Monday, October 27, 2008

Where are the apologies?

I've received about ten thousand variants of the same insulting message: The fact that I believed the Ashely Todd story says much more about me than about Obama's supporters.

Actually, I believed her because I simply could not accept that any young woman would blacken her own eye or scar her own face to accomplish such a goal. Moreover, Ashley did not inflict any shallow practice cuts, which are almost invariably made by neophyte self-cutters. I did not know that her personal page indicates that she has a kinky, fetishistic side. Had I known, I would have recognized that she might not be a neophyte.

I might as well confess that I also believed the Tawana Brawley story well after most people had dismissed it. In my private life, I've believed a fair number of "iffy" tales told by women who claimed to have been brutalized and abused. Some of those stories were very iffy, and sometimes my acceptance led to the loss of both money and face. Many women have manipulated many men by appeals to an inner Galahad.

Here's my question: What does it say about Obama supporters that they believed -- still believe, in many cases -- in the "darkened video" hoax promulgated by Markos Moulitsas?

In the Todd case, I offered a corrective story the very next day, as the facts came out. What does it say about Moulitsas that he never offered a correction?

(Don't duck that question, bots.)

Just yesterday, I saw a cartoon published in a leftish free newspaper repeating the well-exploded lie that McCain supporters cry "KILL HIM!" in public at the mention of Obama's name. That story was fabricated by Dana Milbank. Do you think the untalented scrawler of that cartoon will ever publish a corrective?

Have any Obots ever apologized for calling Bill Clinton a racist? For resurrecting every conceivable right-wing anti-Clinton fabrication (e.g.: "Vince Foster! Vince Foster! Vince Foster!")?

Obama will probably win the race. However, victory remains unbagged: According to some polls, McCain is not behind by much, and ten percent of the electorate remains undecided. In the primaries, the undecided voters usually broke against Obama.

The closeness of the race is laughable. It should not be close. Any Democrat should be at least 30 points ahead. Obama has an obscene financial advantage. Gas prices are high. People are losing their jobs. A sitting Republican president has destroyed the economy and has mired the nation in two unwinnable wars. Under these circumstances, the election should end not just in a Democratic victory, but in a 50-state rout.

Forget, for the moment, the morality of the issue: Based on pure fucking tactics, the Obots should have apologized to the Clinton faction of the Democratic party. Instead, the bots continue to hallucinate the existence of a reconciliation which never took place. And Obama has to work like the devil to achieve a victory.

So again I ask: Why didn't Moulitsas apologize for his fabrications?

Speaking of fabrications: As everyone knows, Barack Obama spent twenty years as a member of a church closely associated with Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. Obama's friend and mentor, the Reverend Wright, gave an award and fulsome praise to Farrakhan. Obama helped Farrakhan organize the Million Man March in 1995.

Farrakhan is the leading American publisher of the world's most notorious fabrication, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Has Farrakhan ever apologized for promulgating that hoax? Has Obama ever apologized for working with Farrakhan in 1995?


OTE admin said...

I am still not convinced Obama will win this race. Ever since Edwards was blackmailed out of the race (and let's face it, he WAS blackmailed and his political career destroyed and probably by the Obama campaign--think Blair Hull and Jack Ryan), it was over. It was McCain's race to lose at that point. As much as I like Hillary Clinton, I was never convinced she could pull it off, but she would have done better than Obama before the economy went so badly. She wouldn't have needed hundreds of millions of dollars just to stay even in the polls, either.

If Obama loses, the punditry will claim the "Bradley effect" will be the main factor in his defeat; however, the truth is the "Hillary factor" will have been the reason for the loss. Obama was not a legitimate candidate for the Democrats, and many Clinton supporters will never forgive the party for encouraging and creating a stolen nomination.

Anonymous said...

You write, "Obama will probably win," and that's what they want you to say and think. I don't believe it for a minute. I cannot believe rational adults in this country will fall for the intense brainwashing we've all been subjected to for the past year and a half.

I will lose what little faith I have left in my fellow Americans if they vote Barack Obama into the White House.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry the Obama backers were smeared by an untrue allegation by an unstable young woman, who it turns out, has something of a history of volunteering for candidates and making stuff up.

"In March, Ms. Todd was asked to leave a grass-roots group of Ron Paul supporters in Brazos County, Texas, group leader Dustan Costine said. He said Ms. Todd posed as a supporter of former Arkansas governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and called the local Republican committee seeking information about its campaign strategies.

"She would call the opposing campaign and pretend she was on their campaign to get information," Mr. Costine said last night. "We had to remove her because of the tactics she displayed. After that we had nothing to do with her."

About a month earlier, he said, Ms. Todd sent an e-mail to the Ron Paul group saying her tires were slashed and that campaign paraphernalia had been stolen from her car because she supported Mr. Paul."

That being said, I will never apologize for giving victims the benefit of the doubt. Skepticism can be too costly for those who truly suffer violence at the hands of others.

Anonymous said...


You shouldn't have to apologize for reserving judgment and taking Ashley Todd's story at face value until more information came to light. That's what intelligent, open-minded people do.

What I can't believe is that Newsweek actually has given Moulitsas a forum in which to express his divisive beliefs. The owner of the site that has harbored the worst, virtually unmoderated hate speech on the internet during this election.

I caution the Obots that if Obama wins the election their celebration will be short-lived. Before too longhe'll be taking the blame for the economy, and the Republicans will probably clean up in 2010. And I'm guessing that a sharper, much better prepared Sarah Palin will be back in 2012.

DarkGravity said...

You offered a correction which is all you can do.

Bots are bots. You know this. They think hypocrisy is some kind of new candy.

Or better yet the newest flavor of kool aid.

Joseph Cannon said...

Well, if it isn't our old friend, Coward the Ducker! I won't publish you, of course. I don't even read you myself. I delete your comment after scanning the first few words.

But I do take note of the time stamp, so I have some idea as to who sent what.

Gee, Coward, I don't understand why you want to remain anonymous. Why don't you accept my offer of a get-together? We could meet out here, in southern California. Greystone Mansion. There's a private bowling alley in the basement. Ever see "There Will Be Blood"? They filmed the last scene there.

Now, it's not as though I'm going to bash your fucking skull in with a bowling pin, the way Daniel Day-Lewis did in the movie. No no no. Not a bit of it.

I just want to talk. That's all.

Come on, Coward. Let me know more about you, Coward.

Anonymous said...

The initial news stories about Ms. Todd gave no indication that the police had any doubts about her story, so why should we have been skeptical?

Anonymous said...

Awesome post, Joseph...dead on.

Obama is a narcissist, so you will never hear an apology from him on anything. Marcos is even more despicable.

As far as the polls go, I went to NH for the Edwards campaign. I ran into maybe two Obamafans door to door. Everyone else was very pro-Hillary, or Republican. The people on the street who were residents were for Edwards and even moreso for Hillary. In fact, they were quite eloquent for Hillary. Which very much impressed me. The only Obamabots on the street were imported hired hands or evangelical-like, the same ilk as the Ron Paul nuts.

Yet, the Edwards campaign tried to pull us out of the area. They were *conceding* it to Obama, based on these stupid polls. I tried to tell them what I was witnessing door to door and on the streets, but they were frantic about these stupid polls, which were dead wrong.