Friday, December 12, 2008

Head shot: In which I take a conspiracy nut to school

I hope readers will forgive a small side trip away from real politics, but the exchange I just had with a hate-mail author may be of sufficient general interest to warrant a post of its own. Normally I delete hate mail after scanning the opening words (one whiff usually suffices) but this case was an exception.

Be forewarned: Our subject today is grim.

Call my correspondent Mr. Anonymous Crank, since he provides no better name. He took offense at a short piece published a couple of days ago -- a piece on Gary Webb, the troubled investigative reporter who took his life some years ago. Here, in pertinent part, are the words of Mr. Crank (I excise the incomprehensible coda):
Webb then took out his father’s pistol and shot himself in the head. The first shot was not lethal, so he fired once more.

I can see it all right now. The concussion of that first shot was inconsequential and he was sort of non plussed, so he simply dd it again? What a heroic act indeed and nearly impossible to believe so why do you? Is it because you have no "support" from the "progressive" community?

Has it ever occurred to you that you are "regressive"? If not, let me be the first to educate and inform. You are such a nobody in the forward looking population that you will go down, down down, as a footnote within a footnote within a toenote. And a filthy toe at that so "get over it!

And he "typed" a letter to his x wife and kids. Not!
Normally, an attack by an anonymous illiterate is unworthy of response. But in this case, the exchange gives us an excuse to discuss the truth about suicide by gunshot.

A surprising number of self-inflicted head wounds are NOT immediately fatal -- and yes, a second shot will sometimes occur. Not in the majority of cases, but not infrequently. The Webb case would be suspicious if it were unprecedented; it is not.

Some years ago, my ex- had a good friend who was, I am sorry to report, an ear-witness to such a tragedy. This lady (the friend of my ex-) listened on the telephone while her husband (in another city) shot himself in the head. He was a troubled man who had failed in business; the final failed transaction was, as I recall, an absurd and trivial matter. Frankly, I was angry at him for forcing his wife to listen while he committed the act. I still recall the funeral well; what does one say to the widow under such circumstances?

In that case, there was not a second shot. But I can assure you -- having heard the facts of the matter directly from one who knows -- that death was gruesomely far from instantaneous. If you are ever in that unfortunate lady's position, you can expect to hear a sound like a burst water faucet. Plus a lot of screaming and perhaps even a few half-formed words. You will wish that such things were momentary.

A lot of people seem to be under the impression that a head shot is instant and painless. Sorry, but there ain't no easy way out of here.

In a study here, 6.1% of gunshot-to-the-head suicides had multiple entries and exits.

There have even been cases of people who have shot themselves in the head twice using the same livestock stunners seen in No Country for Old Men.

I'm not persuaded that an assassin would shoot someone in the head twice except under extreme circumstances, such as fear of discovery. A suicide victim has a motive to end the pain as soon as possible -- from his point of view, his final thirty seconds can seem like an eternity. But an assassin would want the matter done quickly and cleanly. I've read that pros working at close range usually fire toward the back of the skull, firing somewhat upward toward the cerebral cortex. A shot like that is as close to instant death as human engineering can achieve. Of course, for obvious reasons, someone trying to fake suicide would not fire from that angle. But it seems to me that such an assassin would also hesitate to fire twice. Why raise suspicion?

It sickens me when paranoia junkies claim to have a special expertise on the Webb case, as though the word of an Anonymous Crank should overrule that of the Webb family or his friends and colleagues. The man was known to be depressed. He had suffered professional setbacks far more debilitating than those experienced by that failed businessman whose funeral I attended. Those are the facts of the matter, whether or not anyone chooses to believe them.

About myself: I have no idea (and certainly no illusions) as to my own importance in the grand scheme of things. At this point I don't much care. Every one of my critics seems to be under the impression that all bloggers are desperate for glory and fame, and are thus engaged in a nonstop game of king-of-the-hill. The accusation is silly; writers write for many reasons. I write to write, not to be read.

The truth is simple: I discourage links to this site (even on PUMA-friendly pages), I demanded that sites like Raw Story and HinesSite de-list me (against their protest), I have turned down offers to write for pay, I have turned down offers to appear on the radio, I have turned down offers to lecture, I do not attend parties given by bloggers, and I have cut off all social links to all other writers -- indeed, I have deliberately gone out of my way to piss off everyone who has ever tried to befriend me.

Anyone determined to become a proverbial big fish in the blog-pond would take a very different attitude.

I spurned the progressive community even in the days when that community courted my talents. Frankly, I now consider the progressive movement to be worse than unworthy of those talents -- it is a bowl unworthy of my vomit.

People like Mr. Anonymous Crank cannot understand my motives, because the Cranks of the world secretly do covet fame, and they presume that everyone else feels likewise.

Alas, the anonymous cowards who write nasty emails to blogs truly are insignificant. When these anonymous hate-mailers die, their passing will go unnoticed outside the small circle of people who have personally met the deceased. And damn few of them will mourn.


Anonymous said...

I remember a very grim story in the LA Times Sunday Magazine several years ago about a man to whom this had happened. He shot himself in the head and survived. But now he was quadriplegic who couldn't speak. So, his wife, rather than being left a widow, was left to care for a man who could not talk and needed 24 hour a day care for the rest of his life.

I bet that story scared a few people off from suicide. It was a brutal as it gets.

Anonymous said...

This is a valuable post, and I'm glad you wrote it.

As for Mr. Crank, he's just another in the endless herd of people who posit dark conspiracies because they are so ignorant of reality and so supremely confident nevertheless. You, on the other hand, have given us some of the most valuable analysis of the whole Obama saga, COLB/Techdude, Blagogate, and on and on. Mr. Crank obviously doesn't even know how ridiculous he sounds.

Anonymous said...

There was also the Judas Priest fans who shot themselves in the instance that resulted in a lawsuit against the ban. If I remember right, one of the two managed to blow his face off with a shotgun and survived, disfigured. No doubt the genius will one day cure cancer or publish a unified-field theory of physics.

Anonymous said...

those fauxgressives that seek fame like kos, marshall, etc... have poisoned the name of progressive, they are the source of these juvenile commentors.

I might think you need more enlightenment on feminism but for the most part you aren't the misogynist that the fauxgressives are. And on other progressive/liberal issues you are far better informed than those Obot losers are.

Ciardha (only used anon, because OpenID seems to spaz with livejournal IDs)

Perry Logan said...

Grim, but with an obvious relevance to conspiracy theorists, who always have the perps staging deaths in laughably impossible ways. And somehow the conspiracy guys are the only ones in the world who see the pattern.

Anonymous said...

Yeah-and sadly I wouldn't be surprised if anonymous crank is one of those many progressives who calls conspiracy on any thing that moves and anyone who disagrees is a disinfo agent-yet when it comes to supporting those who take to the street doing real investigative reporting, he wouldn't give the time of day.
Maybe he can give it some thought to throw Gary's family some money with a purchase of Dark Alliance:

Anonymous said...

joseph, I am in awe of your strength and ability to live and act on your own terms. this is precisely what liberal/ lefties, especially women, need to understand and develop in their own lives. thank you for showing that it can be done.

Joseph Cannon said...

Strength? Hell, I wish I had the strength NOT to blog. (My foes will concur.) No, this is habit.

RedDragon said...

As you have stated Joe, I also have been told that a pro would aim his instrument of death towards the "Base" of the skull in order to make a "Clean" kill. I would not know personally but That is what I was led to believe.

When I was 13, I lost a friend to a suicide.He shot himself twice in the head. The first missed it's target and entered through his eye socket. The second did not fair better. He died 3 weeks later in a coma.

Why did I relive this childhood trauma? Because of silly assholes like Cranky! I am of the mind that he has watched too many Hollywood movies if he thinks one shot will take you out. Yes, in some instances it will but more than likely it will only cause the poor soul to suffer.

I bet he even believes those flicks that show a person expiring immediately from a stab wound to the gut!


Alessandro Machi said...

Idea for a short story. Writer types their blog on a typewriter. When finished, they post it to a board outside their place of living.

I view the internet as people waiting to enter a Walmart store just before a big sale. Ideally, no one gets crushed because when the doors open because it is the internet, it just feels that way.

DebC said...

Joseph...You said, "I have no idea (and certainly no illusions) as to my own importance in the grand scheme of things. At this point I don't much care. Every one of my critics seems to be under the impression that all bloggers are desperate for glory and fame, and are thus engaged in a nonstop game of king-of-the-hill. The accusation is silly; writers write for many reasons. I write to write, not to be read."

Thank you for this. I'm a 52 year-old woman who, 12 years ago (after the death of my mother), adopted the exact, "I don't much care" philosophy of which you speak.

My mother always talked about what she would do when she retired. She even retired early at 62 to get "started." She worked for the Navy and had to have an exit physical. That was when she learned she had cancer. She died at 65. It changed my life, much to the continued chagrin of many.

Like you, I'm not desperate for blogging fame or glory (I don't even have ads!). I write because I love it, I'm good at it and because a lot of the time, I have a decidedly different perspective I want to express - whether anybody else reads it or not. It is in the expression that I find satisfaction and oftentimes, clarity. If people comment, fine. If not, that's fine too.

Apologize for going on and on. Just appreciated your comment.

Bob Harrison said...

Apparently, there are quite a few of us who really don't give a shit what the blogosphere thinks. Glad to know I have some good company. I've been flogged a time or two over "summarizing" but I don't care--the items I post on my blog are things I would or will write when and if I ever have time. They are of interest to me and perhaps a few others. I have no illusions either.

On shooting-- I've known five people who have been shot-- one woman five times with a 9 mm and all are still alive.