Saturday, November 29, 2008

An Obot changes his affections

He now thinks that "liberalism on steroids" will no longer come from Obama (who is looking like a disappointment) but from -- get this! -- Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Who have, as you know, done a bang-up job of giving us steroid liberalism thus far.

Thanks to the Confluence and The New Republic for drawing my attention to this clip. From the latter:
It's like all those old Leon Trotsky fanatics who, over time, became neoconservative fanatics. Their point of view is not the point at all. Their point revolves, instead, around believing in something they can call a necessary truth.
And yet, and yet, and yet. I must repeat my confession that I am one of the few people in this country who seems to be pleasantly surprised by Obama's cabinet picks. I honestly expected him to go much further to the right.


Cordelia said...

How ironic that The New Republic has an opinion on Trotskyists-gone-neocon, given the number of these folks writing on the pages of that once-illustrious journal...

Perry Logan said...

I'm with you on the cabinet picks. I was afraid Obama would invite Bush's cabinet to stay on.

Edgeoforever said...

Agree on the cabinet picks - some Dems are on, along Robert Gates and Scowcroft counsel...
I too imagined the exhumation of Reagan - I am still expect him to help naming everything for him, with the expectation of his own name being reserved to replace "Earth"
But it is kinda fun to see the squirming under the bus from the loyalists that used to snarl at us that Hillary was DLC, GOP and Obama's speech in 2002 was proof of salvation, all the rest of is actions, words, alliances notwithstanding

Joseph Cannon said...

I just now accidentally rejected a comment from someone called neworleans. Apologies. Send again, if you wish.

OTE admin said...

So far I haven't had much in the way of complaints about Obama's picks or much else he has done since the election. If he continues to act like a Democrat, he will go a long way into getting my support.

At least he is looking for people who presumably know what they are doing. That's more than I can say for Bush.