “participated in a small group that met weekly when Rod was running for governor,” Emanuel said. “We basically laid out the general election, Barack and I and these two.” A spokesman for Blagojevich confirmed Emanuel’s account...
Evelyn Pringle offered this prediction in May:
US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald does not make a habit of destroying pubic officials by listing them in indictments for no reason and the only two political candidates identified as receiving campaign money from Operation Board Games kickback schemes are Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and the US Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama.

Instead of referring to Board Games as the “Rezko” case, before long the media will likely be calling it the “Blagojevich” case. However, because the governor did not become the presidential candidate, when the scandal is recorded in the history books it will be the “Barack Obama” case.


Anonymous said...

Goor going Evelyn Pringle! I can detail on this one!

Marty Didier
Northbrook, IL

Anonymous said...

I have a hard time believing that anything will stick to Obama, but if Fitzgerald is really interested in getting Obama, he could always use the Constitution. Obama isn't a natural born citizen and isn't the President nor is he the President-elect. Therefore no need for impeachment. Fitzgerald could simply get him on fraud directly.

Not saying he will. But it's there if he wants it. And there are documents popping up that state even from the founders of the 14th amendment in explicit terms what natural born means according to them and the Founding Fathers, and Obama doesn't qualify.

Anonymous said...

Joseph, you have BEAUTIFULLY and clearly illustrated the overall picture in just a very few words.

OTE admin said...

Frankly, Obama firing Fitzgerald and the rest of the US attorneys can't come soon enough. Sorry, people, but I know a Kenneth Starr-style witchhunt when I see it, and I ain't an Obama fan.

This is about stealing two Democratic seats in retaliation for Obama winning the White House, nothing more, nothing less. Blago should resign, Quinn take his place, and Quinn appoint a Democrat to fill Obama's place. That would stop the attempted theft in its place.

Too bad Fitzgerald wasn't smart enough to time his attempt a little better. It's all pretty transparent. I do wish all of you would look at the footnotes of the affidavit, because they tell the whole story. If there was really anything to be had against Barack Obama, it would have come out long before. There is really nothing Fitzgerald has on him. But frankly, the GOP doesn't need anything. Just innuendo, guilt by association, that sort of thing, that was done to the Clintons. I wouldn't be cheering this thing on. We have tremendous problems in this country, and I have to accept the hand we were dealt with Obama being the party standardbearer. All the bellyaching about a "corrupt Democrat" made by corrupt Republicans isn't going to put food on the table for millions. I'd change my focus towards the attempts by the GOP to destroy unions and our auto industry. THAT is a lot more important than this crap.

Anonymous said...

Did Susan ever bother to read the Evelyn Pringle articles? Frankly, as a Chicago resident, living in Jesse Jackson Jr.'s district and with Jesse's wife as alderman, I feel that they can't put these guys away fast enough. These people don't give a cr@p for their constituents. Fitzgerald and his team should go on to get the goods on Daley and Obama. I don't care about party affiliation; if an elected official is guilty of corruption, he should be kicked out of office and jailed. I actually have a lot more sympathy for our ex-governor George Ryan, who commuted the death sentence before he left office--a Republican with a conscience. Compare that to Obama, a man who has NEVER demonstrated anything like political conviction or courage, and our mayor Daley, who allowed the Chicago police department to torture suspects when he was attorney general. Besides, I think Susan is delusional if she thinks that Obama is going to fix up the mess the Republicans created. He was put in office to continue the status quo, on behalf of the Republicans. Political ideology may be important, but at this time I think honesty is more important. I'll take an honest Republican (OK, so maybe that's an oxymoron; how about a comparatively honest Republican) over a corrupt Democrat any day. Principle before party.
