Monday, October 27, 2008

I can't believe I'm citing Alexander Effing Cockburn

I can't stand Alexander Cockburn. He's the other reason why I quit reading The Nation back in the early '90s, the other being Christopher Hitchens. Cockburn is certainly no friend to the Clinton faction of the Democratic party. Back in the day, he was the first lefty to inject all of the right-wing's Kooky Klinton Konspiracy Krap into the "progressive" memestream.

But...well...what he said.
Whatever drawdown of troops in Iraq that does take place in the event of Obama’s victory will be a brief hiccup amid the blare and thunder of fresh “resolve”. In the event of Obama’s victory, the most immediate consequence overseas will most likely be brusque imperial reassertion. Already, Joe Biden, the shopworn poster boy for Israeli intransigence and Cold War hysteria, is yelping stridently about the new administration’s “mettle” being tested in the first six months by the Russians and their surrogates. Obama is far more hawkish than McCain on Iran.

After eight years of unrelenting assault on constitutional liberties by Bush and Cheney, public and judicial enthusiasm for tyranny has waned. Obama has preferred to stand with Bush and Cheney. In February, seeking a liberal profile in the primaries, Obama stood against warrantless wiretapping. His support for liberty did not survive for long. Five months later, he voted in favour and declared that “the ability to monitor and track individuals who want to attack the United States is a vital counter-terrorism tool”.

Every politician, good or bad, is an ambitious opportunist. But beneath this topsoil, the ones who make a constructive dent on history have some bedrock of fidelity to some central idea. In Obama’s case, this “idea” is the ultimate distillation of identity politics: the idea of his blackness. Those who claim that if he were white he would be cantering effortlessly into the White House do not understand that without his most salient physical characteristic Obama would be seen as a second-tier senator with unimpressive credentials.

As a political organiser of his own advancement, Obama is a wonder. But I have yet to identify a single uplifting intention to which he has remained constant if it has presented any risk to his progress. We could say that he has not yet had occasion to adjust his relatively decent stances on immigration and labour-law reform. And what of public funding of his campaign? Another commitment made becomes a commitment betrayed. His campaign treasury is a vast hogswallow that, if it had been amassed by a Republican, would be the topic of thunderous liberal complaint.

Obama’s run has been the negation of almost every decent progressive principle, with scarcely a bleat of protest from the progressives seeking to hold him to account. The Michael Moores stay silent. Obama has crooked the knee to bankers and Wall Street, to the oil companies, the coal companies, the nuclear lobby, the big agricultural combines. He is more popular with Pentagon contractors than McCain, and has been the most popular of the candidates with Washington lobbyists. He has been fearless in offending progressives, constant in appeasing the powerful.
Emphases added by me.


Anonymous said...

If I really thought Obama was a socialist I would be tempted to vote for him in spite of everything.

I thing he posed as a lefty to win elections in a very left-wing district of Illinois, but he was either a conservative wolf in sheep's clothing or he sold his soul to the corporatists.

Either way, Bill Ayers is gonna be really pissed!

Unknown said...

Obama was a phony socialist then just like he is a phone Democrat now. However, to Cockburn: you're just now noticing that Obama is more hawkish then McCain, has failed to keep even one of his primary promises, and is the candidate favored by Pentagon contractors & lobbyists? I think it's time to turn in your "Jimmy Olsen Ace Reporter" badge.

Anonymous said...

No kidding Joe. I couldn't bear to read Cockburn's essays in The Nation, even when I did like the rest of it. But damn, he's right on the money on this. Jeebus, the one last honest (read-"non-sellout") prog?

ladypuma2 said...

Despite the fact Cockburn wrote it- it really
is an accurate account of the Obie phenomenon-
you have to wonder though, why he has started to see the light.

Shainzona said...

Obama is a poser - a political lurker who will be the first in front of the mic if he thinks it will help....Obama. But he's also the first one to wait to see which way the wind will blow if he thinks it will help....Obama.

A disgusting example for America.

Anonymous said...

"without his most salient physical characteristic Obama would be seen as a second-tier senator with unimpressive credentials."

Amen to this. He also would have been vetted. I think Obama is in for quite a bumpy ride once in office when all of his past relationships with questionable (felonious?) people are given the full MSM treatment. Had Hillary won, all of her past "scandals", such as they were, were boring and old news. New, fresh Obama-Biden scandals might be just the thing to derail any hint of liberal/progressive plans (not that O & B have them, but Congress might have a few).

Or I could be completely wrong. A supposedly liberal AA might come in handy in keeping that American exceptionalism thing going, with the possibility of U.S. military attacks within Pakistan and tough talk on Iran. I'm sure that Blackwater will be just fine with an Obama presidency.

old dem

Katherine said...

Heh, I think the socialist thing is hilarious. Talk about your ironies. Like you, Joe, I hate that I'm forced to agree with Cockburn, especially when Counterpunch has devolved into a caricature of itself.

In any case, while I know for sure what Barry is not, I can honestly say I have no idea what it is, except a sleazeball out to make as much money and get as much power as his monstrous ego demands. I mean, Jesus, Greek columns? But you're left with some stark choices -- Barry moved from black power to Wall & K Street and either he's some kind of born again neoprog, power mad fanatic... or he's just a cheap sellout. Take your pick. The Obama fans need to accept that one or the other must be true.

Mike J. said...

I don't think Ayers is necessarily going to be unhappy. For a "liberal", he certainly is remarkably effective at furthering conservative causes and making liberalism look bad. Ditto for Obama.

Anonymous said...

I hope I am wrong, but "born again neoprog, power mad fanatic" sounds about right to me, if you throw in "narcissistic."

Like I said, I hope I am wrong.


ladypuma2 said...

I read somewhere else that Cockburn is pushing
Nadar as the candidate. That could explain why he's written this all of a sudden.

Anonymous said...

___ [insert word of choice] Cockburn.
I'm sick of him. He's covering his ass now. He ripped Hillary apart this year and did so to advance Barack. He only became critical when Hillary was out of the picture. And that whole 'radical' family is nuts. Patrick Cockburn's writing the SOFA is proof of Barack's intelligence (Independent of London) and their self-loathing lesbian niece (nod to Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ and C.I. of The Common Ills) Laura Flanders can hop a plane back to England. I agree with Marcia and C.I. that Flanders can never recover. Barack's got homophobes on stage in South Carolina back in November and Flanders not only doesn't call it out, she ignores it and goes on to endorse him. Self-loathing lesbian is the only description for Laura Flanders. The entire nutty family needs to move back to England.