Monday, November 17, 2008

No contest

I've been asked to put up a link to the Weblong Awards. The answer is no. I dislike contests and would consider a nomination offensive. Moreover, I do not want any other site to link to Cannonfire for any reason.

(However, I do invite the Cannonfire hate brigade to write utterly predictable responses to this post. If your hate mail is truly banal, I may even publish it!)

The folks at No Quarter once accused me of being motivated by self-aggrandizement. Take a look at how they are handling the Weblog nominations. Also look at how Larry is crowing about Memorandum's recognition of yet another dubious NQ story. (This one claims that McCain will serve as Obama's Secretary of Defense. Fat chance.)

Let's start our own contest. Categories:

1. The most dubious anti-Hillary story. "Darkened video" is a sure nomination here.

2. The most dubious anti-Obama story. "COLB" is the obvious candidate. By the way, Alan Keyes is getting in on that act.

3. The most knee-bruisingly submissive verbal fellatio of Barack Obama by a progressive.
I nominate that San Francisco Chronicle "Lightbringer" column. But the competition is formidable.


Anonymous said...

Most dubious anti-Hillary story: Hillary "lies" about Bosnia.

Most dubious anti-Obama story: The alleged "whitey" tape.

Best fellatio: Rolling Stone's piece on Obama from July 10, 2008.


Alessandro Machi said...

Your quote "Moreover, I do not want any other site to link to Cannonfire for any reason."

This is a pretty straightforward statement. Should I remove Cannonfire from "DailyPUMA" ?

I apologize for not asking if you wanted to be on there in the first place but the concept of DailyPUMA would have not happened if that additional layer of work was required, I derive no income from the several hundred hours I have put into my blogs and have actually lost money on my protest postcards. However, I definitely will remove anybody that wants to be removed.

Perry Logan said...

For me, the flap about Hillary's allusion to JFK's assassination is the supernova in the galaxy of sleaze.

Joseph Cannon said...

I have nothing at all against your site, Alessandro. I am honored that you would think of me. But too many people presume that I am motivated by either money or fame. So the "please remove" request must apply to both friend and foe. Please take no offense.

Joseph Cannon said...

Perry, I think it was the RFK assassination. And you may be correct about the supernova status.

Nibbles: COLB or "whitey"? Hm. They both cost me a fair amount of personal aggro.

You're right about the, uh, suckage from RS.

Anonymous said...

I congratulate you for not wanting to be in this culture of American Idole any thing and every thing. I strongly think that what gave rise to the situation we are in now. No one sane or not thinks any thing a miss with the MSM wearing their tiny little things and going GIVE ME an O M.

Anonymous said...

if you don't get any link to your blog, how are you going to refresh the pool of people allowed to comment ? Since you ban commentators when they disagree with your royal highness (who is older than 6 months here ?), your pool of commentators will dwindle down to your sockpuppets and the cohort of Cannon haters.

You should write a book : How NOT to run a successful blog.

Alessandro Machi said...

Most dubious story was the South Carolina story claiming that Bill Clinton was racist.

The Las Vegas claim that the Caucus Lawsuit was frivolous and even racist.

Keith Olbermann's rants against Geraldine Ferraro, Hillary Clinton, and Sarah Palin. (notice a pattern?).

Huffington post article claiming that Hillary Clinton was "even" losing her "racist base", a claim that Hillary Clinton was losing the race even though Hillary outdid Barack Obama over the final 10 weeks of the campaign.

I wish you hadn't mixed so many things into the same topic. On the issue of greed and fame and such.

Lets not quibble over the small stuff. Here is the big stuff. Advertising by corporations has obliterated the drive for focused, regional based ads for "Joe the Plumber".

It's not being greedy to try and make a living from one's writing. It might be seen as greedy to make a really good living (and that is the key here, a really good living) yet have NO CONTROL and NOT CARE over the content of ads that appear in conjunction with one's creative mind.

If one is making that good of a living, then it would seem to me that they could ratchet back their profits and try and reach out to smaller budgeted advertisers, even if the overall margins are smaller.

Does the world really need hummer ads?

Anonymous said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, Joseph.

How would anyone ever discover your site if not linked to? I most likely found this place back in the day through a link from Buzzflash (which links by story and not per se by site).

Would Daily Puma and others still be able to link to you by story? And if so, I'm not following the distinction between types of links.

Also...sorry...but it seems a bit overdramatic to engage in proving to people who accuse you of aggrandizing to refuse all links. Who cares what they think?

Anonymous said...


I love your blog and read it daily - by nature mostly a "lurker". However, I must jump into the Fray on your NQ slam.

NQ has basically TWO separate functions - Larry Johnson and his colleagues provide what they can reveal on issues that directly or indirectly effect our national security. Isn't it great that we "civilians" are considered important enough to get the straight scoop when possible?

The the other part is some remarkably good "civilian" writers who are on the other side of the firewall. Susan Hu, a former reporter for the Seattle PI, manages those people, some who also serve part time as blog admins. Susan is one heroic woman, who kept on blogging despite serious medical and physical limitation issues throughout the entire election season and is to be highly commended for a dedication and caring (and yes Susan really deeply cares) that most of us do not possess.

If you are familiar with the NQ blog, Larry only jumps in when he has something to say, or has taken over for Susan, when she needs a break, to keep it going. Larry is not involved in the day to day running of the blog.

Having done some research for Larry - I know that only Susan knows for sure when Larry is "out of pocket" or on assignment. The last email I received from him a couple of days ago indicates that this may be the case.

A direct a hit at Larry is totally out of line. Larry has shouldered much of the blog expense from his own pocket so all of us can be better informed citizens.

The other side - the "civilian" writers would not be posted on NQ if they did not meet exceedingly high and tight standards. They honestly deserve some recognition, and the Web Awards is one way to do that.

So please, in the interest of truth and fairness, the Weblog awards are a form of "reward" for the "civilian" part of the blog.

Larry Johnson - and I say this from long time contact - is one hell of a stand up guy with aa character of solid gold. I for one appreciate that he cares more about our Country than anything else.

And lets face it - the "civilian" people who work hours or days on top quality stories are entitled to some recognition doncha think?

Joseph Cannon said...

Allergic -- you get it!

I run this place like the guy in the sitcoms who is trying to get fired from his job. What's more, everyone should have one thing in his life that he or she gets to run in exactly the same way. Y'know why? The sense of FREEDOM! I'm serious. It's exhilarating!

anon 11:26 -- nothing you write changes the facts. Susan wrote to me accusing ME of self-aggrandizement on the COLB story, even though I was right about that story and Larry never apologized to the public for publishing bullshit. They accused ME of being motivated by the spirit of self-promotion, which is a little like Paris Hilton calling me a spoiled rich kid. When have Larry and Susan ever missed a chance to promote themselves?

I've got 'em dead to rights on the hypocrisy score, so excuse me if I cackle.

Piper said...

For most dubious anti-Hillary story, I'd go with the LBJ/JFK/MLK smear.

The most dubious anti-Obama story: Larry Sinclair and the limo story.

Best fellatio: Way too many to list

Joseph Cannon said...

Ooh, I forgot about Larry Sinclair. Yeah, he's the Olympic gold medal winner of dubiousness.

sarainitaly said...

wow, seeing how you really feel about nq, and the writers there (me being one) I guess I should quit visiting your blog regularly.

i feel like we are back in high school with this petty *blog war crap*.

and, hey anon, thanks for sticking up for the folks at noquarter! :O)

now deleting my cannonfire bookmark.

Joseph Cannon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joseph Cannon said...

Scat, agii. Instead of rarely coming back, let's make it "never."

If I listened to the people who keep telling me that that they'll never visit again, ultimately those other people would be in control. Then I'd end up like Brad Friedman, keeping my real feelings under wraps in order not to piss off readers and contributors.

Quite a few people thought they were going to have an impact on me when they said "I'm going to de-list you!" after I came out against the 9/11 CD shitheads. If I paid attention to those threats, this blog would be FULL of 9/11 cranks, FULL of Obama-lovers (or pro-O rationalizations) and FULL of a lot of other crap I cannot abide.

I've spent a career letting other people boss me around. "Yes sir, no sir, three bags full if you say so sir." No more.

And like hell I'm going to kowtow to Larry Johnson. First the whitey tape. Then the COLB. Now this McCain business. But that's not the worst of it. His site has stopped being a pro-Democratic, pro-Hillary anti-Obama site, and has become, in essence, a Libertarian/Republican propaganda mill. I HATE Libertarians.

And by the way -- Larry makes no secret of how he feels about me. So tell me, agii: Why should I return good for bad?

sarainitaly said...

i am not speaking for nq, i am speaking for me. i was not aware of any feud or whatever. i visited your site because i enjoyed it. but i am not going to keep visiting since you despise me. i don't care what you have going on with your other readers. i am speaking for me, and me alone.

"pro-Democratic, pro-Hillary anti-Obama site, and has become, in essence, a Libertarian/Republican propaganda mill. I HATE Libertarians"

the many writers at nq are trying to figure out where they are right now. Larry has not told anyone who they must follow or what agenda he is going for. he is letting everyone figure it out for themselves.

most of the writers there are still hard core dems. many are pissed at the party. no one is pro-obama (although some people are trying to be positive towards the new pres elect). and I don't think anyone is republican. i am probably the most headed right, but that is because i was always moderate, and i am so disgusted with the dnc. I still support hillary, and i voted mccain. i don't know anyone there who is a libertarian.

like i said, the writers are all trying to figure out where we are headed moving forward. i spent two years writing about supporting hillary and being against obama. it is taking some adjustment to find out where to go moving forward.

so, whatever, i am not telling you how to run your site. i don't care how you run it. i was just surprised to be reading your blog, and see what i did. so, i am not coming back. i did this once, to see if you replied, but i am done now. so, i will scat, as you so nicely told me to do.

DancingOpossum said...

american girl, you are one of the best writers at NQ. Your posts were always a pleasure to read. And I do think Larry himself does a good job.

Unfortunately, while I was a frequent visitor and poster there, I have stopped going because the site HAS been taken over by Republicans and Republican-lite libertarians. There is an awful lot of posting about Teh Evuls of Socialism, welfare cheats, the horrors of UHC, and unmitigated anti-Muslim racism. And worst of all, anyone who dares call another poster out is immediately called an idiot, a communist, a retard, an Obamabot, and worse. There is an awful--an AWFUL--lot of room given to every wacky conspiracy theory to come down the pike and again, any calls for reason are screamed down by insults.

I wish Larry did more day-to-day policing of the blog, it might have maintained its formerly good reputation. But I think you're either missing, or overlooking, a lot of what has been going on there.

OTE admin said...

NQ is nothing but a place for Republican/right-wing talking points. Ditto for the Confluence, which I refuse to read anymore after some nitwits there accused me of being an Obamabot. Screw 'em. Hillaryis44 has no reason to exist anymore and just repeats the same old thing. Most of the PUMA blogs do likewise. It's time to look forward, no matter how scary it is. Obama's presidency is a reality, and despite my misgivings of a success, we have got no other option. This country has a GIANT mess on its hands to worry about petty garbage anymore.

DancingOpossum said...

Spoken like a true little Obamaton, Susan: "Stop dissenting and worship Dear Leader or I will call you nasty names!" Gee, I wonder why they called you an Obamabot over at The Confluence. (And comparing the latter to NQ proves that you've never read either one.)