Monday, December 29, 2008


The current controversy over Obama's choice of Rick Warren brings up an interesting question of responsibility.

As you know, Obama took a stand on California's Proposition 8 that was so careful one can hardly call it "taking a stand." Forced to address a topic that he probably would have preferred to ignore, he reiterated his opposition to gay marriage. Yet -- paradoxically -- he refused to support a proposition that outlawed gay marriage, claiming that there was no need to change the state constitution.

On the other hand...
...when Barack Obama’s voice was used in robocalls to tell his supporters in California to vote for Proposition 8, where was Mr. Obama’s protest? Why did he not vigorously state that using his voice in that context was wrong?
Which brings us to a simple but hard question: At what point does a refusal to state "vigorously" your opposition to something being done by your supporters translate into an endorsement of the questionable activities of your supporters?

That question was at the heart of my falling away from Obama, and from the party, during the 2008 primaries. Daily Kos and the other progressive blogs, acting as instruments of the Obama campaign, assailed Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin with the filthiest, most unforgivable propaganda barrage in the history of American political odium. Barack Obama did not personally spread filth except on a few occasions, as when he extended his middle finger to the former First Lady. But he said not one word against the filth-peddlers who ran his cult of personality.

Can he really escape responsibility?


Twilight said...

Everything you say about "O" might be true, Joseph, but we can't remain resentful and bitter for ever. It's bad for us. He ain't perfect, but he's the best chance we have, and he'll perform a lot better with the support of the country behind him, instead of constant sniping trying to bring him down.

That's all I'll say. I'll keep the mouth zipped (on politics) here now.

madamab said...

Thanks for the link, Joseph.

This was his voice, for Jeebus' sake!

Remember when Hillary's voice was used in robocalls by McCain's supporters? She came out right away and said she didn't endorse the message.

Now that's leadership.

Obama seems to lead by omission, which I find cowardly in the extreme.

Anonymous said...


Mike J. said...

Yes, he can!

(Sorry, couldn't resist).

But on a more serious note, exactly who is going to hold him responsible? As long as The Village is happy (and it is), nothing will stick to him, no scandal will tarnish his image.

Unknown said...

He can escape responsibility until those who propped him up decide to take him down.

I thought I was out of outrage till he said in his defense that he's a "fierce supporter" of gay rights. Insult to injury.

New topic: Joe, have you looked into the doom-saying about the dollar becoming worthless? Shiver me timbers! The conspiracy theory is: Devalue the dollar by 90 percent and replace it with the amero, regional government and currency en route to global government and currency. The gold bugs say only gold and silver will hold up. The world economy has already ground to a standstill; check the figures on Baltic Dry Shipping—basically, nothing is moving anymore.

Starvation, war, and revolution on the horizon?

Back to topic: Are the people/organizations behind this the ones that rammed Obama down our throats?

Instead of insulting me, just delete this comment if it seems too "truther" for you.

Anonymous said...

Good Article Joe....
"But he said not one word against the filth-peddlers who ran his cult of personality."

Could be a certification that Obama not only knows but also fears going against his group. There is a good reason for this that since I know, Obama knows about the many murders committed by his people. My ex-wife's family are directly involved and so is my youngest son with Rezko. But the family are involved in "other" criminal activites linked to this group.

Meet the family:
Mexico drug plane used for US 'rendition' flights: report
Sep 4, 2008

Clyde O'Connor is my ex-sister-in-law's brother. Her husband is my ex-wife's brother and the Money Man behind Clyde. The family considered Obama a TEAM MEMBER from the time Obama started working at the law firm he was invited to work at by Rezko. Remember, Rezko never owned the law firm. It's one huge criminal system that also extends up and into the highest levels of the Federal Government.

I could tell you a few more really sick situations that I feel Obama knew about. These things for me were more than scary to know and if Obama's behavior is an indication of him having fear, then he may need to be considered as a Puppet President, if he makes it this far. Fitzgerald doesn't seem to be done yet.

Marty Didier

Anonymous said...

At what point does a refusal…………………translate into an endorsement of the questionable activities of your supporters?

From the very first nano-second.

bert in Ohio

Prem said...

Perhaps he won't escape responsibility for his "emptiness"/no core principles until after the Inauguration. There will be a "honeymoon" period, but if he continues the way he's been making decisions/or no decisions/or vacillating/or being the "double-speak man," he will be held accountable. Although it has taken the court of the public media, way too long to hold the Bush/Cheney administration accountable. My faith wanes.

I still think Obama was selected because it is part of a larger conspiracy (yes, I do indulge in conspiracies every once in awhile) that does not want an experienced tough person in the Oval Office, because the powers that be want the USA and the global economy to tank. He will be used as a convenient excuse for a larger failed economy because he didn't have the experience to lead us out of the recession. I hope I'm wrong on that, but that's the feeling I get in the pit of my stomach.

Shainzona said...

Obama is a Political Lurker...always in the picture, but never out front, never leading the charge. Even his "famous speech eveh!" resulted in not one single attempt by BO to end the war once he got into the Senate. But then, he was so busy on day one running for his next promotion he forgot that little issue, didn't he?

I remember reading about him running into committee members on their way to a press conference about something they had just accomplished. He said, "What's up" and they told him and he said, "Can I come along"? They said sure - they wanted people on the podium for pictures and then he had the audacity (whoops!) to take the mic and speak as if he had been personally involved in the accomplishment. Staffers were pissed as hell at what he did.

He lurked in CT in 2006 (never really coming out and supporting Ned Lamont). He lurks on pro-choice (using weasel words and voting present). He lurks on race (demanding a dialog and now saying we should all move on - pun intended!). Condemning the Gas Tax Holiday proposal when he supported other such proposals three times.

Where in the world does he really stand on things? I don't know.

He should be ashamed of himself. After 8 years of GWBush, this country (and the world) needed a leader, not a lurker.

Anonymous said...

Twilight said->He ain't perfect, but he's the best chance we have,..

The best we have? For what?
Lies?Fraud?Cheater? America can do better and we should have. Instead, we have a pretender elect. We have someone who can't string a sentence together w/out the teleprompter. We have someone who hasn't taken a stand on anything and has accomplished nothing.
So,I ask again...the best chance FOR WHAT?